Greetings, sales charts fans! It's time once again to look at DC's sales figures.
December was an odd month for DC, as (due to the end-of-year holidays) they only shipped three weeks worth of comics, holding off their normal fourth week comics until the first week of January. (This was a different tactic from Marvel, Image, and other companies, who instead squeezed their normal four week slate into the first three weeks of December). As a result DC only shipped 52 different comics during the month, their lowest total for a month since February 1991. But despite that, they had several strong sellers, and took the top five slots on the December Diamond-NA sales chart. Overall sales were the lowest in some time, but only off by 3% from November (when they had 67 different comics for sale). Note that this also means that January is likely to be a high point in terms of number of comics as they’ll be adding the delayed December fourth week to four weeks worth of January books.
Also of note: Diamond released their list of the Top 1000 comics for 2018 in January, so I added in those revised sales estimates (indicated by the numbers in [brackets]). The 1000th comic had sales of 26,099, so any sales that were below that did not get revised.
Warning: The commentary below may contain reasoned analysis, speculation (unfounded and otherwise), opinion, and/or snark. Those looking for a more straightforward analysis are directed to John Jackson Miller's excellent Comichron analysis, posted earlier this month over at Comichron!
Please consider the fine print at the end of the column, as it explains several things about how these charts are compiled.
(Note that the percentage comparisons are done with total orders including reorder activity.)
12/2018: Batman Who Laughs #1 of 6 -- 220,055
It’s Scott Snyder and Jock, on a Batman mini-series, that is a sequel to last year’s smash hit crossover series. So yeah, it was always going to sell well. But I didn’t think it would sell this well, even with multiple covers, and especially at a $5 cover price. Even if it loses half of its sales by the end it will still be well over 100K. And it is doing far, far better than any of the other titles that spun out of Metal. So yeah, DC have to be quite happy with this.
2 - BATMAN: DAMNED (Black Label) ($6.99)
09/2018: Batman Damned #1 of 3 -- 95,483 [104,229]
10/2018: --
11/2018: --
12/2018: Batman Damned #2 of 3 -- 138,719 (+ 33.1%)
There are a few things that don’t make sense on the December charts, but chief among them are the sales on the second issue of Batman: Damned. Recall that, because of the controversy surrounding the first issue, DC has opted to not reprint it even though there was strong demand. But still, retailers ordered even higher on the second issue than they were able to get copies of the first. And also considering that a good number of copies of the first issue ended up in the hands of speculators, that means there’s a ton perceived demand for the second part of the story in print, even though the alleged readers would have had to have read it in a format other than print.
3 - DOOMSDAY CLOCK ($4.99)
12/2017: Doomsday Clock #2 of 12 -- 158,603 (- 34.6%) [185,310]
01/2018: Doomsday Clock #3 of 12 -- 157,714 (- 5.1%) [175,932]
02/2018: --
03/2018: Doomsday Clock #4 of 12 -- 149,581 (- 7.8%) [162,253]
04/2018: --
05/2018: Doomsday Clock #5 of 12 -- 146,817 (- 3.7%) [156,235]
06/2018: --
07/2018: Doomsday Clock #6 of 12 -- 135,155 (- 9.6%) [141,275]
08/2018: --
09/2018: Doomsday Clock #7 of 12 -- 130,973 (- 4.9%) [134,390]
10/2018: --
11/2018: --
12/2018: Doomsday Clock #8 of 12 -- 123,768 (- 7.9%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : - 33.2%
DC continues to slip on its schedule, but past issues still adding reorders. Maybe it will finish up sometime in 2019?
4, 5 - BATMAN ($3.99)
12/2003: Batman #622 -- 91,899 [94,045]
12/2008: Batman #682 -- 93,469
12/2008: Batman #683 -- 90,272 [91,885]
12/2008: Batman #684 -- 79,953 [82,903]
12/2013: Batman #26 -- 119,443
12/2014: Batman #37 -- 113,255
12/2015: Batman #47 -- 127,201
12/2016: Batman #12 -- 111,391
12/2016: Batman #13 -- 108,407
12/2017: Batman #36 -- 94,385 (- 2.1%) [95,765]
12/2017: Batman #37 -- 92,902 (- 0.6%) [95,163]
01/2018: Batman #38 -- 98,440 (+ 8.2%) [102,927]
01/2018: Batman #39 -- 94,325 (- 7.3%) [95,378]
02/2018: Batman #40 -- 95,541 (+ 0.4%) [95,741]
02/2018: Batman #41 -- 93,889 (- 0.9%) [94,841]
03/2018: Batman #42 -- 93,825 (- 0.6%) [94,257]
03/2018: Batman #43 -- 91,649 (- 1.8%) [92,538]
04/2018: Batman #44 -- 125,849 (+ 45.6%) [134,747]
04/2018: Batman #45 -- 96,448 (- 22.3%) [104,685]
05/2018: Batman #46 -- 100,140 (- 4.0%) [100,512]
05/2018: Batman #47 -- 101,566 (+ 2.2%) [102,740]
06/2018: Batman #48 -- 112,122 (+ 9.6%) [112,617]
06/2018: Batman #49 -- 121,836 (+ 9.3%) [123,047]
07/2018: Batman #50 -- 440,819 (+235.3%) [412,541]
07/2018: Batman #51 -- 111,549 (- 72.6%) [113,142]
08/2018: Batman #52 -- 102,344 (- 9.2%) [102,712]
08/2018: Batman #53 -- 99,191 (- 2.7%) [99,920]
09/2018: Batman #54 -- 94,985 (- 5.0%) [94,921]
09/2018: Batman #55 -- 105,609 (+ 12.5%) [106,808]
10/2018: Batman #56 -- 107,578 (+ 5.2%) [112,329]
10/2018: Batman #57 -- 95,296 (- 15.0%) [95,465]
11/2018: Batman #58 -- 94,930 (- 0.5%) [94,975]
11/2018: Batman #59 -- 93,029 (- 1.5%) [93,545]
12/2018: Batman #60 -- 91,275 (- 2.4%)
12/2018: Batman #61 -- 88,428 (- 3.1%)
6 months: - 23.7%
1 year : - 5.9%
2 years : - 18.2%
5 years : - 24.8%
10 years: + 0.5%
15 years: - 4.5%
The good news for Batman is that it remains both DC’s and the market’s top-selling ongoing title. The bad news is that the most recent issue’s first month sales dropped below 90K for the first time since before the New 52.
More bad news: we see that DC’s retroactively making Batman #50 returnable led to a sales loss of 28K copies.
9 - BATMAN ANNUAL ($4.99)
04/2012: Batman Annual #1 -- 101,394 [105,754]
07/2013: Batman Annual #2 -- 101,726 (- 3.8%)
12/2014: Batman Annual #3 -- 81,396 (- 20.0%)
07/2015: Batman Annual #4 -- 80,684 (+ 1.5%) [82,643]
11/2016: Batman Annual #1 -- 91,033 (+ 10.2%)
11/2017: Batman Annual #2 -- 75,928 (- 6.9%) [84,767]
12/2018: Batman Annual #3 -- 68,207 (- 15.6%)
And not as much love for the Batman Annual this month. But let’s face it, December was a big hit on the wallets of Batman fans, so something had to give.
10 - SHAZAM! ($4.99)
12/2018: Shazam! #1 -- 66,950
Geoff Johns & Dale Eaglesham’s new Shazam! series debuts to respectable numbers. Should it follow standard attrition we;d expect this to settle in around the 40K mark. But Johns’ comics have a tendency to buck such trends, so we’ll have to wait and see...
