Thursday, August 31, 2017

DC Comics Month-to Month Sales: July 2017 - The Die is Cast

Dark Days The Casting #1
Greetings, sales charts fans! It's time once again to look at DC's sales figures.

Many have noticed that DC have yet, a year in, to cancel any of their Rebirth series. Contrast this to the New 52, where several series didn't make it past their eighth issues. This despite the fact that there are several Rebirth series that based on their sales would have been cancelled under the same criteria.

This is, on the one hand, laudable. One of the problems that serial comics have these days is that readers often feel that a series they may want to start reading isn't going to be around for long, so why bother? By keeping these low-selling series going, DC seeks to assure readers that they aren't just going to up and cancel a series they like. In the short term this means keeping several low-selling series going, but it may pay dividends in the long run if DC can re-train readers' expectations.

On the other hand, this can also lead to problems. In these days of regular attrition on nearly every title, low selling series have to be cancelled to make room for new series, or else the entire line will wither and die. So far, DC have made room on their schedule by moving some lower-selling twice-monthly books to a monthly schedule. Which keeps some series running longer, but from a strictly financial perspective reducing the frequency of a comic that sells 24K per issue twice a month in order to keep another series that sells only half that going doesn't make a lot of sense.

And DC are soon going to need that extra room, as they prepare to launch several new series out of the Metal event. So soon they're going to have to either start cancelling those low-selling titles, or move even more books from twice-monthly to monthly. (And believe me you, there's no way they're going to move a 100K per issue Batman title to monthly any time soon!)

Reminder: In addition to the DC & Image M2M columns that get posted here at The Beat, I also track other comics sales over at my own blog, including monthly collection sales of DC Rebirth. Here is the collections sales chart for July 2017, including bonus Young Animal collection sales.

Warning: The commentary below may contain reasoned analysis, speculation (unfounded and otherwise), opinion, and/or snark. Those looking for a more straightforward analysis are directed to John Jackson Miller's excellent Comichron analysis, posted in August over at Comichron!

Please consider the fine print at the end of the column.

(Note that the percentage comparisons are done with total orders including reorder activity, as opposed to initial orders as was the practice of this column under the previous administration.)
06/2017: The Forge #1   -- 130,651           [139,088]
07/2017: The Casting #1 -- 128,261 (-  7.8%) 
DC has the top book (in units) this month with the second part of the prelude to their big crossover Metal series (which starts next month). Remarkably, it comes in just a couple thousand units shy of last month's opening salvo (which itself gets another 8.4K in orders for a second printing), which augers well for interest in the main event. Of course, there are multiple covers, at least some of which are metallic and shiny.

