Friday, November 30, 2012

Amazon Top 50

Here are the Top 50 Graphic Novels on Amazon this afternoon. All the previous caveats apply.

1 (-). The Third Wheel (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 7)
2 (-). The Third Wheel (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7) (Kindle)
3 (+1). How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
4 (-1). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 2
5 (-). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 1
6 (-). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 6)
7 (+2). The Walking Dead, Vol. 17: Something to Fear *
8 (-1). Dork Diaries 5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All
9 (+1). Darth Vader and Son
10 (-2). The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book (revised and expanded edition)
11 (-). Building Stories
12 (+2). Totally MAD: 60 Years of Humor, Satire, Stupidity and Stupidity
13 (+4). Dilbert 2013 Day-to-Day Calendar
14 (-1). Diary of a Wimpy Kid Box of Books
15 (-3). The Ugly Truth (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 5)
16 (-). Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 4)
17 (+5). The Walking Dead, Book 1
18 (-). Dork Diaries 4: Tales from a Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess
19 (R). The Complete Calvin and Hobbes (paperback)
20 (R). Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoir
21 (-2). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 6) (Kindle)
22 (-7). Dork Diaries 5 (Kindle)
23 (+1). The Walking Dead, vol. 1: Days Gone Bye
24 (+5). Marvel Encyclopedia
25 (+18). How To Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting To Kill You 2013 Wall Calendar
26 (+8). The Walking Dead, Book 2
27 (-4). Superman: Earth One Vol. 2
28 (-7). The Walking Dead, vol. 1 (Kindle)
29 (-4). Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise, Part 3
30 (+8). The Walking Dead, vol. 2: Miles Behind Us
31 (+11). The Walking Dead, Book 3
32 (R). A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel
33 (-6). Big Nate Makes the Grade (Kindle)
34 (-3). Avengers vs. X-Men
35 (-7). Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Kindle)
36 (+4). Big Nate Makes the Grade
37 (-11). Saga Volume 1
38 (N). 2013 Maxine Year-In-A-Box Calendar
39 (+2). The Walking Dead, vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars
40 (-10). Adventure Time Vol. 1
41 (R). The Complete Calvin and Hobbes (hardcover)
42 (+7). 5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth
43 (R). The Dork Diaries Set
44 (+1). Rodrick Rules (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2) (Kindle)
45 (R). Dork Diaries 3: Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star
46 (R). Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise, Part 1
47 (+3). Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise, Part 2
48 (-15). The Walking Dead, Vol. 16: A Larger World
49 (-13). Dork Diaries 4 (Kindle)
50 (-18). Batman: The Killing Joke

Items with asterisks (*) are pre-order items.

N = New listing appearing on list for first time
R = Item returning to the list after having been off for 1 or more weeks


  • Yes, the seventh Wimpy Kid is still #1. Also on the overall books chart. Expect this to be the case for quite a while. How to Tell... is #28 overall; the Walking Dead Compendia are #34 & #35; Wimpy Kid 6 is #54; Walking Dead 17 is #83; Dork Diaries 5 is #94.
  • The only debut this week is the 2013 Maxine Year-In-A-Box Calendar
  • It's a relatively sedate chart this week. Despite the start of the holiday shopping season, very few books make huge jumps.
  • DC only have two books in the top 50; Marvel only have one. By contrast, Image have thirteen.
  • Dead Watch: Granted, of those thirteen, twelve are Walking Dead books. That's down two from last week, but four three of those twelve are in the top ten.

Friday, November 23, 2012

Amazon Top 50

Here are the Top 50 Graphic Novels on Amazon this morning. All the previous caveats apply.

(Note, while the chart is being posted on Saturday morning this week, the chart positions are in fact from Friday morning.)