11, 16 - JUSTICE LEAGUE ($3.99)
12/2013: Justice League #25 -- 94,004
12/2013: Justice League #26 -- 90,592
12/2014: Justice League #37 -- 72,081
12/2015: Justice League #46 -- 75,660
12/2016: Justice League #10 -- 73,652
12/2016: Justice League #11 -- 71,527
12/2017: Justice League #34 -- 46,958 (- 35.6%)
12/2017: Justice League #35 -- 46,228 (- 2.8%)
01/2018: Justice League #36 -- 46,043 (- 0.1%) [46,196]
01/2018: Justice League #37 -- 45,313 (- 3.0%) [44,813]
02/2018: Justice League #38 -- 45,314 (+ 1.2%) [45,352]
02/2018: Justice League #39 -- 44,148 (- 1.5%) [44,692]
03/2018: Justice League #40 -- 44,562 (+ 0.2%) [44,787]
03/2018: Justice League #41 -- 43,675 (- 1.0%) [44,353]
04/2018: Justice League #42 -- 43,423 (- 1.7%) [43,611]
04/2018: Justice League #43 -- 42,959 (- 0.2%) [43,543]
05/2018: No Justice #1 of 4 -- 86,775 (+106.5%) [89,909]
05/2018: No Justice #2 of 4 -- 68,812 (- 18.9%) [72,916]
05/2018: No Justice #3 of 4 -- 65,916 (- 4.6%) [69,584]
05/2018: No Justice #4 of 4 -- 64,342 (+ 1.3%) [70,513]
06/2018: Justice League #1 -- 200,235 (+188.6%) [203,492]
06/2018: Justice League #2 -- 86,001 (- 54.6%) [92,463]
07/2018: Justice League #3 -- 80,669 (- 12.4%) [81,002]
07/2018: Justice League #4 -- 77,023 (- 1.2%) [80,019]
08/2018: Justice League #5 -- 76,592 (- 3.3%) [77,340]
08/2018: Justice League #6 -- 75,156 (- 1.4%) [76,286]
09/2018: Justice League #7 -- 74,393 (- 1.9%) [74,820]
09/2018: Justice League #8 -- 76,360 (+ 4.3%) [78,012]
10/2018: Justice League #9 -- 72,687 (- 6.4%) [72,991]
10/2018: Justice League #10 -- 84,179 (+ 16.2%) [84,788]
11/2018: Justice League #11 -- 74,204 (- 12.3%) [74,385]
11/2018: Justice League #12 -- 70,105 (- 4.9%) [70,774]
12/2018: Justice League #13 -- 66,852 (- 5.5%)
12/2018: Justice League #14 -- 61,940 (- 7.3%)
6 months: - 56.5%
1 year : + 38.2%
2 years : - 11.3%
5 years : - 30.2%
Justice League sales take a bit of a tumble this week, losing over 8K one the span of the two issues. It’s still a good deal ahead of where sales were a year ago, but it’s a worrying trend.
14 - THE GREEN LANTERN ($3.99)
12/2003: Green Lantern #172 -- 31,080
12/2008: Green Lantern #36 -- 64,755 [74,005]
12/2013: Green Lantern #26 -- 51,420
12/2014: Green Lantern #37 -- 44,033
12/2015: Green Lantern #47 -- 45,706
12/2016: Green Lanterns #12 -- 42,241
12/2016: Green Lanterns #13 -- 41,090
12/2017: Green Lanterns #36 -- 26,436 (- 3.3%)
12/2017: Green Lanterns #37 -- 26,055 (- 1.4%)
01/2018: Green Lanterns #38 -- 25,172 (- 3.4%)
01/2018: Green Lanterns #39 -- 25,551 (+ 1.5%)
02/2018: Green Lanterns #40 -- 24,807 (- 2.9%)
02/2018: Green Lanterns #41 -- 25,155 (+ 1.4%)
03/2018: Green Lanterns #42 -- 25,092 (- 0.3%)
03/2018: Green Lanterns #43 -- 24,780 (- 1.2%)
04/2018: Green Lanterns #44 -- 24,528 (- 1.0%)
04/2018: Green Lanterns #45 -- 24,173 (- 1.4%)
05/2018: Green Lanterns #46 -- 23,727 (- 1.8%)
05/2018: Green Lanterns #47 -- 23,789 (+ 0.3%)
06/2018: Green Lanterns #48 -- 23,994 (+ 0.9%)
06/2018: Green Lanterns #49 -- 24,157 (+ 0.7%)
07/2018: Green Lanterns #50 -- 25,389 (+ 5.1%)
07/2018: Green Lanterns #51 -- 24,316 (- 4.2%)
08/2018: Green Lanterns #52 -- 24,301 (- 0.1%)
08/2018: Green Lanterns #53 -- 23,923 (- 1.6%)
09/2018: Green Lanterns #54 -- 23,821 (- 0.4%)
09/2018: Green Lanterns #55 -- 23,444 (- 1.6%)
10/2018: Green Lanterns #56 -- 33,156 (+ 41.4%)
10/2018: Green Lanterns #57 -- 24,512 (- 26.1%)
11/2018: The Green Lantern #1 -- 113,651 (+305.8%) [99,467]
12/2018: The Green Lantern #2 -- 64,127 (- 35.5%)
6 months: +166.4%
1 year : +144.3%
2 years : + 53.9%
5 years : + 24.7%
10 years: - 13.3%
15 years: +106.3%
An expected drop off for a second issue. But the headline here is that last month’s first issue lost over 14K in sales in the year-end numbers. Which since AFAIK it wasn’t returnable is something of a mystery...
24 - SUPERMAN ($3.99)
12/2003: Superman #200 -- 47,346 [51,745]
12/2008: Superman #683 -- 55,287
12/2013: Superman #26 -- 36,877
12/2014: Superman #37 -- 50,383
12/2015: Superman #47 -- 47,377
12/2016: Superman #12 -- 60,992
12/2016: Superman #13 -- 59,393
12/2017: Superman #36 -- 44,281 (- 2.6%)
12/2017: Superman #37 -- 48,591 (+ 11.8%) [49,516]
01/2018: Superman #38 -- 47,261 (- 5.7%) [46,688]
01/2018: Superman #39 -- 44,402 (- 3.4%) [45,103]
02/2018: Superman #40 -- 43,776 (- 2.8%) [43,834]
02/2018: Superman #41 -- 42,694 (- 1.5%) [43,192]
03/2018: Superman #42 -- 43,799 (+ 2.9%) [44,423]
03/2018: Superman #43 -- 42,291 (- 3.7%) [42,799]
04/2018: Superman #44 -- 42,493 (- 0.2%) [42,729]
04/2018: Superman #45 -- 41,927 (+ 0.1%) [42,758]
05/2018: Special #1 -- 43,378 (+ 2.5%) [43,824]
06/2018: --
07/2018: Superman #1 -- 133,703 (+212.1%) [136,777]
08/2018: Superman #2 -- 77,464 (- 42.8%) [78,282]
09/2018: Superman #3 -- 67,405 (- 12.8%) [68,240]
10/2018: Superman #4 -- 67,197 (- 1.0%) [67,553]
11/2018: Superman #5 -- 54,727 (- 18.0%) [55,378]
12/2018: Superman #6 -- 52,414 (- 5.4%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : + 11.8%
2 years : - 12.9%
5 years : + 42.1%
10 years: - 5.2%
15 years: + 1.3%
Reorder activity on Bendis’s Superman has been minimal, so it looks like retailers are doing a pretty good job gauging customer demand.
12/2003: Detective Comics #789 -- 36,456
12/2008: Detective Comics #851 -- 64,961
12/2013: Detective Comics #26 -- 56,538
12/2014: Detective Comics #37 -- 54,953
12/2015: Detective Comics #47 -- 45,867
12/2016: Detective Comics #946 -- 66,374
12/2016: Detective Comics #947 -- 65,090
12/2017: Detective Comics #970 -- 52,560 (- 0.6%)
12/2017: Detective Comics #971 -- 51,727 (- 1.6%)
01/2018: Detective Comics #972 -- 51,694 (+ 0.3%) [51,901]
01/2018: Detective Comics #973 -- 53,024 (+ 3.1%) [53,492]
02/2018: Detective Comics #974 -- 51,189 (- 3.6%) [51,577]
02/2018: Detective Comics #975 -- 51,856 (+ 2.0%) [52,626]
03/2018: Detective Comics #976 -- 51,341 (- 1.6%) [51,807]
03/2018: Detective Comics #977 -- 50,556 (- 1.1%) [51,247]
04/2018: Detective Comics #978 -- 51,083 (+ 0.2%) [51,356]
04/2018: Detective Comics #979 -- 50,049 (- 1.2%) [50,757]
05/2018: Detective Comics #980 -- 51,162 (+ 1.0%) [51,263]
05/2018: Detective Comics #981 -- 50,757 (+ 0.4%) [51,477]
06/2018: Detective Comics #982 -- 51,763 (+ 0.8%) [51,904]
06/2018: Detective Comics #983 -- 52,016 (+ 1.0%) [52,399]
07/2018: Detective Comics #984 -- 51,879 (- 0.4%) [52,185]
07/2018: Detective Comics #985 -- 51,750 (+ 1.2%) [52,830]
08/2018: Detective Comics #986 -- 53,346 (+ 1.5%) [53,611]
08/2018: Detective Comics #987 -- 51,362 (- 4.4%) [51,248]
09/2018: Detective Comics #988 -- 51,405 (+ 1.1%) [51,817]
09/2018: Detective Comics #989 -- 50,479 (- 1.2%) [51,176]
10/2018: Detective Comics #990 -- 61,040 (+ 19.5%) [61,149]
10/2018: Detective Comics #991 -- 50,318 (- 16.8%) [50,891]
11/2018: Detective Comics #992 -- 51,002 (+ 0.8%) [51,285]
11/2018: Detective Comics #993 -- 48,971 (- 3.5%) [49,510]
12/2018: Detective Comics #994 -- 51,772 (+ 4.6%)
6 months: - 0.7%
1 year : - 0.7%
2 years : - 21.2%
5 years : - 8.4%
10 years: - 20.3%
15 years: + 42.0%
Just one issue of ’Tec this month, due to DC pushing their fourth-week comics to the first week of January. (Sa you’ll have three issues of Detective to look forward to next month!)
