Monday, November 22, 2004

GNs for an Academic Library

It looks as though we're really going to do it.

The library where I work, the Art, Architecture & Engineering Library at the University of Michigan, is going to develop a comic book & graphic novel collection. The collection will focus primarily on indy/art/alternative/underground/mini comics, as well as artistically and historically important domestic and foreign comics.

(We are not trying to duplicate the excellent collections of nearby universities such as the Comic Art Collection at Michigan State or the Cartoon Research Library at Ohio State.)

The bad news is that I don't get to be the person who purchases the items--that job will belong to Annette, our Art & Design librarian. (I'm the Electrical Engineering & Computer Sciences Librarian, which means that I rarely get to buy any fun books...) The good news is that Jim O and I will be advising Annette on what to buy; finally after all these years I get to make use of my lifelong obsession in a professional capacity!

Now I need your help.

We will have a chunk of 'seed money' with which to develop the initial collection. Now while I could probably draw up a list of titles on my own, many minds are better than one, and any such list would reflect my own biases.

So I'd like to ask all of you reading this to make recommendations for an Academic Library Comics & Graphic Novels Collection. The recommendations should be consistant with the focus of the collection as I have outlined above.

Please limit your recommendations to 20 volumes. Simple lists are fine, but if you can offer brief annotations as to why you think they should be included, that will be helpful.

You can post your recommendations in my comments section here, on your own blog if you have one (please email me the link), or send them to me directly via email.

(In many ways this is similar to the Lieber's Eleven, but with an academic library focus rather than a public library focus. Plus, you know, 20 instead of 11.)

Thanks in advance to you all for helping me out with this.


  1. I should point out that we will be buying far more than just 20 volumes--I just pulled that number out of the air in order to give lists more focus. But if you want to recommend more than 20, by all means pelase do so!

  2. Books in print and worth purchasing for a permanent collection:

    Amphigorey, Amphigory Too, and Amphigory Also by Edward Gorey
    Barry Windsor-Smith's The Freebooters: Collected Edition by Barry Windsor-Smith
    B. Krigstein: Comics by B. Krigstein, edited by Greg Sadowski
    Boulevard of Broken Dreams by Kim Deitch
    Carnet de Voyage by Craig Thompson
    ComicStrips by Peter Kuper
    The Complete Peanuts by Charles M. Schulz
    Cusp and Gongwanadon by Thomas Herpich
    Emmanuelle, Bianca and Venus in Furs by Guido Crepax
    Ethel and Ernest by Raymond Briggs
    From Hell by Alan Moore and Eddie Campbell
    Hey, Wait . . . by Jason
    I Never Liked You by Chester Brown
    Jimbo in Purgatory by Gary Panter
    Jimmy Corrigan: The Smartest Kid on Earth by Chris Ware
    Kafka for Beginners by David Mairowitz and R. Crumb
    Kramer's Ergot #5, edited by Sammy Harkham
    Krazy & Ignatz: The Second Decade of Sundays 1925-1934 (hardcover) by George Herriman
    Locas by Jaime Hernandez
    Louis Riel by Chester Brown
    Maus by Art Spiegelman
    McSweeney's #13, edited by Chris Ware
    Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind by Hayao Miyazaki
    Palomar by Gilbert Hernandez
    Persepolis 1 & 2 by Marjane Satrapi
    Reinventing Comics by Scott McCloud
    Safe Area Gorazde by Joe Sacco
    Sticks and Stones by Peter Kuper
    The Spirit Archives by Will Eisner
    Understanding Comics by Scott McCloud
    The Walking Man by Jiro Taniguchi
    Watchmen by Alan Moore and Dave Gibbons
    When the Wind Blows by Raymond Briggs

    And there's a lot more where those came from. Truly, we are living in the golden age of comics.