1 (-). The Third Wheel (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 7)
2 (-). The Third Wheel (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7) (Kindle)
3 (+1). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 2
4 (-1). How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
5 (-). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 1
6 (-). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 6)
7 (-). Dork Diaries 5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All
8 (+2). The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book (revised and expanded edition)
9 (+11). The Walking Dead, Vol. 17: Something to Fear *
10 (-1). Darth Vader and Son
11 (-). Building Stories
12 (+1). The Ugly Truth (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 5)
13 (+1). Diary of a Wimpy Kid Box of Books
14 (-6). Totally MAD: 60 Years of Humor, Satire, Stupidity and Stupidity
15 (-3). Dork Diaries 5 (Kindle)
16 (-1). Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 4)
17 (+4). Dilbert 2013 Day-to-Day Calendar
18 (-). Dork Diaries 4: Tales from a Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess
19 (-3). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 6) (Kindle)
20 (+2). The Walking Dead, Book 8
21 (-4). The Walking Dead, vol. 1 (Kindle)
22 (+11). The Walking Dead, Book 1
23 (+2). Superman: Earth One Vol. 2
24 (-). The Walking Dead, vol. 1: Days Gone Bye
25 (+5). Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise, Part 3
26 (-2). Saga Volume 1
27 (-8). Big Nate Makes the Grade (Kindle)
28 (-5). Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Kindle)
29 (+12). Marvel Encyclopedia
30 (+10). Adventure Time Vol. 1
31 (+11). Avengers vs. X-Men
32 (+13). Batman: The Killing Joke
33 (+17). The Walking Dead, Vol. 16: A Larger World
34 (+4). The Walking Dead, Book 2
35 (R). The Book of Revelation
36 (-10). Dork Diaries 4 (Kindle)
37 (-). Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
38 (-4). The Walking Dead, vol. 2: Miles Behind Us
39 (R). The Walking Dead, Vol. 4: The Heart's Desire
40 (+4). Big Nate Makes the Grade
41 (-5). The Walking Dead, vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars
42 (R). The Walking Dead, Book 3
43 (N). How To Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting To Kill You 2013 Wall Calendar
44 (R). How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You (Kindle)
45 (R). Rodrick Rules (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 2) (Kindle)
46 (-11). The Walking Dead, vol. 2 (Kindle)
47 (R). Batman Vol. 1: The Court of Owls (The New 52)
48 (R). Sailor Moon 8
49 (-3). 5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth
50 (R). Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise, Part 2

Items with asterisks (*) are pre-order items.

N = New listing appearing on list for first time
R = Item returning to the list after having been off for 1 or more weeks


  • Still number one on both the comics and the overall chart is the seventh Wimpy Kid volume (the Kindle edition is #32 on the Kindle store chart). The Walking Dead Compendia are #34 & #46 on the overall chart; How to Tell... is #39. Wimpy Kid 6 is #61 overall; Dork Diaries 5 is #73. 
  • There's very little movement at the top of the chart, but there's plenty of churn in the middle and lower sections. 
  • The only new title this week is the wall calendar of How To Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting To Kill You.
  • Dead Watch: Fourteen Walking Dead titles on the chart this week, up one from last week, and three in the top ten. 
  • We're just a little over a week away from the mid-season finale of the television show, which occasion traditionally sees a big bump for WD trades. But this year it is smacking right up into the holiday buying season, so the WD surge will go head-to-head with the increase for comic strip collections (especially Calvin & Hobbes) as well as The Wimpy Kid and its ilk.

Friday, November 16, 2012

Amazon Top 50

Here are the Top 50 Graphic Novels on Amazon this afternoon. All the previous caveats apply.

1 (-). The Third Wheel (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 7)
2 (+1). The Third Wheel (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 7) (Kindle)
3 (+1). How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
4 (-2). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 2
5 (-). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 1
6 (+3). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 6)
7 (+4). Dork Diaries 5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All
8 (-2). Totally MAD: 60 Years of Humor, Satire, Stupidity and Stupidity
9 (+8). Darth Vader and Son
10 (+5). The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book (revised and expanded edition)
11 (-3). Building Stories
12 (-2). Dork Diaries 5 (Kindle)
13 (+7). The Ugly Truth (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 5)
14 (+8). Diary of a Wimpy Kid Box of Books
15 (+9). Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 4)
16 (-). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 6) (Kindle)
17 (-5). The Walking Dead, vol. 1 (Kindle)
18 (+11). Dork Diaries 4: Tales from a Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess
19 (-). Big Nate Makes the Grade (Kindle)
20 (+6). The Walking Dead, Vol. 17: Something to Fear *
21 (+7). Dilbert 2013 Day-to-Day Calendar
22 (-4). The Walking Dead, Book 8
23 (+2). Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Kindle)
24 (+13). The Walking Dead, vol. 1: Days Gone Bye
25 (-12). Superman: Earth One Vol. 2
26 (-3). Dork Diaries 4 (Kindle)
27 (N). The Complete Calvin and Hobbes (paperback)
28 (+16). Saga Volume 1
29 (+7). The Walking Dead, vol. 3 (Kindle)
30 (+2). Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise, Part 3
31 (+3). A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel
32 (+11). Amulet #5: Prince of the Elves
33 (-3). The Walking Dead, Book 1
34 (R). The Walking Dead, vol. 2: Miles Behind Us
35 (-4). The Walking Dead, vol. 2 (Kindle)
36 (R). The Walking Dead, vol. 3: Safety Behind Bars
37 (+11). Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
38 (+9). The Walking Dead, Book 2
39 (N). The Dork Diaries Set
40 (-19). Adventure Time Vol. 1
41 (R). Marvel Encyclopedia
42 (-35). Avengers vs. X-Men 
43 (-23). The Ugly Truth (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 5)
44 (+1). Big Nate Makes the Grade
45 (-5). Batman: The Killing Joke
46 (R). 5 Very Good Reasons to Punch a Dolphin in the Mouth
47 (R). Dork Diaries 3: Tales from a Not-So-Talented Pop Star
48 (R). The Last Straw (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3) (Kindle)
49 (N). Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind Box Set
50 (-4). The Walking Dead, Vol. 16: A Larger World

Items with asterisks (*) are pre-order items.