I mentioned that The Casting was #1 only in unit sales; the #1 book in dollar sales was Marvel's identically priced Astonishing X-Men #1, which leads one to believe that DC may have done some extra discounting on The Casting to get its numbers up this month.
3, 4 - BATMAN ($2.99)
07/2007: Batman #666  --  83,781 
07/2012: Batman #11   -- 127,210 
07/2013: Batman #22   -- 132,047 
07/2014: Batman #33   -- 117,996 [120,659] 
07/2015: Batman #42   -- 117,441 [118,702]
07/2016: Batman #2    -- 194,816 (- 41.4%) 
07/2016: Batman #3    -- 185,833 (-  4.6%) 
08/2016: Batman #4    -- 168,284 (-  9.4%) 
08/2016: Batman #5    -- 156,356 (-  7.1%) 
09/2016: Batman #6    -- 138,853 (- 11.2%) 
09/2016: Batman #7    -- 135,585 (-  2.4%) 
10/2016: Batman #8    -- 129,837 (-  4.2%) 
10/2016: Batman #9    -- 126,090 (-  2.9%) 
11/2016: Batman #10   -- 120,901 (-  4.1%) 
11/2016: Batman #11   -- 116,690 (-  3.5%) 
12/2016: Batman #12   -- 111,391 (-  4.5%) 
12/2016: Batman #13   -- 108,407 (-  2.7%) 
01/2017: Batman #14   -- 106,816 (-  1.5%) 
01/2017: Batman #15   -- 102,802 (-  3.8%) 
02/2017: Batman #16   -- 102,096 (-  0.7%) 
02/2017: Batman #17   --  99,637 (-  2.4%) 
03/2017: Batman #18   --  98,100 (-  1.5%) 
03/2017: Batman #19   --  97,501 (-  0.6%) 
04/2017: Batman #20   --  97,544 (+  0.0%) 
04/2017: Batman #21   -- 219,472 (+134.1%) [228,310]
05/2017: Batman #22   -- 186,914 (- 18.1%) 
05/2017: Batman #23   --  96,542 (- 48.3%) 
06/2017: Batman #24   -- 116,037 (+ 36.7%) [131,939]
06/2017: Batman #25   -- 102,798 (- 17.6%) [108,749]
07/2017: Batman #26   -- 107,071 (-  1.5%) 
07/2017: Batman #27   -- 102,335 (-  4.4%) 
6 months: -  0.1%
1 year  : - 45.0%
2 years : - 11.8%
5 years : - 17.7%
10 years: + 25.0%
"The War of Jokes and Riddles" continues, and keeps Batman above the 100K line. Extra printings of last month's issues show up on the chart this month as well, showing a renewed interest in Batman.
11 - ALL STAR BATMAN ($4.99)
07/2007: A-S Batman & Robin #6  -- 105,954
08/2016: All Star Batman #1     -- 318,283 (+238.5%)   
09/2016: All Star Batman #2     -- 151,523 (- 52.4%)   
10/2016: All Star Batman #3     -- 117,596 (- 22.4%)   
11/2016: All Star Batman #4     --  99,064 (- 15.8%)   
12/2016: All Star Batman #5     --  87,422 (- 11.8%)   
01/2017: All Star Batman #6     --  84,296 (-  3.8%)   
02/2017: All Star Batman #7     --  77,096 (-  8.5%)   
03/2017: All Star Batman #8     --  71,809 (-  6.9%)   
04/2017: All Star Batman #9     --  67,632 (-  5.8%)   
05/2017: All Star Batman #10    --  66,018 (-  2.4%)   
06/2017: All Star Batman #11    --  62,689 (-  5.0%)   
07/2017: All Star Batman #12    --  60,569 (-  3.4%)   
6 months: - 28.1%
10 years: - 42.8%
Ante-penultimate issue. Despite the involvement of Snyder, readers seem to have been treating this as a secondary Batman title.
15, 16 - DETECTIVE COMICS ($2.99)
07/2007: Detective Comics #834 --  53,461
07/2012: Detective Comics #11  --  79,835
07/2013: Detective Comics #22  --  63,949 
07/2014: Detective Comics #33  --  62,856  [63,318]
07/2015: Detective Comics #42  --  50,743  [51,055]
07/2016: Detective Comics #936 -- 110,689 (-  2.0%)