  3. Thanks. I'm back with more. Here goes:

    The Acme Novelty Datebook by Chris Ware
    American Splendor by Harvey Pekar
    The Bloody Streets of Paris: 120 Rue De La Gare by Jacques Tardi
    Beg the Question by Bob Fingerman
    Bone by Jeff Smith
    Cages by Dave McKean
    Caricature by Daniel Clowes
    A Child's Life and Other Stories by Phoebe Gloeckner
    Clumsy by Jeffrey Brown
    The Complete Crumb Comics by Robert Crumb
    The Cowboy Wally Show by Kyle Baker
    Daily Delirium by Miguelanxo Prado
    David Boring by Daniel Clowes
    David Chelsea in Love by David Chelsea
    The Diary of a Teenage Girl by Phoebe Gloeckner
    Dogs and Water by Anders Nilsen
    Dreams of the Rarebit Fiend by Winsor Mccay
    Eightball #22 & #23 by Daniel Clowes
    Epileptic by David B.
    The Frank Book by Jim Woodring
    Gemma Bovery by Posy Simmonds
    God's Man: A Novel in Woodcuts by Lynd Ward
    Harvey Kurtzman's Jungle Book by Harvey Kurtzman
    Hellblazer: Hard Time by Brian Azzarello and Richard Corben
    The House on the Borderland by Simon Revelstroke and Richard Corben
    Ian Pollock's Illustrated King Lear: Complete & Unabridged by William Shakespeare and Ian Pollock
    It's a Good Life, If You Don't Weaken by Seth
    Leve Ta Jambe Mon, Poisson Est Mort! (Lift Your Leg, My Fish Is Dead) by Julie Doucet
    My New York Diary by Julie Doucet
    One! Hundred! Demons! by Lynda Barry
    Paul Auster's City of Glass by Paul Karasik and David Mazzucchelli
    Poor Sailor by Sammy Harkham
    Prosopopus aire libre-de crecy (a silent graphic novel) by Nicolas De Crecy
    Quimby the Mouse by Chris Ware
    RabbitHead by Rebecca Dart
    Streak of Chalk by Miguelanxo Prado
    Stuck Rubber Baby by Howard Cruse
    Summer Blonde by Adrian Tomine
    Tony Millionaire's Sock Monkey: Uncle Gabby by Tony Millionaire
    The Tragical Comedy or Comical Tragedy of Mr. Punch by Neil Gaiman and Dave McKean
    Unlikely by Jeffrey Brown
    V for Vendetta by Alan Moore and David Lloyd

    Again, I believe all of the above books are still in print (or about to come into [or back into] print). And whaddya know, there's still plenty more that could and should be included. :)

    BTW, an anthology of underground comics that you simply must try to find is the two-in-one The Apex Treasury of Underground Comics/The Best of Bijou Funnies. It's the best one volume intro to the underground you'll find.

    And what's this? Claire Bretecher's books are out of print in English. Goddammit!

  4. Here's a quick sampling of the more I referred to in my last message:

    The Collected Hutch Owen by Tom Hart
    The Collected Sequential by Paul Hornschemeier
    The Desert Peach by Donna Barr
    The Great Women Cartoonists by Trina Robbins
    Mail Order Bride by Mark Kalesniko
    The Masochists by Nick Bertozzi
    Mirror, Window: An Artbabe Collection by Jessica Abel
    Mother Come Home by Paul Hornschemeier
    Perfect Example by John Porcellino
    Queen of the Black Black by Megan Kelso
    The Salon by Nick Bertozzi
    Sleepwalk: And Other Stories by Adrian Tomine
    Stinz by Donna Barr

    Etc., etc.