N = New listing appearing on list for first time
R = Item returning to the list after having been off for 1 or more weeks

  • The seventh Diary of a Wimpy Kid book is finally released this week, and stays comfortably on the top of the comics chart as well as being the #1 book overall. The Kindle edition, #2 on the comics chart, is the #21 book on the paid Kindle chart.  How to Tell If Your Cat... is #23 on the overall books chart; while the Walking Dead compendia are #43 & #50 respectively.
  • All three of the debut titles this week are box sets: A paperback set of The Complete Calvin and Hobbes; a Dork Diaries set; and a Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind set. The holiday shopping season must be nigh upon us...
  • Dead Watch: Thirteen Walking Dead collections on the chart this week, up one from last week.

Friday, November 09, 2012

Amazon Top 50

Here are the Top 50 Graphic Novels on Amazon this morning. All the previous caveats apply.

1 (-). The Third Wheel (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 7) *
2 (-). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 2
3 (-). The Third Wheel (Kindle) *
4 (-). How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
5 (-). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 1
6 (-). Totally MAD: 60 Years of Humor, Satire, Stupidity and Stupidity
7 (R). Avengers vs. X-Men *
8 (-1). Building Stories
9 (+1). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 6)
10 (-1). Dork Diaries 5 (Kindle)
11 (-). Dork Diaries 5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All
12 (+2). The Walking Dead, vol. 1 (Kindle)
13 (+2). Superman: Earth One Vol. 2
14 (N). Grimmer Tales: A Wicked Collection of Happily Never After Stories
15 (+4). The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book (revised and expanded edition)
16 (+4). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 6) (Kindle)
17 (-4). Darth Vader and Son
18 (-6). The Walking Dead, Book 8
19 (+2). Big Nate Makes the Grade (Kindle)
20 (-4). The Ugly Truth (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 5)
21 (N). Adventure Time Vol. 1
22 (+2). Diary of a Wimpy Kid Box of Books
23 (-5). Dork Diaries 4 (Kindle)
24 (+9). Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 4)
25 (-17). Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Kindle)
26 (-4). The Walking Dead, Vol. 17: Something to Fear *
27 (N). Marbles: Mania, Depression, Michelangelo, and Me: A Graphic Memoir
28 (+7). Dilbert 2013 Day-to-Day Calendar
29 (-4). Dork Diaries 4: Tales from a Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess
30 (-7). The Walking Dead, Book 1
31 (+1). The Walking Dead, vol. 2 (Kindle)
32 (+13). Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise, Part 3
33 (N). The Book of Revelation
34 (-6). A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel
35 (N). Walt Disney's Donald Duck Vol. 2: "A Christmas For Shacktown"
36 (-). The Walking Dead, vol. 3 (Kindle)
37 (+7). The Walking Dead, vol. 1: Days Gone Bye
38 (-21). Sailor Moon 8
39 (+9). Scott Pilgrim Color Hardcover Volume 2: Vs. The World
40 (-3). Batman: The Killing Joke
41 (N). Naruto, vol. 59: Nobody
42 (N). The Ugly Truth (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 5) (Kindle)
43 (-12). Amulet #5: Prince of the Elves
44 (-18). Saga Volume 1
45 (+1). Big Nate Makes the Grade
46 (-7). The Walking Dead, Vol. 16: A Larger World
47 (-20). The Walking Dead, Book 2
48 (-14). Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
49 (N). Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 4) (Kindle)
50 (-20). The Walking Dead, Book 3

Items with asterisks (*) are pre-order items.

N = New listing appearing on list for first time
R = Item returning to the list after having been off for 1 or more weeks

  • For the second week in a row the new Wimpy Kid is at the top of the overall Amazon books chart, and thus stays at the top of the comics chart as well. It finally comes out this coming Tuesday, so we'll see how the release of the pent-up demand affects it chart standing. I wouldn't be surprised to see it stay at the top of the chart through the holidays, but there's also the anticipated boom in Walking Dead sales when the show ends the first half of its season in mid-December. It could make for an interesting battle. 
  • The top ten stays mostly the same this week, except for the sudden re-appearance of Avengers vs. X-Men on the chart. Amazon is saying that it won't be released until November 21, but they shipped mine today...
  • The top debut this week is Grimmer Tales, a book that was originally released back in 2009. I have no idea as to why it is suddenly popular enough to make it chart this week. Other new items include the first collection of Boom!'s Adventure Time comics; Ellen Forney's memoir Marbles; a graphic adaptation of The Book of Revelation; the second volume of Fantagraphics' Carl Barks' Donald Duck comics; the latest Naruto; and a couple more Kindle editions of Wimpy Kid books.
  • Dead Watch: Twelve WD collections on the chart this week, same as last week...