07/2016: Detective Comics #937 -- 101,389 (-  8.4%)
08/2016: Detective Comics #938 --  97,829 (-  3.5%)
08/2016: Detective Comics #939 --  89,612 (-  8.4%)
09/2016: Detective Comics #940 --  80,897 (-  9.7%)
09/2016: Detective Comics #941 --  82,953 (+  2.5%)
10/2016: Detective Comics #942 --  81,432 (-  1.8%)
10/2016: Detective Comics #943 --  74,340 (-  8.7%)
11/2016: Detective Comics #944 --  71,923 (-  3.3%)
11/2016: Detective Comics #945 --  69,942 (-  2.8%)
12/2016: Detective Comics #946 --  66,374 (-  5.1%)
12/2016: Detective Comics #947 --  65,090 (-  1.9%)
01/2017: Detective Comics #948 --  64,090 (-  1.5%)
01/2017: Detective Comics #949 --  61,543 (-  4.0%)
02/2017: Detective Comics #950 --  62,628 (+  1.8%)
02/2017: Detective Comics #951 --  59,630 (-  4.8%)
03/2017: Detective Comics #952 --  59,722 (+  0.2%)
03/2017: Detective Comics #953 --  59,160 (-  0.9%)
04/2017: Detective Comics #954 --  58,187 (-  1.6%)
04/2017: Detective Comics #955 --  57,666 (-  0.9%)
05/2017: Detective Comics #956 --  57,178 (-  0.8%)
05/2017: Detective Comics #957 --  56,344 (-  1.5%)
06/2017: Detective Comics #958 --  56,226 (-  0.2%)
06/2017: Detective Comics #959 --  55,449 (-  1.4%)
07/2017: Detective Comics #960 --  55,074 (-  0.7%)
07/2017: Detective Comics #961 --  54,407 (-  1.2%)
6 months: - 12.9%
1 year  : - 48.4%
2 years : +  7.2%
5 years : - 31.4%
10 years: +  2.4%
Standard attrition, but at this level that means a thousand fewer copies sold per issue than the previous month.
18, 19 - FLASH ($2.99)
07/2007: All Flash #1 --  78,955 
07/2012: Flash #11    --  53,674
07/2013: Flash #22    --  38,993 
07/2014: Flash #33    --  39,669  [38,170]
07/2015: Flash #42    --  37,956  [37,399]
07/2016: Flash #2     -- 113,639 (- 10.1%)
07/2016: Flash #3     -- 107,067 (-  5.8%)
08/2016: Flash #4     -- 102,208 (-  4.5%)
08/2016: Flash #5     --  91,830 (- 10.2%)
09/2016: Flash #6     --  82,930 (-  9.7%)
09/2016: Flash #7     --  78,057 (-  5.9%)
10/2016: Flash #8     --  76,749 (-  1.7%)
10/2016: Flash #9     --  74,311 (-  3.2%)
11/2016: Flash #10    --  70,681 (-  4.9%)
11/2016: Flash #11    --  68,304 (-  3.4%)
12/2016: Flash #12    --  64,476 (-  5.6%)
12/2016: Flash #13    --  62,800 (-  2.6%)
01/2017: Flash #14    --  60,732 (-  3.3%)
01/2017: Flash #15    --  58,402 (-  3.8%)
02/2017: Flash #16    --  57,039 (-  2.3%)
02/2017: Flash #17    --  55,234 (-  3.2%)
03/2017: Flash #18    --  54,959 (-  0.5%)
03/2017: Flash #19    --  53,918 (-  1.9%)
04/2017: Flash #20    --  53,828 (-  0.2%)
04/2017: Flash #21    -- 174,803 (+251.3%) [189,108]
05/2017: Flash #22    -- 163,767 (- 13.4%)
05/2017: Flash #23    --  54,640 (- 66.6%)
06/2017: Flash #24    --  54,275 (-  0.7%)
06/2017: Flash #25    --  54,632 (+  0.7%)
07/2017: Flash #26    --  54,237 (-  0.7%)
07/2017: Flash #27    --  53,806 (-  0.8%)
6 months: -  9.3%
1 year  : - 51.0%
2 years : + 44.4%
5 years : +  0.6%
10 years: - 31.6%
One of the clear success stories of the Rebirth era. If DC had more series selling in the 50-60K range, and seeing tiny issue-to-issue attrition, things would look a lot rosier.