Sales on Detective Comics have been remarkably stable over the past year. If you take away the sales on #990’s stunt cover, there’s only about a 4K difference between the high and low marks, and overall sales dropped less than 1% over the course of the year.
28 - CATWOMAN ($3.99)
12/2003: Catwoman #26 -- 26,601
12/2013: Catwoman #26 -- 26,482
12/2014: Catwoman #37 -- 25.154
12/2015: Catwoman #47 -- 15,038
07/2018: Catwoman #1 -- 121,056 (+649.8%) [117,842]
08/2018: Catwoman #2 -- 64,721 (- 47.3%) [65,553]
09/2018: Catwoman #3 -- 55,068 (- 14.9%) [55,830]
10/2018: Catwoman #4 -- 72,130 (+ 31.0%) [72,244]
11/2018: Catwoman #5 -- 50,131 (- 30.5%) [50,313]
12/2018: Catwoman #6 -- 48,014 (- 4.6%)
5 years : + 95.5%
15 years: + 94.6%
Like Batman #50, Catwoman #1 was made returnable after-the-fact, though it only took a hit of a bit over 3K copies (actually more than that, as there were re-orders as well—so while some retailers returned copies, others needed to order more.)
36 - FLASH ($3.99)
12/2003: Flash #205 -- 34,391 [35,626]
12/2008: Flash #247 -- 26,498
12/2013: Flash #26 -- 36,601
12/2014: Flash #37 -- 37,026
12/2015: Flash #47 -- 42,129
12/2016: Flash #12 -- 64,476
12/2016: Flash #13 -- 62,800
12/2017: Flash #36 -- 47,998 (- 2.3%)
12/2017: Flash #37 -- 46,881 (- 2.3%)
01/2018: Flash #38 -- 48,279 (+ 3.1%) [48,354]
01/2018: Flash #39 -- 49,595 (+ 3.5%) [50,057]
02/2018: Flash #40 -- 46,149 (- 7.0%) [46,566]
02/2018: Flash #41 -- 46,040 (+ 0.6%) [46,853]
03/2018: Flash #42 -- 46,170 (- 2.9%) [45,494]
03/2018: Flash #43 -- 45,616 (+ 1.8%) [46,294]
04/2018: Flash #44 -- 45,626 (- 0.6%) [46,035]
04/2018: Flash #45 -- 45,402 (+ 0.4%) [46,219]
05/2018: Flash #46 -- 52,255 (+ 13.1%) [52,266]
05/2018: Flash #47 -- 53,222 (+ 9.8%) [57,401]
06/2018: Flash #48 -- 53,686 (- 6.4%) [53,718]
06/2018: Flash #49 -- 54,265 (+ 2.0%) [54,797]
07/2018: Flash #50 -- 58,311 (+ 6.8%) [58,541]
07/2018: Flash #51 -- 53,616 (- 5.4%) [55,355]
08/2018: Flash #52 -- 54,588 (- 0.8%) [54,924]
08/2018: Flash #53 -- 48,992 (- 10.1%) [49,357]
09/2018: Flash #54 -- 46,677 (- 5.2%) [46,770]
09/2018: Flash #55 -- 45,729 (- 2.0%) [45,822]
10/2018: Flash #56 -- 57,439 (+ 25.1%) [57,304]
10/2018: Flash #57 -- 44,251 (- 22.4%) [44,466]
11/2018: Flash #58 -- 43,008 (- 3.2%) [43,046]
11/2018: Flash #59 -- 42,020 (- 2.1%) [42,133]
12/2018: Flash #60 -- 42,212 (+ 0.2%)
6 months: - 22.2%
1 year : - 11.0%
2 years : - 33.7%
5 years : + 15.3%
10 years: + 59.3%
15 years: + 18.5%
Flash also only shipped one issue in December, but will have three in January.
12/2013: Justice League Dark #26 -- 36,353
12/2014: Justice League Dark #37 -- 23,151
07/2018: Justice League Dark #1 -- 60,318 (+160.3%) [64,590]
08/2018: Justice League Dark #2 -- 46,545 (- 25.7%) [47,986]
09/2018: Justice League Dark #3 -- 44,656 (- 4.9%) [45,632]
10/2018: Justice League Dark #4 -- 53,443 (+ 18.7%) [54,154]
11/2018: Justice League Dark #5 -- 43,953 (- 18.1%) [44,367]
12/2018: Justice League Dark #6 -- 41,720 (- 6.0%)
5 years : + 14.8%
12/2015: Martian Manhunter #7 -- 15,962
05/2016: Martian Manhunter #12 -- 12,555
12/2018: Martian Manhunter #1 of 12 -- 39,312 (+213.1%)
DC go back to the Martian Manhunter well once again, this time with a limited series that will intentionally run just twelve issues. They look to be trying to recapture some of that Mister Miracle magic, and the debut issue has first month sales a bit higher than Mr. M; but it also has nearly identical first issue sales to the previous Martian Manhunter series, and that one dropped like a stone.
45 - WONDER WOMAN ($3.99)
12/2003: Wonder Woman #199 -- 29,224
12/2008: Wonder Woman #27 -- 32,322
12/2013: Wonder Woman #26 -- 32,773
12/2014: Wonder Woman #37 -- 43,066
12/2015: Wonder Woman #47 -- 40,123
12/2016: Wonder Woman #12 -- 55,639
12/2016: Wonder Woman #13 -- 54,589
12/2017: Wonder Woman #36 -- 37,647 (- 2.6%)
12/2017: Wonder Woman #37 -- 36,970 (+ 1.5%) [38,227]
01/2018: Wonder Woman #38 -- 36,828 (- 3.2%) [37,011]
01/2018: Wonder Woman #39 -- 36,269 (- 0.9%) [36,690]
02/2018: Wonder Woman #40 -- 36,464 (- 0.2%) [36,625]
02/2018: Wonder Woman #41 -- 35,572 (- 1.2%) [36,170]
03/2018: Wonder Woman #42 -- 35,358 (- 1.6%) [35,594]
03/2018: Wonder Woman #43 -- 35,043 (- 0.3%) [35,502]
04/2018: Wonder Woman #44 -- 34,606 (- 1.4%) [34,990]
04/2018: Wonder Woman #45 -- 34,296 (- 0.7%) [34,740]
05/2018: Wonder Woman #46 -- 34,430 (- 0.9%)
05/2018: Wonder Woman #47 -- 33,848 (- 0.6%) [34,234]
06/2018: Wonder Woman #48 -- 34,418 (+ 0.9%) [34,545]
06/2018: Wonder Woman #49 -- 34,129 (- 0.4%) [34,424]
07/2018: Wonder Woman #50 -- 38,375 (+ 11.8%) [38,472]
07/2018: Wonder Woman #51 -- 50,901 (+ 39.9%) [53,808]
08/2018: Wonder Woman #52 -- 36,259 (- 32.1%) [36,514]
08/2018: Wonder Woman #53 -- 34,900 (- 2.6%) [35,553]
09/2018: Wonder Woman #54 -- 34,966 (- 1.0%) [35,191]
09/2018: Wonder Woman #55 -- 33,851 (- 2.9%) [34,162]
10/2018: Wonder Woman #56 -- 55,178 (+ 61.6%) [55,214]
10/2018: Wonder Woman #57 -- 42,217 (- 22.9%) [42,566]
11/2018: Wonder Woman #58 -- 44,467 (+ 6.2%) [45,188]
11/2018: Wonder Woman #59 -- 37,418 (- 15.5%) [38,212]
12/2018: Wonder Woman #60 -- 36,966 (- 3.2%)
6 months: + 7.2%
1 year : - 2.6%
2 years : - 32.9%
5 years : + 12.8%
10 years: + 14.4%
15 years: + 26.5%
Wonder Woman also only shipped one issue in December, but will have three in January.