  5. Since nobody else is playing, I'm just gonna keep going:

    Amy and Jordan by Mark Beyer
    Birdland by Gilbert Hernandez
    Blood Song: A Silent Ballad by Eric Drooker
    Cerebus (all of it) by Dave Sim and Gerhard
    Crumple by Dave Cooper
    Dan & Larry: Don't Do That by Dave Cooper
    Dykes to Watch Out For by Alison Bechdel
    Fair Weather by Joe Matt
    The Fixer by Joe Sacco
    Ghost World by Daniel Clowes
    In the Shadow of No Towers by Art Spiegelman
    The Job Thing by Carol Tyler
    Little Lit: Folklore & Fairy Tale Funnies
    Little Lit: It Was a Dark and Silly Night...
    Marbles in my Underpants by Renee French
    The Little Man: Short Strips 1980-1995 by Chester Brown
    Notes from a Defeatist by Joe Sacco
    Odds Off by Matt Madden
    Omaha the Cat Dancer by Reed Waller and Kate Worley
    Palestine by Joe Sacco
    Playboy by Chester Brown
    Phoenix by Osamu Tezuka
    The Poor Bastard by Joe Matt
    Pop Gun War by Farel Dalrymple
    Ripple: A Predilection for Tina by Dave Cooper
    Same Difference and Other Stories by Derek Kirk Kim
    Silly Daddy by Joe Chiappetta
    The Soap Lady by Renee French
    The Tale of One Bad Rat by Bryan Talbot
    Tijuana Bibles: Art and Wit in America's Forbidden Funnies, 1930s-1950s by Bob Adelman

    More later, maybe. LOL!

  6. Who are you, oh anonymous person with great knowledge of indy comics?

  7. Oh, I'm not anybody you would know. Just an underground/alt/indy comics fan from way back, trying to be helpful.

    It'd be great to get a couple of books by Maurice Sendak for the collection. Maybe "In the Night Kitchen" and "Some Swell Pup: Or, Are You Sure You Want a Dog?" As children's books in comics format, they're definitely precursors of the alt-flavoured "Little Lit" books. The fact that Sendak has a story in "Little Lit: Strange Stories for Strange Kids" confirms the connection, I think. Which reminds me, please add "Little Lit: Strange Stories for Strange Kids" to the list. And the "Little Lulu" reprint series that's about to be released. And anything you can get by Carl Barks. And, and, and . . .

  8. ... these:

    American Elf: The Collected Sketchbook Diaries of James Kochalka by James Kochalka
    Blankets by Craig Thompson
    Bitchy Bitch (various collections) by Roberta Gregory
    Hicksville by Dylan Horrocks
    The Jew of New York by Ben Katchor
    Julius Kniple, Real Estate Photographer: The Beauty Supply District by Ben Katchor
    Shrimpy and Paul by Marc Bell
    Teratoid Heights by Mat Brinkman

    And . . .

  9. . . . these:

    The Art of the Comic Book: An Aesthetic History by Robert C. Harvey
    The Art of the Funnies: An Aesthetic History by Robert C. Harvey
    Barefoot Gen, Vols. 1-4 by Keiji Nakazawa
    Big Yum-Yum Book by Robert Crumb
    Children of the Yellow Kid: The Evolution of the American Comic Strip by Robert C. Harvey
    Comic Book Rebels: Conversations with the Creators of the New Comics by Stanley Wiater and Stephen R. Bissette
    The Complete Dirty Laundry Comics by Aline Kominsky-Crumb, R. Crumb, and Sophie Crumb
    I Saw It: The Atomic Bombing of Hiroshima: A True Survivor's Story by Keiji Nakazawa
    Love that Bunch by Aline Kominsky-Crumb
    Rebel Visions: The Underground Comix Revolution, 1963-1975 by Patrick Rosenkranz

    And . . .

  10. See this post.

    Note that I don't get to make the actual purchase decision for the collection; I'm just in an advisory role.

  11. Thanks! Quick scan reveals that a good chunk of my very long list made it into the final selection. Sad to see that none of the books *about* comics made it, however. And why the *Flight* anthology? Flashy stuff, to be sure, but not at all essential, especially given the focus of the library's collection.

  12. Books about comics will be in a separate recommendation.

    Flight because it is an anthology of young indy cartoonists, much like the students here at the U.