21, 22 - JUSTICE LEAGUE ($2.99/$3.99)
07/2012: Justice League #11 -- 123,971
07/2013: Justice League #22 -- 110,194 [124,026]
07/2014: Justice League #32 --  88,179  [87,169]
07/2015: Justice League #42 --  81,291  [84,202]
07/2016: Rebirth #1         -- 195,402 (+178.4%) [201,613]
07/2016: Justice League #1  -- 230,106 (+ 14.1%)
08/2016: Justice League #2  -- 140,142 (- 39.1%)
08/2016: Justice League #3  -- 121,812 (- 13.1%)
09/2016: Justice League #4  -- 104,003 (- 14.6%)
09/2016: Justice League #5  --  98,276 (-  5.5%)
10/2016: Justice League #6  --  89,073 (-  9.4%)
10/2016: Justice League #7  --  85,789 (-  3.7%)
11/2016: Justice League #8  --  80,696 (-  5.9%)
11/2016: Justice League #9  --  77,905 (-  3.5%)
12/2016: Justice League #10 --  73,652 (-  5.5%)
12/2016: Justice League #11 --  71,527 (-  2.9%)
01/2017: Justice League #12 --  72,598 (+  1.5%)
01/2017: Justice League #13 --  70,437 (-  3.0%)
02/2017: Justice League #14 --  65,458 (-  7.1%)
02/2017: Justice League #15 --  64,230 (-  1.9%)
03/2017: Justice League #16 --  62,515 (-  2.7%)
03/2017: Justice League #17 --  61,165 (-  2.2%)
04/2017: Justice League #18 --  58,737 (-  4.0%)
04/2017: Justice League #19 --  57,647 (-  1.9%)
05/2017: Justice League #20 --  56,119 (-  2.7%)
05/2017: Justice League #21 --  55,351 (-  1.4%)
06/2017: Justice League #22 --  54,047 (-  2.4%)
06/2017: Justice League #23 --  53,283 (-  1.4%)
07/2017: Justice League #24 --  52,700 (-  1.1%)
07/2017: Justice League #25 --  51,507 (-  2.3%)
6 months: - 27.1%
1 year  : - 75.9%
2 years : - 38.1%
5 years : - 58.0%
Unlike most of the titles with over-sized and -priced 25th issues last month, this month's batch do not see slight increases, but rather typical declines. Issue #24 was kind of a fill-in, following up on events in the regular Aquaman comic and bringing Mera onto the team in his stead.
23, 25 - SUPERMAN ($2.99)
07/2007: Superman #664  --  52,313
07/2007: Superman #665  --  51,936
07/2012: Superman #11   --  56,066
07/2013: Superman #22   --  42,961 
07/2014: Superman #33   --  62,998  [64,859]
07/2015: Superman #42   --  46,691  [48,442]
07/2016: Superman #2    -- 112,148 (- 15.1%)
07/2016: Superman #3    -- 107,367 (-  4.3%)
08/2016: Superman #4    --  96,969 (-  9.7%)
08/2016: Superman #5    --  89,473 (-  7.7%)
09/2016: Superman #6    --  76,124 (- 14.9%)
09/2016: Superman #7    --  72,867 (-  4.3%)
10/2016: Superman #8    --  69,905 (-  4.1%)
10/2016: Superman #9    --  67,321 (-  3.7%)
11/2016: Superman #10   --  66,956 (-  0.5%)
11/2016: Superman #11   --  63,686 (-  4.9%)
12/2016: Superman #12   --  60,992 (-  4.2%)
12/2016: Superman #13   --  59,393 (-  2.6%)
01/2017: Superman #14   --  60,409 (+  1.7%)
01/2017: Superman #15   --  57,412 (-  5.0%)
02/2017: Superman #16   --  56,105 (-  2.3%)
02/2017: Superman #17   --  54,561 (-  2.8%)
03/2017: Superman #18   --  57,879 (+  6.1%)
03/2017: Superman #19   --  56,439 (-  2.5%)
04/2017: Superman #20   --  53,373 (-  5.4%)
04/2017: Superman #21   --  51,373 (-  3.7%)
05/2017: Superman #22   --  51,938 (+  1.1%)
05/2017: Superman #23   --  51,264 (-  1.3%)
06/2017: Superman #24   --  50,762 (-  1.3%)