53 - AQUAMAN ($3.99)
12/2003: Aquaman #13 -- 22,414
12/2013: Aquaman #26 -- 38,841
12/2014: Aquaman #37 -- 31,198
12/2015: Aquaman #47 -- 20,251
12/2016: Aquaman #12 -- 35,571
12/2016: Aquaman #13 -- 34,619
12/2017: Aquaman #31 -- 25,474 (- 6.5%)
01/2018: Aquaman #32 -- 25,232 (- 0.9%)
02/2018: Aquaman #33 -- 24,974 (- 1.0%)
03/2018: Aquaman #34 -- 24,323 (- 2.6%)
04/2018: Aquaman #35 -- 23,594 (- 3.0%)
05/2018: Aquaman #36 -- 23,057 (- 2.3%)
06/2018: Aquaman #37 -- 24,076 (+ 4.4%)
07/2018: Aquaman #38 -- 24,836 (+ 3.2%)
08/2018: Aquaman #39 -- 30,311 (+ 22.8%) [30,490]
09/2018: Aquaman #40 -- 31,010 (+ 3.0%) [31,406]
10/2018: Aquaman #41 -- 35,121 (+ 11.9%) [35,155]
11/2018: Aquaman #42 -- 38,608 (+ 11.8%) [39,314]
12/2018: Aquaman #43 -- 30,920 (- 21.4%)
6 months: + 28.4%
1 year : + 21.4%
2 years : - 11.9%
5 years : - 20.4%
15 years: + 37.9%
A new creative team, coinciding with a hit movie, yet sales drop post-crossover.
59 - DEATHSTROKE ($3.99)
12/2014: Deathstroke #3 -- 34,010
12/2015: Deathstroke #13 -- 25,344
12/2016: Deathstroke #8 -- 32,530
12/2016: Deathstroke #9 -- 31,519
12/2017: Deathstroke #26 -- 19,432 (- 7.0%)
01/2018: Deathstroke #27 -- 18,746 (- 3.5%)
02/2018: Deathstroke #28 -- 17,672 (- 5.7%)
03/2018: Deathstroke #29 -- 17,677 (+ 0.0%)
04/2018: Deathstroke #30 -- 38,956 (+154.0%) [44,898]
05/2018: Deathstroke #31 -- 35,805 (- 20.1%) [35,874]
06/2018: Deathstroke #32 -- 38,535 (+ 8.3%) [38,848]
07/2018: Deathstroke #33 -- 36,092 (- 7.0%) [36,134]
08/2018: Deathstroke #34 -- 35,168 (- 4.8%) [34,405]
09/2018: Deathstroke #35 -- 31,554 (- 7.7%) [31,761]
10/2018: Deathstroke #36 -- 27,299 (- 13.8%) [27,387]
11/2018: Deathstroke #37 -- 30,734 (+ 12.2%) [30,719]
12/2018: Deathstroke #38 -- 28,803 (- 6.2%)
6 months: - 25.3%
1 year : + 48.2%
2 years : - 10.1%
One of the rare cases when bringing in a guest star looks to end up having a long-term positive effect on sales, even after the guest star has left.
61, 71 - NIGHTWING ($3.99)
12/2003: Nightwing #88 -- 28,976
12/2008: Nightwing #151 -- 32,210
12/2013: Nightwing #26 -- 38,452
12/2014: Grayson #5 -- 42,611 [42,648]
12/2015: Grayson #15 -- 35,765
12/2016: Nightwing #10 -- 49,436
12/2016: Nightwing #11 -- 47,781
12/2017: Nightwing #34 -- 29,426 (- 3.3%)
12/2017: Nightwing #35 -- 29,310 (- 0.4%)
01/2018: Nightwing #36 -- 28,493 (- 2.9%) [28,450]
01/2018: Nightwing #37 -- 28,873 (+ 2.6%) [29,186]
02/2018: Nightwing #38 -- 27,188 (- 6.7%) [27,237]
02/2018: Nightwing #39 -- 27,731 (+ 3.1%) [28,090]
03/2018: Nightwing #40 -- 27,202 (- 3.0%) [27,242]
03/2018: Nightwing #41 -- 26,951 (- 0.0%) [27,238]
04/2018: Nightwing #42 -- 26,323 (- 2.9%) [26,443]
04/2018: Nightwing #43 -- 25,986 (- 0.6%) [26,272]
05/2018: Nightwing #44 -- 26,229 (+ 0.0%) [26,283]
06/2018: Nightwing #45 -- 26,242 (- 0.0%) [26,270]
07/2018: Nightwing #46 -- 26,899 (+ 2.5%) [26,931]
08/2018: Nightwing #47 -- 26,467 (- 1.8%) [26,440]
09/2018: Nightwing #48 -- 25,733 (- 2.7%)
09/2018: Nightwing #49 -- 25,475 (- 1.0%)
10/2018: Nightwing #50 -- 29,450 (+ 24.6%) [31,751]
10/2018: Nightwing #51 -- 35,026 (+ 11.4%) [35,379]
11/2018: Nightwing #52 -- 26,623 (- 24.5%) [26,705]
11/2018: Nightwing #53 -- 26,442 (+ 0.5%) [26,826]
12/2018: Nightwing #54 -- 28,269 (+ 5.4%)
12/2018: Nightwing #55 -- 26,060 (- 7.8%)
6 months: + 3.4%
1 year : - 7.5%
2 years : - 44.1%
5 years : - 29.4%
10 years: - 15.7%
15 years: - 6.3%
Returns to monthly in January.
63, 69 - HARLEY QUINN ($3.99)
12/2013: Harley Quinn #1 -- 92,153 [130,406]
12/2014: Harley Quinn #13 -- 68,102
12/2015: Harley Quinn #23 -- 69,168
12/2016: Harley Quinn #9 -- 49,871
12/2016: Harley Quinn #10 -- 48,380
12/2017: Harley Quinn #33 -- 33,694 (- 2.0%)
01/2018: Harley Quinn #34 -- 33,222 (- 0.6%) [33,483]
01/2018: Harley Quinn #35 -- 32,183 (- 1.9%) [32,852]
01/2018: Harley Quinn #36 -- 31,602 (- 2.3%) [32,106]
02/2018: Harley Quinn #37 -- 31,619 (- 0.6%) [31,899]
02/2018: Harley Quinn #38 -- 31,314 (- 0.4%) [31,758]
03/2018: Harley Quinn #39 -- 30,593 (- 3.1%) [30,774]
03/2018: Harley Quinn #40 -- 30,318 (- 0.0%) [30,773]
04/2018: Harley Quinn #41 -- 30,229 (- 1.3%) [30,366]
04/2018: Harley Quinn #42 -- 30,838 (+ 3.4%) [31,407]
05/2018: Harley <3 --="" 31.4="" 41="" joker="" nbsp="" p="">
05/2018: Harley <3 --="" 37="" 9.6="" joker="" nbsp="" p="">
06/2018: Harley Quinn #43 -- 29,948 (- 19.7%) [29,945]
06/2018: Harley Quinn #44 -- 29,545 (- 2.8%) [29,112]
07/2018: Harley Quinn #45 -- 30,518 (+ 5.2%) [30,622]
07/2018: Harley Quinn #46 -- 29,343 (- 2.8%) [29,764]
08/2018: Harley Quinn #47 -- 29,144 (- 1.5%) [29,315]
08/2018: Harley Quinn #48 -- 28,705 (- 1.6%) [28,841]
09/2018: Harley Quinn #49 -- 29,293 (+ 1.7%) [29,343]
09/2018: Harley Quinn #50 -- 30,059 (+ 3.5%) [30,364]
10/2018: Harley Quinn #51 -- 30,709 (+ 1.3%) [30,755]
10/2018: Harley Quinn #52 -- 41,301 (+ 35.9%) [41,796]
11/2018: Harley Quinn #53 -- 27,903 (- 33.0%) [27,985]
11/2018: Harley Quinn #54 -- 28,028 (+ 1.4%) [28,386]
12/2018: Harley Quinn #55 -- 27,742 (- 2.3%)
12/2018: Harley Quinn #56 -- 26,491 (- 4.5%)
6 months: - 8.2%
1 year : - 19.5%
2 years : - 44.8%
5 years : - 79.2%
Going to monthly starting in January.
