Here's a list of the titles we added to the library's comics collection last month:
Aesfi, Christo.
The adventures of Charlz from Marz / Hermosa Beach, [Calif.] : Dreamland, 2008-
Apple : a place for people who love entertainment : creative illustration collection. vol. 2 / Richmond Hill, Ont. : Udon Entertainment, 2008-
Aranzi Aronzo Inc.
The complete Aranzi hour / [New York : Vertical Inc., c2008]
Bajram, Denis.
Universal War One vol. 1 / New York : Marvel, 2008-
Bechdel, Alison, 1960-
Fun home : a family tragicomic / Boston : Houghton Mifflin, 2006.
Blanchet, Pascal, 1980-
White Rapids / Montreal : Drawn & Quarterly, 2007.
Breeden, Jennie.
The devil's panties vol. 3 / [Fairfax, Va.] : Silent Devil Inc., 2007-
A comics studies reader / Jackson : University Press of Mississippi, 2009.
Cthulhu tales : the whisper of madness. / Los Angeles, CA : Boom! Studios, c2008.
Eastman, Kevin B.
Underwhere / Northampton, MA : KESI Entertainment, c1995.
Ellsworth, Theo.
Capacity / Jackson Heights, NY : Secret Acres, 2008.
Gaskin, Samuel C.
Fatal faux-pas / Jackson Heights, NY : Secret Acres, c2008.
Geissman, Grant.
Foul play! : the art and artists of the notorious 1950s E.C. comics! / New York : Harper Design, 2005
Gould, Chester.
The complete Chester Gould's Dick Tracy vol. 6 : 1939-1940 / SanDiego, Calif. : IDW Publishing, 2006-
Hommer, Sascha.
Insekt / Berlin : Reprodukt, 2008.
Hubert, 1971-
Miss don't touch me / New York : Comics Lit, 2009.
I saw you : comics inspired by real life missed connections / New York : Three Rivers Press, 2009.
Immonen, Kathryn.
Never as bad as you think* / [Los Angeles, Calif.] : Boom Studios, 2008.
Kariya, Tetsu, 1941-
Oishinbo, a la carte / San Francisco : VIZ Media, 2009.
Kochalka, James.
Johnny Boo : Twinkle Power / Marietta, Ga. : Top Shelf Productions, 2008.
Saihôshi / [Las Vegas, Nev.] : Yaoi Press, c2007.
Stallion / [Las Vegas, Nev.] : Yaoi Press, c2006.
Kovac, Tommy.
Skelebunnies : [complete collection] / San Jose, Calif. : SLG, 2009.
Kreitz, Isabel. D
ie Sache mit Sorge : Stalins Spion in Tokio / Hamburg : Carlsen, 2008.
Lay, Carol.
The big skinny : how I changed my fattitude : a memoir / New York : Villard, c2008.
Little, Troy, 1973-
Angora Napkin / San Diego, Calif. : IDW, 2009.
Mallratte, Fiona.
Tranny : boys will be girls / Portland, OR : Manx Media, 2008.
Manhwa 100 : the new era for Korean comics / Seoul, Korea : C&C Revolution, Inc. ; Glendale, CA : Distributed by Netcomics, c2008.
Marvel Europe. / New York : Marvel Enterprises, 2009.
Das grosse Supa-Hasi : Sonntag-Nachmittags-Album für die ganze Familie / Berlin : Reprodukt, 2005.
Meister Lampe / Berlin : Reprodukt, 2006.
McCay, Winsor.
The complete Dream of the rarebit fiend (1904-1913) by Winsor McCay 'Silas' / [S.l.] :, 2007.
McGregor, Don.
Sabre / Dallas, Ga. : Image Comics, c1998.
McKeever, Ted.
Eddy Current / Berkeley, CA : Image Comics, 2008.
McNamara, Jason.
First moon / San Francisco, CA : AiT/Planet Lar, c2006.
Messner-Loebs, William.
Journey : the adventures of Wolverine MacAlistaire vol. 2 / San Diego, Calif. : IDW Publishing, 2008-2009.
Miller, Frank, 1957-
Daredevil : born again / New York : Marvel Publishing, 2009.
Moore, Alan, 1953-
Saga of the Swamp Thing vol. 1 / New York : DC Comics, 2009-
Morales, Robert.
Captain America : truth / New York : Marvel Publishing Inc, 2009.
Neal, Nate.
The sanctuary nos. 1-3 / Grand Rapids, Mich. : OM Comics, c2006-
Nemoto, Takashi, 1958-
Monster men Bureiko lullaby / Brooklyn, NY : Picture Box Inc., [2008?].
Nowlan, Philip Francis.
Buck Rogers in the 25th century : the complete newspaper dailies vol. 1 : 1929-1930 / Neshannock, Pa. : Hermes Press, c2008-
Ōba, Tsugumi.
Death note vol. 1 / San Francisco, CA : VIZ Media, 2008.
Obomsawin, Diane.
Kaspar / Montréal, Quebec : Drawn and Quarterly, 2009.
Oscar Wilde / Mount Horeb : Eureka Productions, 2009
Pekar, Harvey.
Another dollar / New York, NY : DC Comics, c2009.
Poe, Marshall.
A house divided / New York : Aladdin Paperbacks, 2009.
Prizewinning political cartoons / Gretna, La. : Pelican Pub., 2008.
Rosson, Keith.
The best of intentions : the Avow anthology / Elkford, BC : Fork In The Road Press, c2003.
Sequential art anthology 2008. / Savannah, GA : Savannah College of Art and Design, 2008.
Seyfried, Gerhard, 1948-
Die Werke. Alle! : sämtliche Cartoons, Illustrationen, Poster und Gemälde sowie Skizzen und Entwürfe / Frankfurt am Main [Germany] : Zweitausendeins ; Affoltern [Switzerland] : Buch 2000, 2008.
Shadmi, Koren.
In the flesh / New York : Villard, c2009.
Talbot, Bryan.
The adventures of Luther Arkwright / Milwaukie, Or. : Dark Horse, 2007.
Tan, Shaun.
Tales from outer suburbia / New York : Arthur A. Levine Books, 2009.
Tanaka, Masashi, 1962-
Gon vol. 7 / La Jolla, CA : WildStorm Productions, c2007-
Teenagers from the future : essays on the legion of super-heroes / Edwardsville, Ill. : Sequart Research & Literacy Organization, 2008.
Tezuka, Osamu, 1928-1989.
Black Jack vol. 3 / New York : Vertical, c2008-
Urasawa, Naoki, 1960-
Pluto : Urasawa x Tezuka vol. 1 / San Francisco, CA : VIZ Media, c2008-
Urosawa, Naoki, 1960-
20th century boys vol. 1 / San Francisco, CA : Viz Media, 2009-
Van Lente, Fred.
Comic book comics no. 3 / Brooklyn, N.Y. : Evil Twin Comics, 2008-
Vankin, Jonathan, 1962-
Tokyo days, Bangkok nights / New York : Vertigo, c2009.
Ward, Bill, 1919-1928.
Torchy, the blonde bombshell / New York : Pure Imagination Publishing, 2008.
Watson, Esther.
Unlovable / Seattle, Wash. : Fantagraphics, 2009-
Yaoi : anthology of boys love stories vols. 1-2 / [Las Vegas, Nev.] : Yaoi Press, 2007-
As always, this listing is available as an
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