06/2017: Superman #25   --  50,873 (+  0.2%)
07/2017: Superman #26   --  50,173 (-  1.4%)
07/2017: Superman #27   --  48,953 (-  2.4%)
6 months: - 12.7%
1 year  : - 54.8%
2 years : +  2.3%
5 years : - 11.6%
10 years: -  4.9%
Slips below the 50K mark for the first time in the Rebirth era. Issue #26 was a fill-in.
29, 30 - WONDER WOMAN ($2.99)
07/2007: Wonder Woman #11  --  52,983
07/2012: Wonder Woman #11  --  45,669
07/2013: Wonder Woman #22  --  35,539 
07/2014: Wonder Woman #33  --  37,431  [38,170]
07/2015: Wonder Woman #42  --  36,668  [37,183]
07/2016: Wonder Woman #2   -- 114,135 (- 12.5%)
07/2016: Wonder Woman #3   -- 103,912 (-  9.0%)
08/2016: Wonder Woman #4   --  93,862 (-  9.7%)
08/2016: Wonder Woman #5   --  85,646 (-  8.8%)
09/2016: Wonder Woman #6   --  74,856 (- 12.6%)
09/2016: Wonder Woman #7   --  70,118 (-  6.3%)
10/2016: Wonder Woman #8   --  66,405 (-  5.3%)
10/2016: Wonder Woman #9   --  64,555 (-  2.8%)
11/2016: Wonder Woman #10  --  60,185 (-  5.8%)
11/2016: Wonder Woman #11  --  58,692 (-  3.5%)
12/2016: Wonder Woman #12  --  55,639 (-  5.2%)
12/2016: Wonder Woman #13  --  54,589 (-  1.9%)
01/2017: Wonder Woman #14  --  52,784 (-  3.3%)
01/2017: Wonder Woman #15  --  50,978 (-  3.4%)
02/2017: Wonder Woman #16  --  49,921 (-  2.1%)
02/2017: Wonder Woman #17  --  48,662 (-  2.5%)
03/2017: Wonder Woman #18  --  47,484 (-  2.4%)
03/2017: Wonder Woman #19  --  46,745 (-  1.6%)
04/2017: Wonder Woman #20  --  45,266 (-  3.2%)
04/2017: Wonder Woman #21  --  44,597 (-  1.5%)
05/2017: Wonder Woman #22  --  44,114 (-  1.1%)
05/2017: Wonder Woman #23  --  43,704 (-  0.9%)
06/2017: Wonder Woman #24  --  43,371 (-  0.8%)
06/2017: Wonder Woman #25  --  44,106 (+  1.7%)
07/2017: Wonder Woman #26  --  43,042 (-  2.4%)
07/2017: Wonder Woman #27  --  42,371 (-  1.6%)
6 months: - 17.7%
1 year  : - 60.8%
2 years : + 14.9%
5 years : -  6.5%
10 years: - 19.4%
The new (and temporary) creative team is met with a return to standard attrition.
34, 36 - ACTION COMICS ($2.99)
07/2007: Action Comics #851 -- 76,500
07/2007: Action Comics #852 -- 50,294
07/2012: Action Comics #11  -- 76,232
07/2013: Action Comics #22  -- 44,861 
07/2014: Action Comics #33  -- 49,457  [50,029]
07/2015: Action Comics #42  -- 37,956  [38,434]
07/2016: Action Comics #959 -- 91,671 (+  0.2%)
07/2016: Action Comics #960 -- 83,281 (-  9.2%)
08/2016: Action Comics #961 -- 79,003 (-  5.1%)
08/2016: Action Comics #962 -- 70,761 (- 10.4%)
09/2016: Action Comics #963 -- 60,824 (- 14.0%)
09/2016: Action Comics #964 -- 58,439 (-  3.9%)
10/2016: Action Comics #965 -- 55,678 (-  4.7%)
10/2016: Action Comics #966 -- 53,467 (-  4.0%)
11/2016: Action Comics #967 -- 50,611 (-  5.3%)
11/2016: Action Comics #968 -- 48,931 (-  3.3%)
12/2016: Action Comics #969 -- 46,573 (-  4.8%)
12/2016: Action Comics #970 -- 45,856 (-  1.5%)
01/2017: Action Comics #971 -- 44,894 (-  2.1%)
01/2017: Action Comics #972 -- 43,110 (-  4.0%)
02/2017: Action Comics #973 -- 43,047 (-  0.1%)
02/2017: Action Comics #974 -- 41,712 (-  3.1%)
03/2017: Action Comics #975 -- 47,382 (+ 13.6%)
03/2017: Action Comics #976 -- 46,846 (-  1.1%)