65 - TEEN TITANS ($4.99)
12/2003: Teen Titans #6 -- 69,255 [73,096]
12/2008: Teen Titans #66 -- 36,808
12/2013: Teen Titans #26 -- 29,149
12/2014: Teen Titans #5 -- 34,101
12/2015: Teen Titans #14 -- 26,239
12/2015: Teen Titans #15 -- 27,201
12/2016: Teen Titans #3 -- 44,116
12/2017: Teen Titans #15 -- 38,745 (+ 33.2%) [40,747]
01/2018: Teen Titans #16 -- 28,873 (- 29.1%) [28,983]
02/2018: Teen Titans #17 -- 27,828 (- 3.6%) [28,129]
03/2018: Teen Titans #18 -- 27,289 (- 1.9%) [27,414]
04/2018: Teen Titans #19 -- 26,124 (- 4.3%) [26,354]
05/2018: --
06/2018: TT Special #1 -- 32,702 (+ 52.4%) [40,205]
07/2018: Teen Titans #20 -- 67,978 (+ 78.5%) [71,257]
08/2018: Teen Titans #21 -- 32,095 (- 54.8%) [32,628]
09/2018: Teen Titans #22 -- 30,608 (- 4.6%) [30,765]
10/2018: Teen Titans #23 -- 36,902 (+ 20.6%) [37,016]
11/2018: Teen Titans #24 -- 27,192 (- 26.3%) [27,416]
12/2018: Teen Titans #25 -- 27,285 (- 0.5%)
6 months: - 32.1%
1 year : - 33.0%
2 years : - 38.2%
5 years : - 6.4%
10 years: - 25.9%
15 years: - 62.7%
No sales movement on the over-sized and -priced issue.
72 - SUICIDE SQUAD ($3.99)
12/2013: Suicide Squad #26 -- 25,346
12/2014: New Suicide Squad #5 -- 32,834
12/2015: New Suicide Squad #15 -- 26,449
12/2016: Suicide Squad #8 -- 59,967
12/2017: Suicide Squad #31 -- 28,229 (- 3.7%)
12/2017: Suicide Squad #32 -- 27,631 (- 2.1%)
01/2018: Suicide Squad #33 -- 26,715 (- 3.5%) [26,675]
01/2018: Suicide Squad #34 -- 26,515 (+ 0.1%) [26,691]
02/2018: Suicide Squad #35 -- 26,798 (+ 0.5%) [26,834]
02/2018: Suicide Squad #36 -- 25,531 (- 4.9%)
03/2018: Suicide Squad #37 -- 25,367 (- 0.6%)
03/2018: Suicide Squad #38 -- 24,910 (- 1.8%)
04/2018: Suicide Squad #39 -- 24,141 (- 3.1%)
04/2018: Suicide Squad #40 -- 27,170 (+ 11.3%) [26,860]
05/2018: Suicide Squad #41 -- 28,499 (+ 6.0%) [28,473]
05/2018: Suicide Squad #42 -- 26,759 (- 4.8%) [27,119]
06/2018: Suicide Squad #43 -- 27,089 (- 2.6%) [26,402]
07/2018: Suicide Squad #44 -- 26,076 (- 1.2%)
08/2018: Suicide Squad #45 -- 28,068 (+ 8.4%) [28,267]
09/2018: Suicide Squad #46 -- 27,306 (- 2.5%) [27,567]
10/2018: Suicide Squad #47 -- 35,715 (+ 29.9%) [35,813]
11/2018: Suicide Squad #48 -- 25,507 (- 28.8%)
12/2018: Suicide Squad #49 -- 25,933 (+ 1.7%)
6 months: - 1.8%
1 year : - 7.2%
2 years : - 56.8%
5 years : + 2.3%
Ending with #50; no relaunch has been announced yet, but presumably will come sooner rather than later.
76 - TITANS ($3.99)
12/2008: Titans #8 -- 39,154
12/2015: Titans Hunt #3 of 12 -- 20,918
12/2016: Titans #6 -- 48,612
12/2017: Titans #18 -- 32,276 (- 5.0%)
01/2018: Titans #19 -- 31,478 (- 2.3%) [31,538]
02/2018: Titans #20 -- 30,686 (- 2.1%) [30,861]
03/2018: Titans #21 -- 29,674 (- 3.4%) [29,805]
04/2018: Titans #22 -- 29,018 (- 2.1%) [29,165]
05/2018: --
06/2018: Special #1 -- 31,898 (+ 9.9%) [32,064]
07/2018: Titans #23 -- 33,060 (+ 10.9%) [35,553]
08/2018: Titans #24 -- 30,889 (- 12.9%) [30,759]
09/2018: Titans #25 -- 28,654 (- 7.2%) [28,733]
09/2018: Titans #26 -- 28,240 (- 1.1%) [28,417]
10/2018: Titans #27 -- 34,857 (+ 22.9%) [34,926]
10/2018: Titans #28 -- 31,493 (- 8.8%) [31,852]
11/2018: Titans #29 -- 26,673 (- 16.0%) [26,762]
11/2018: Titans #30 -- 26,120 (- 1.6%) [26,330]
12/2018: Titans #31 -- 24,870 (- 5.5%)
6 months: - 22.4%
1 year : - 22.9%
2 years : - 48.8%
10 years: - 36.5%
Only one issue this month, but two in January, then monthly in February & March until ending with issue #36 in April.
83 - RED HOOD: OUTLAW ($3.99)
12/2013: Red Hood & Outlaws #26 -- 25,382
12/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #37 -- 18,723
12/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #7 -- 25,789
12/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #5 -- 32,860
12/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #17 -- 21,838 (- 7.5%)
01/2018: Red Hood & Outlaws #18 -- 21,385 (- 2.1%)
02/2018: Red Hood & Outlaws #19 -- 20,744 (- 3.0%)
03/2018: Red Hood & Outlaws #20 -- 20,214 (- 2.6%)
04/2018: Red Hood & Outlaws #21 -- 19,590 (- 3.1%)
05/2018: Red Hood & Outlaws #22 -- 18,989 (- 3.1%)
06/2018: Red Hood & Outlaws #23 -- 19,034 (+ 0.2%)
07/2018: Red Hood & Outlaws #24 -- 18,829 (- 1.1%)
08/2018: Red Hood & Outlaws #25 -- 21,874 (+ 16.2%)
09/2018: Red Hood & Outlaws #26 -- 24,688 (+ 12.9%)
10/2018: Red Hood: Outlaw #27 -- 30,343 (+ 24.3%) [30,688]
11/2018: Red Hood: Outlaw #28 -- 24,485 (- 20.2%)
12/2018: Red Hood: Outlaw #29 -- 23,836 (- 2.7%)
6 months: + 25.2%
1 year : + 9.7%
2 years : - 27.5%
5 years : - 6.1%
05/2011: Freedom Fighters #9 of 9 -- 12,555
12/2018: Freedom Fighters #1 of 12 -- 23,826 (+182.9%)
DC haven’t run a Freedom Fighters series since just before Flashpoint/New 52, so hey, why not give it another whirl? Though I think expecting it to hold up sales for a whole twelve issues is being a bit optimistic, I guess that DC are feeling optimistic about such things in the wake of Mister Miracle.