Friday, November 02, 2012

Amazon Top 50

Here are the Top 50 Graphic Novels on Amazon this morning. All the previous caveats apply.

1 (-). The Third Wheel (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 7) *
2 (+1). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 2
3 (+13). The Third Wheel (Kindle) *
4 (-2). How to Tell If Your Cat Is Plotting to Kill You
5 (-). The Walking Dead Compendium Volume 1
6 (N). Totally MAD: 60 Years of Humor, Satire, Stupidity and Stupidity
7 (-3). Building Stories
8 (N). Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 1 (Kindle)
9 (-3). Dork Diaries 5 (Kindle)
10 (-3). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 6)
11 (-2). Dork Diaries 5: Tales from a Not-So-Smart Miss Know-It-All
12 (-4). The Walking Dead, Book 8
13 (-2). Darth Vader and Son
14 (-4). The Walking Dead, vol. 1 (Kindle)
15 (+19). Superman: Earth One Vol. 2 *
16 (+3). The Ugly Truth (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 5)
17 (N). Sailor Moon 8
18 (-3). Dork Diaries 4 (Kindle)
19 (-1). The Wimpy Kid Do-It-Yourself Book (revised and expanded edition)
20 (N). Cabin Fever (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 6) (Kindle)
21 (-7). Big Nate Makes the Grade (Kindle)
22 (-9). The Walking Dead, Vol. 17: Something to Fear *
23 (+1). The Walking Dead, Book 1
24 (+12). Diary of a Wimpy Kid Box of Books
25 (-3). Dork Diaries 4: Tales from a Not-So-Graceful Ice Princess
26 (R). Saga Volume 1
27 (+2). The Walking Dead, Book 2
28 (-5). A Wrinkle in Time: The Graphic Novel
29 (N). The Great Showdowns
30 (+13). The Walking Dead, Book 3
31 (-5). Amulet #5: Prince of the Elves
32 (-5). The Walking Dead, vol. 2 (Kindle)
33 (-12). Dog Days (Diary of a Wimpy Kid, Book 4)
34 (-3). Batman: The Dark Knight Returns
35 (+9). Dilbert 2013 Day-to-Day Calendar
36 (-1). The Walking Dead, vol. 3 (Kindle)
37 (+3). Batman: The Killing Joke
38 (N). Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe *
39 (-11). The Walking Dead, Vol. 16: A Larger World
40 (+8). Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
41 (-11). Watchmen
42 (N). The Last Straw (Diary of a Wimpy Kid 3) (Kindle)
43 (R). Marvel Encyclopedia
44 (-11). The Walking Dead, vol. 1: Days Gone Bye
45 (-33). Avatar: The Last Airbender - The Promise, Part 3
46 (-7). Big Nate Makes the Grade
47 (-). Batman Vol. 1: The Court of Owls (The New 52)
48 (N). Scott Pilgrim Color Hardcover Volume 2: Vs. The World
49 (R). Serenity: The Shepherd's Tale
50 (R). The Walking Dead, vol. 4 (Kindle)

Items with asterisks (*) are pre-order items.

N = New listing appearing on list for first time
R = Item returning to the list after having been off for 1 or more weeks

  • No surprise that the seventh Wimpy Kid stays at the top of the comics chart this week; it's also the #1 book overall on Amazon. Which means it rules over all, even the second Walking Dead Compendium at #30 overall.
  • The big news this week is the availability of The Wimpy Kid on digital platforms, including Kindle. Which means that WK takes up even more slots on the comics chart this week than usual. There are eleven Kindle editions on the chart this week, led by WK and Walking Dead, currently the two biggest comics franchises.
  • There still room for new print editions on the chart though, led by a top ten debut by a MAD Magazine 60-year retrospective. Other debuts include Sailor Moon 8, The Great Showdowns, Deadpool Kills the Marvel Universe, and the second Scott Pilgrim color hardcover.
  • Scott Campbell's The Great Showdowns was another of those that I was unclear on whether to consider it a comic or not. I ultimately decided to include it on the chart, though I can easily see where you might not...
  • Dead Watch: Twelve WD collections on the chart this week, down three form last week, largely due to the new Wimpy Kid Kindle editions pushing some of the lower selling WD collections off the bottom of the chart.
  • Saga, which was missing from the chart last week due to Amazon pulling it from sale, is now available again and dutifully hops right back up onto the chart.