Saturday, May 15, 2010

Can I Die Yet?

Here's a look at Jody Macgregor's 100 Comics To Read Before You Die (via Tom Spurgeon) and whether I've read them or not.

Green = read it
Black = on the shelf, haven't read it yet
Red = don't own it, haven't read it yet

100. Why I Hate Saturn
99. The New Adventures of Hitler
98. From Hell
97. Palestine
96. Transmetropolitan
95. Maus
94. Ghost World
93. L'il Abner & The Bald Iggle
92. Action Philosophers!
91. A Lesson Is Learned But the Damage Is Irreversible
90. Jimmy Corrigan, the Smartest Kid on Earth
89. Watchmen
88. Yotsuba&!
87. Understanding Comics
86. Enigma
85. Hellboy: The Chained Coffin and Others
84. The Sandman #25
83. Squee!
82. Tank Girl book 1
81. Death Note
80. Persepolis
79. Sin City: The Hard Goodbye
78. 30 Days of Night: Juarez
77. Bone
76. Harvey Kurtzman's The Jungle Book
75. Blankets
74. Yummy Fur
73. A Softer World
72. Y, the Last Man
71. V for Vendetta
70. The Perry Bible Fellowship
69. Nat Turner
68. X-Force #116-129
67. Bookhunter
66. Like a Velvet Glove Cast in Iron
65. Killer Princesses
64. Scary Go Round
63. The Wallflower vol. 1
62. Crécy
61. Pogo
60. Lost at Sea
59. Nana
58. The Fixer: A Story from Sarajevo
57. Little Nemo in Slumberland
56. Bolland Strips
55. Uzumaki
54. The Left Bank Gang
53. Dropsie Avenue
52. The Maxx #1-12
51. Midnighter #7
50. I Killed Adolf Hitler
49. Jar of Fools
48. The Sandman #19
47. The Nightly News
46. Pyongyang: A Journey in North Korea
45. Green Manor
44. Kabuki: Metamorphosis
43. Disappearance Diary
42. Platinum Grit
41. Mushishi
40. Frank
39. Calvin and Hobbes
38. Pictures for Sad Children
37. Saga of the Swamp Thing vols. 1-2
36. Deff Skwadron
35. Dice Man #5: You Are Ronald Reagan
34. Stuck Rubber Baby
33. Fun Home
32. Dungeon: The Early Years
31. Castle Waiting
30. Runaways #1-18
29. Nextwave

(Will be updated as Macgregor adds to his list.)