92 - SUPERGIRL ($4.99)
12/2008: Supergirl #36 -- 45,491
12/2013: Supergirl #26 -- 22,646
12/2014: Supergirl #37 -- 26,272
12/2016: Supergirl #4 -- 31,040
12/2017: Supergirl #16 -- 28,450 (- 17.1%)
01/2018: Supergirl #17 -- 26,466 (- 6.4%) [26,638]
02/2018: Supergirl #18 -- 31,675 (+ 16.8%) [31,108]
03/2018: Supergirl #19 -- 30,669 (- 0.1%) [31,092]
04/2018: Supergirl #20 -- 30,787 (- 0.2%) [31,044]
05/2018: --
06/2018: --
07/2018: --
08/2018: Supergirl #21 -- 28,507 (- 7.3%) [28,782]
09/2018: Supergirl #22 -- 22,113 (- 23.2%)
10/2018: Supergirl #23 -- 44,775 (+102.0%) [44,667]
11/2018: Supergirl #24 -- 21,295 (- 52.3%)
12/2018: Supergirl #25 -- 21,564 (+ 1.3%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : - 24.2%
2 years : - 30.5%
5 years : - 4.8%
10 years: - 52.6%
Just a tiny blip up for the extra-sized and -priced 25th issue. Why aren’t you buying this? It’s SUPERGIRL AND KRYPTO HAVING ADVENTURES IN SPACE!! It’s everything you could want from a comic book!
12/2017: Super Sons #11 -- 37,356 (+ 30.1%) [39,095]
01/2018: Super Sons #12 -- 35,068 (- 10.3%) [35,547]
02/2018: Super Sons #13 -- 29,625 (- 15.5%) [30,024]
03/2018: Super Sons #14 -- 28,999 (- 2.1%) [29,271]
04/2018: Super Sons #15 -- 27,667 (- 4.6%) [28,018]
05/2018: Super Sons #16 -- 27,089 (- 2.1%) [27,458]
06/2018: --
07/2018: --
08/2018: Adventures #1 of 12 -- 36,795 (+ 72.3%) [47,323]
09/2018: Adventures #2 of 12 -- 26,500 (- 43.3%) [26,813]
10/2018: Adventures #3 of 12 -- 23,839 (- 11.1%)
11/2018: Adventures #4 of 12 -- 22,320 (- 6.4%)
12/2018: Adventures #5 of 12 -- 20,965 (- 6.1%)
6 months: n.a.
1 year : - 46.4%
96 - HAWKMAN ($3.99)
12/2003: Hawkman #22 -- 26,773
12/2017: Hawkman Found #1 -- 64,617 (- 32.4%) [86,906]
01/2018: --
02/2018: --
03/2018: --
04/2018: --
05/2018: --
06/2018: Hawkman #1 -- 42,123 (- 49.5%) [43,884]
07/2018: Hawkman #2 -- 30,781 (- 28.2%) [31,501]
08/2018: Hawkman #3 -- 27,331 (- 12.1%) [27,694]
09/2018: Hawkman #4 -- 24,687 (- 10.9%)
10/2018: Hawkman #5 -- 30,171 (+ 22.7%) [30,303]
11/2018: Hawkman #6 -- 21,818 (- 28.0%)
12/2018: Hawkman #7 -- 20,625 (- 5.5%)
6 months: - 53.0%
1 year : - 76.3%
15 years: - 23.0%
97 - BATMAN: KINGS OF FEAR ($3.99)
08/2018: Kings of Fear #1 of 6 -- 40,036 [39,818]
09/2018: Kings of Fear #2 of 6 -- 27,137 (- 30.7%) [27,596]
10/2018: Kings of Fear #3 of 6 -- 23,794 (- 12.1%) [24,263]
11/2018: Kings of Fear #4 of 6 -- 21,436 (- 11.7%)
12/2018: Kings of Fear #5 of 6 -- 20,212 (- 5.7%)
100 - GREEN ARROW ($3.99)
12/2003: Green Arrow #33 -- 36,934
12/2008: Green Arrow/BC #15 -- 24,526
12/2013: Green Arrow #26 -- 24,687
12/2014: Green Arrow #37 -- 20,904
12/2015: Green Arrow #47 -- 30,834
12/2016: Green Arrow #12 -- 38,515
12/2016: Green Arrow #13 -- 37,365
12/2017: Green Arrow #35 -- 23,682 (- 6.0%)
01/2018: Green Arrow #36 -- 23,012 (- 2.8%)
02/2018: Green Arrow #37 -- 22,425 (- 2.6%)
03/2018: Green Arrow #38 -- 21,935 (- 2.2%)
04/2018: Green Arrow #39 -- 21,269 (- 3.0%)
05/2018: Green Arrow #40 -- 20,995 (- 1.3%)
06/2018: Green Arrow #41 -- 20,309 (- 3.3%)
07/2018: Green Arrow #42 -- 20,107 (- 1.0%)
08/2018: Green Arrow #43 -- 20,241 (+ 0.7%)
09/2018: Green Arrow #44 -- 18,667 (- 7.8%)
10/2018: Green Arrow #45 -- 34,241 (+ 82.5%) [34,073]
11/2018: Green Arrow #46 -- 18,808 (- 43.3%) [19,313]
12/2018: Green Arrow #47 -- 18,951 (- 1.9%)
6 months: - 6.7%
1 year : - 20.0%
2 years : - 50.1%
5 years : - 23.2%
10 years: - 22.7%
15 years: - 48.7%
106 - THE DREAMING (Vertigo) ($3.99)
09/2018: Dreaming #1 -- 37,258 [38,029]
10/2018: Dreaming #2 -- 21,559 (- 43.3%)
11/2018: Dreaming #3 -- 19,815 (- 8.1%)
12/2018: Dreaming #4 -- 18,185 (- 8.2%)
The top-selling non-DCU title for December.
110 - GODDESS MODE (Vertigo) ($3.99)
12/2018: Goddess Mode #1 -- 17,471
This month’s Vertigo debut, and the best first-month sales out of the debut issues of this latest batch of (non-Sandman Universe) Vertigo books.
120 - LUCIFER (Vertigo) ($3.99)
12/2003: Lucifer #45 -- 13,350
12/2015: Lucifer #1 -- 17,306
12/2016: Lucifer #13 -- 7,739
10/2018: Lucifer #1 -- 28,216 (+349.6%) [28,805]
11/2018: Lucifer #2 -- 16,871 (- 41.4%)
12/2018: Lucifer #3 -- 14,929 (- 11.5%)
2 years : + 92.9%
15 years: + 11.8%
124 - HOUSE OF WHISPERS (Vertigo) ($3.99)
09/2018: House of Whispers #1 -- 28,346
10/2018: House of Whispers #2 -- 16,763 (- 40.9%)
11/2018: House of Whispers #3 -- 14,943 (- 10.9%)
12/2018: House of Whispers #4 -- 13,619 (- 8.9%)
A couple more of the Sandman Universe titles. Which, while not setting the sales chart on fire, are still doing better than any other non-Sandman Vertigo series in recent memory.
11/2018: SS Black Files #1 of 6 -- 16,953
12/2018: SS Black Files #2 of 6 -- 13,378 (- 21.1%)
Actually a fairly decent second issue percentage drop.
11/2016: New Talent Showcase 2016 -- 12,451
11/2017: New Talent Showcase 2017 -- 9,415 (- 24.4%)
12/2018: New Talent Showcase 2018 -- 11,803 (+ 25.4%)
Sales go back up a fair bit this year.
147 - SIDEWAYS ($2.99)
02/2018: Sideways #1 -- 35,086 [37,403]
03/2018: Sideways #2 -- 23,807 (- 36.4%)
04/2018: Sideways #3 -- 19,890 (- 16.5%)
05/2018: Sideways #4 -- 18,300 (- 8.0%)
06/2018: Sideways #5 -- 16,543 (- 9.6%)
07/2018: Sideways #6 -- 15,152 (- 8.4%)
08/2018: Sideways #7 -- 13,637 (- 10.0%)
09/2018: Sideways #8 -- 12,503 (- 8.3%)
10/2018: Sideways #9 -- 17,305 (+ 38.4%)
11/2018: Sideways #10 -- 11,629 (- 32.8%)
12/2018: Sideways #11 -- 11,150 (- 4.1%)
6 months: - 32.6%
Ends with issue #13 in February.
