One side of the graphic novel shelves. Mostly US stuff on this side.

The other side of the graphic novel shelves. Non-US stuff over here: Canada, UK, Europe, Asia.

Close-up of Tezuka's Buddha on the shelf, with annoyingly-placed spine labels.

Close-up of graphic novels.

Another Close-up
I hate you for reading Yotsuba& before it's even in stores. But in a kindly way.
Yotsuba&! hit comic stores last Wednesday...
What??? Really? My store said it doesn't come out 'til Wednesday. Same with Amazon, Borders, and B&N.
All I know is that somebody's in trouble but I don't know who it is.
p.s. I'm jealous of your library too.
Could be that Diamond split the shipments, as they often do on non-big 2 titles.
Also likely that the bookstore market is getting it later than the comic market.
i need to start checking out libraries i guess.
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