154 - DAMAGE ($2.99)
01/2018: Damage #1 -- 37,001 [42,795]
02/2018: Damage #2 -- 27,044 (- 33.6%) [28,431]
03/2018: Damage #3 -- 22,394 (- 21.2%)
04/2018: Damage #4 -- 20,166 (- 9.9%)
05/2018: Damage #5 -- 18,923 (- 6.2%)
06/2018: Damage #6 -- 17,308 (- 8.5%)
07/2018: Damage #7 -- 15,433 (- 10.8%)
08/2018: Damage #8 -- 13,778 (- 10.7%)
09/2018: Damage #9 -- 12,383 (- 10.1%)
10/2018: Damage #10 -- 17,230 (+ 39.1%)
11/2018: Damage #11 -- 11,501 (- 33.3%)
12/2018: Damage #12 -- 10,713 (- 6.9%)
6 months: - 38.1%
Ends with issue #16 in April.
156 - PEARL (Jinxworld) ($3.99)
08/2017: Pearl #1 of 6 -- 32,701 [33,643]
09/2017: Pearl #2 -- 16,808 (- 50.0%)
10/2017: Pearl #3 -- 13,760 (- 18.1%)
11/2017: Pearl #4 -- 11,693 (- 15.0%)
12/2017: Pearl #5 -- 10,584 (- 9.5%)
159 - SCOOBY APOCALYPSE (Hanna-Barbera) ($3.99)
12/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #8 -- 20,126
12/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #20 -- 12,369 (- 4.7%)
01/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #21 -- 12,072 (- 2.4%)
02/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #22 -- 11,684 (- 3.2%)
03/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #23 -- 12,410 (+ 6.2%)
04/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #24 -- 11,713 (- 5.6%)
05/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #25 -- 15,577 (+ 33.0%)
06/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #26 -- 13,166 (- 15.5%)
07/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #27 -- 12,221 (- 7.2%)
08/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #28 -- 12,044 (- 1.4%)
09/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #29 -- 11,615 (- 3.6%)
10/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #30 -- 11,337 (- 2.4%)
11/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #31 -- 10,906 (- 3.8%)
12/2018: Scooby Apocalypse #32 -- 10,514 (- 3.6%)
6 months: - 30.0%
1 year : - 15.9%
2 years : - 50.4%
Ends with issue #36 in April.
162 - COVER (Jinxworld) ($3.99)
09/2018: Cover #1 of 6 -- 27,354 [27,562]
10/2018: Cover #2 of 6 -- 15,350 (- 44.3%)
11/2018: Cover #3 of 6 -- 11,848 (- 22.8%)
12/2018: Cover #4 of 6 -- 10,396 (- 12.3%)
04/2018: Curse of Brimstone #1 -- 33,707 [34,337]
05/2018: Curse of Brimstone #2 -- 20,244 (- 39.9%)
06/2018: Curse of Brimstone #3 -- 15,949 (- 21.2%)
07/2018: Curse of Brimstone #4 -- 13,741 (- 13.8%)
08/2018: Curse of Brimstone #5 -- 11,966 (- 12.9%)
09/2018: Curse of Brimstone #6 -- 10,731 (- 10.3%)
10/2018: Curse of Brimstone #7 -- 28,525 (+168.9%) [28,854] *
11/2018: Curse of Brimstone #8 -- 9,463 (- 67.2%)
12/2018: Curse of Brimstone #9 -- 8,707 (- 8.0%)
6 months: - 45.4%
Ending with issue #12 in March.
11/2018: Electric Warriors #1 of 6 -- 16,152
12/2018: Electric Warriors #2 of 6 -- 8,398 (- 48.0%)
194 - BORDER TOWN (Vertigo) ($3.99)
09/2018: Border Town #1 -- 15,259 [16,798]
10/2018: Border Town #2 -- 8,847 (- 47.3%)
11/2018: Border Town #3 -- 8,564 (- 3.2%)
12/2018: Border Town #4 -- 7,606 (- 11.2%)
Final issue. And DC ended up making all four issue returnable, so the actual sales on this may end up being negligible.
195 - THE UNEXPECTED ($2.99)
06/2018: Unexpected #1 -- 28,028 [28,251]
07/2018: Unexpected #2 -- 16,441 (- 41.8%)
08/2018: Unexpected #3 -- 12,285 (- 25.3%)
09/2018: Unexpected #4 -- 10,116 (- 17.7%)
10/2018: Unexpected #5 -- 13,825 (+ 36.7%)
11/2018: Unexpected #6 -- 8,462 (- 38.8%)
12/2018: Unexpected #7 -- 7,547 (- 10.8%)
6 months: - 73.3%
The lowest-selling DCU title for November. Ending with issue #8 in January.
197 - AMERICAN CARNAGE (Vertigo) ($3.99)
11/2018: American Carnage #1 -- 12,891 [13,436]
12/2018: American Carnage #2 -- 7,434 (- 44.7%)
An expected second issue drop.
201 - THE UNITED STATES VS. MURDER, INC. (Jinxworld) ($3.99)
12/2014: --
09/2018: US vs Murder #1 of 6 -- 18,530 (+123.7%)
10/2018: US vs Murder #2 of 6 -- 9,750 (- 47.4%)
11/2018: US vs Murder #3 of 6 -- 8,049 (- 11.0%)
12/2018: US vs Murder #4 of 6 -- 7,164 (- 17.4%)
5 years : n.a.
Coming in at #221 is Sasquatch Detective #1, a $7.99 creator-owned one-shot mixing new material with reprints of back-up stories from the Snagglepuss limited series, with sales of 5,857.
257 - SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? (All-Ages) ($2.99)
12/2003: Scooby-Doo #79 -- 5,716
12/2008: Scooby-Doo #139 -- ?????
12/2013: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #40 -- 4,754
12/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #52 -- ????? (< 5,053)
12/2015: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #64 -- ????? (< 5,848)
12/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #76 -- 4,805
12/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #88 -- 4,026
01/2018: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #89 -- 4,002 (- 0.6%)
02/2018: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #90 -- 3,896 (- 2.6%)
03/2018: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #91 -- 3,978 (+ 2.1%)
04/2018: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #92 -- 4,115 (+ 3.4%)
05/2018: --
06/2018: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #93 -- 4,238 (+ 3.0%)
07/2018: --
08/2018: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #94 -- 4,424 (+ 4.4%)
09/2018: --
10/2018: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #95 -- 4,402 (- 0.5%)
11/2018: --
12/2018: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #96 -- 4,214 (- 4.3%)
6 months: - 0.6%
1 year : + 4.7%
2 years : - 12.3%
5 years : - 11.4%
10 years: ?????
15 years: - 26.3%
The lowest-selling new issue from DC in December.
Average Periodical Sales (not counting reprints, reorders shipping after the initial month of release, director’s cuts, and magazines; based on first-month sales only.)
12/2003: 26,253
12/2008: 26,793
12/2013: ??????
12/2014: 29,047 **
12/2015: 28,091
12/2016: 35,265 **
12/2017: 29,762 (- 8.2%)
01/2018: 28,657 (- 3.7%)
02/2018: 25,798 (- 10.0%)
03/2018: 27,449 (+ 6.4%)
04/2018: 30,117 (+ 9.7%)
05/2018: 29,876 (- 0.8%)
06/2018: 31,374 (+ 5.0%)
07/2018: 40,199 (+ 28.1%)
08/2018: 29,661 (- 26.2%)
09/2018: 33,904 (+ 14.3%)
10/2018: 32,789 (- 3.3%)
11/2018: 29,150 (- 11.1%)
12/2018: 36,514 (+ 25.3%)
6 months: + 16.4%
1 year : + 22.7%
2 years : + 3.5%
5 years : ?????
10 years: + 36.3%
15 years: + 39.1%
12/2003: 30,866
12/2008: 35,050
12/2013: ??????
12/2014: 34,882
12/2015: 34,981
12/2016: 45,125
12/2017: 35,878 (- 9.4%)
01/2018: 35,579 (- 0.8%)
02/2018: 31,696 (- 10.9%)
03/2018: 34,751 (+ 9.6%)
04/2018: 37,752 (+ 8.6%)
05/2018: 37,935 (+ 0.5%)
06/2018: 39,466 (+ 4.0%)
07/2018: 50,334 (+ 27.5%)
08/2018: 33,866 (- 32.7%)
09/2018: 40,021 (+ 18.2%)
10/2018: 40,096 (+ 0.2%)
11/2018: 35,313 (- 11.9%)
12/2018: 44,269 (+ 25.4%)
6 months: + 12.2%
1 year : + 23.4%
2 years : - 1.9%
5 years : ?????
10 years: + 26.3%
15 years: + 43.4%
12/2003: 18,359
12/2008: 9,415
12/2017: 13,202 (- 8.8%)
01/2018: 12,763 (- 3.3%)
02/2018: 7,968 (- 37.6%)
03/2018: 12,321 (+ 54.6%)
04/2018: --
05/2018: 11,091 (- 10.0%)
06/2018: 10,298 (- 7.1%)
07/2018: 10,067 (- 2.2%)
08/2018: 9,997 (- 0.7%)
09/2018: 9,671 (- 3.3%)
10/2018: 9,575 (- 1.0%)
11/2018: --
12/2018: --
6 months: n.a.
1 year : n.a.
10 years: n.a.
15 years: n.a.
12/2003: 16,497
12/2008: 11,603
12/2013: ??????
12/2014: 13,195 **
12/2015: 8,630 **
12/2016: 9,177 **
12/2017: 6,468 (- 32.7%)
01/2018: 11,226 (+ 73.6%)
02/2018: 14,325 (+ 27.6%)
03/2018: 9,990 (+ 27.6%)
04/2018: 7,430 (- 25.6%)
05/2018: 5,837 (- 21.4%)
06/2018: 5,783 (- 0.9%)
07/2018: 5,366 (- 7.2%)
08/2018: 23,104 (+330.6%)
09/2018: 22,472 (- 2.7%)
10/2018: 17,168 (- 23.6%)
11/2018: 13,012 (- 24.2%)
12/2018: 11,983 (- 7.9%)
6 months: +107.2%
1 year : + 85.3%
2 years : + 30.6%
5 years : ?????
10 years: + 3.3%
15 years: - 27.4%
Vertigo average (6 comics): 13,207; Jinxworld average (3 comics): 9,381.
12/2003: 1,863,938
12/2008: 2,464,943
12/2013: ?????????
12/2014: 2,701,403 **
12/2015: 2,640,519 **
12/2016: 2,926,973 **
12/2017: 2,351,182 (- 19.4%)
01/2018: 2,493,119 (+ 6.0%)
02/2018: 2,270,180 (- 8.9%)
03/2018: 2,305,728 (+ 1.6%)
04/2018: 2,439,466 (+ 5.8%)
05/2018: 2,210,850 (- 9.4%)
06/2018: 2,321,651 (+ 5.0%)
07/2018: 2,452,128 (+ 4.5%)
08/2018: 2,135,622 (- 12.9%)
09/2018: 2,203,739 (+ 3.2%)
10/2018: 2,557,578 (+ 3.2%)
11/2018: 1,953,053 (- 23.6%)
12/2018: 1,898,752 (- 2.8%)
6 months: - 18.2%
1 year : - 19.2%
2 years : - 35.1%
5 years : ?????
10 years: - 23.0%
15 years: + 1.9%
Recall that DC only shipped 52 different comics in December (compared to 67 in November and 78 in October) due to their moving their fourth week titles to the first week of January. So while total sales are the lowest for a month in the Rebirth era, the average sales per title are rather good.
Another way to look at it: sales dropped just 3% from November, despite releasing 22% fewer titles. Or compare to sales from December 2003, where sales are up 2% despite releasing 27% fewer titles.
Frankly, DC would do well to consider reducing their monthly output of comics titles on a regular basis.
Sales Indices
The Sales Index number is the ratio of that comic’s sales to the average sales of all comics in that category.
DCU: Average: 44,269. Median: 28,006. No.: 40. Total: 1,770,779.
5.0 - Batman Who Laughs
3.1 - Batman Damned
2.8 - Doomsday Clock
2.1 - Batman (60)
2.0 - Batman (61)
1.5 - Batman Annual
1.5 - Shazam!
1.5 - Justice League (13)
1.4 - The Green Lantern
1.4 - Justice League (14)
1.2 - Superman
1.2 - Detective Comics
1.1 - Catwoman
1.0 - Flash
0.9 - Justice League Dark
0.9 - Martian Manhunter
0.8 - Wonder Woman
0.7 - Aquaman
0.7 - Deathstroke
0.6 - Nightwing (54)
0.6 - Harley Quinn (55)
0.6 - Teen Titans
0.6 - Harley Quinn (56)
0.6 - Nightwing (55)
0.6 - Suicide Squad
0.6 - Titans
0.5 - Red Hood Outlaw
0.5 - Freedom Fighters
0.5 - Supergirl
0.5 - Adventures of the Super Sons
0.5 - Hawkman
0.5 - Batman Kings of Fear
0.4 - Green Arrow
0.3 - Suicide Squad Black Files
0.3 - New Talent Showcase
0.3 - Sideways
0.2 - Damage
0.2 - The Curse of Brimstone
0.2 - Electric Warriors
0.2 - The Unexpected
Vertigo & Jinxworld: Average: 11,932. Median: 10,584. No.: 9. Total: 107,388.
1.5 - The Dreaming
1.5 - Goddess Mode
1.3 - Lucifer
1.1 - House of Whispers
0.9 - Pearl
0.9 - Cover
0.6 - Border Town
0.6 - American Carnage
0.6 - United States vs. Murder Inc
Digital First & Other: Average: 6,862. Median: 5,857. No.: 3. Total: 20,585.
1.5 - Scooby Apocalypse
0.9 - Sasquatch Detective
0.6 - Scooby-Doo, Where Are You?
The Fine Print (Disclaimers, et cetera)
The numbers above are estimates for comic-book sales in the North American direct market, as calculated by and Comichron, according to the chart and index information provided by Diamond Comic Distributors.'s and Comichron’s estimates are somewhat lower than the actual numbers, but they are consistent from month to month, so the trends they show are fairly accurate. Since it's a "month-to-month" column, the comments, unless otherwise noted, are on the most recent month.
Bear in mind that the figures measure sales of physical comics to retailers, not customers. Also, these numbers do not include many sales to bookstores, newsstands, libraries, other mass-market retail chains, or the United Kingdom. Re-orders are included, so long as they either reached stores in a book's initial calendar month of release or were strong enough to make the chart again in a subsequent month; or they show up in the year-end Top 1000. Keep in mind that sales for some titles may include incentives to acquire variants and not every unit sold is necessarily even intended to be sold to a customer.
If additional copies of an issue did appear on the chart after a book's initial calendar month of release, you can see the total number of copies sold in brackets behind those issues (e.g. "[36,599]"). Likewise, any lower numbers due to returns or other factors returns will also be reflected in the brackets. Should more than one issue have shipped in a month which is relevant for one of the long-term comparisons, the average between them will be used. Titles which are returnable have their numbers artificially adjusted down by Diamond. To make up for that this column increases the reported numbers for those titles by 10%. Which is likely also wrong, but it's a different and likely less wrong kind of wrong, and experience has shown that this leads to sales figures which are more consistent.
Titles released under the All-Ages line and magazines, such as Mad, mostly sell through channels other than the direct market, so direct-market sales don't tell us much about their performance. Likewise, Digital First comics are published online before print, and may do a significant amount of their sales in that arena. For most Vertigo titles, collection sales tend to be a significant factor, so the numbers for those books should be taken with a grain of salt as well.
Please keep in mind that raw sales numbers do not tell us about how profitable a book is for a publisher or for the creators.
Above all, do not allow sales numbers to dictate your purchasing and enjoyment of a particular comic. If you enjoy reading a comic series then go right on buying and reading that comic, no matter what the sales figures say.
** Two asterisks after a given month in the average charts mean that one or more periodical release did not make the Top 300 chart in that month. In those cases, it's assumed that said releases sold as many units as the No. 300 comic on the chart for that month for the purposes of the chart, although its actual sales are likely to be less than that.
Opinions expressed in this column are mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer; The National Fellowship of Raceway Ministries; or my former neighbor's dog Miles.
The author of this column does weekly snapshots of Amazon comic sales charts at and tweets about comics and related subjects on Twitter at @davereadscomics (PM me there is you need to contact me). As always, we welcome your comments and corrections below. Please try to keep things civilized.
This article was originally published January 28, 2019 on Yet Another Comics Blog.