04/2017: Action Comics #977 -- 43,865 (-  6.4%)
04/2017: Action Comics #978 -- 43,555 (-  0.7%)
05/2017: Action Comics #979 -- 43,336 (-  0.5%)
05/2017: Action Comics #980 -- 42,811 (-  1.2%)
06/2017: Action Comics #981 -- 42,520 (-  0.7%)
06/2017: Action Comics #982 -- 41,799 (-  1.7%)
07/2017: Action Comics #983 -- 41,764 (-  0.1%)
07/2017: Action Comics #984 -- 40,957 (-  1.9%)
6 months: -  6.0%
1 year  : - 52.7%
2 years : +  7.6%
5 years : - 45.7%
10 years: - 34.8%
Can Action stay above the 40K mark long enough to reach its stretch of lenticular covers (starting in September)? Come back next month to find out!
38, 43 - HARLEY QUINN ($2.99)
07/2014: Harley Quinn #8  --  76,827  [79,664]
07/2015: Harley Quinn #18 --  59,566  [60,292]
07/2016: Harley Quinn #30 --  45,443 (- 18.5%)
08/2016: Harley Quinn #1  -- 395,953 (+784.9%) [402,106]
08/2016: Harley Quinn #2  -- 128,316 (- 68.1%)
09/2016: Harley Quinn #3  --  89,799 (- 30.0%)
09/2016: Harley Quinn #4  --  81,046 (-  9.7%)
10/2016: Harley Quinn #5  --  69,237 (- 14.6%)
10/2016: Harley Quinn #6  --  64,710 (-  6.5%)
11/2016: Harley Quinn #7  --  56,878 (- 12.1%)
11/2016: Harley Quinn #8  --  54,111 (-  4.9%)
12/2016: Harley Quinn #9  --  49,871 (-  4.9%)
12/2016: Harley Quinn #10 --  48,380 (-  4.9%)
01/2017: Harley Quinn #11 --  47,308 (-  2.2%)
01/2017: Harley Quinn #12 --  45,599 (-  3.6%)
02/2017: Harley Quinn #13 --  45,400 (-  0.4%)
02/2017: Harley Quinn #14 --  43,798 (-  3.5%)
03/2017: Harley Quinn #15 --  43,264 (-  1.2%)
03/2017: Harley Quinn #16 --  42,797 (-  1.1%)
04/2017: Harley Quinn #17 --  43,263 (+  1.2%)
04/2017: Harley Quinn #18 --  41,645 (-  3.7%)
05/2017: Harley Quinn #19 --  41,552 (-  0.2%)
05/2017: Harley Quinn #20 --  40,596 (-  2.3%)
06/2017: Harley Quinn #21 --  40,272 (-  0.8%)
06/2017: Harley Quinn #22 --  39,389 (-  2.2%)
07/2017: Harley Quinn #23 --  39,480 (+  0.2%)
07/2017: Harley Quinn #24 --  38,124 (-  3.4%)
6 months: - 16.5%
1 year  : - 14.6%
2 years : - 35.6%
Not sure about the reason for the pause in decline for issue #23, but issue #24 made up for it and it all averages out to normal.
40 - TITANS ($3.99)
07/2016: Titans #1    -- 112,676 (+ 12.0%) 
08/2016: Titans #2    --  80,079 (- 28.9%) 
09/2016: Titans #3    --  70,673 (- 11.7%) 
10/2016: Titans #4    --  58,342 (- 17.4%) 
11/2016: Titans #5    --  52,511 (- 10.0%) 
12/2016: Titans #6    --  48,612 (-  7.4%) 
01/2017: Titans #7    --  46,998 (-  3.3%) 
02/2017: Titans #8    --  44,028 (-  6.3%) 
03/2017: Titans #9    --  42,557 (-  3.3%) 
04/2017: Titans #10   --  40,893 (-  3.9%) 
05/2017: Titans #11   --  45,889 (+ 12.2%) 
06/2017: Titans #12   --  40,204 (- 12.4%) 
07/2017: Titans #13   --  39,272 (-  2.3%) 
6 months: - 16.4%
1 year  : - 65.1%
Back to standard attrition.
46, 49 - SUICIDE SQUAD ($2.99)
07/2012: Suicide Squad #11     --  29,809
07/2013: Suicide Squad #22     --  22,447 
07/2014: New Suicide Squad #1  --  49,260  [55,882]
07/2015: New Suicide Squad #10 --  35,365  [35,842]
07/2016: New Suicide Squad #22 --  25,162 (+  5.3%)
08/2016: Rebirth #1            -- 195,587 (+677.3%)
08/2016: Suicide Squad #1      -- 239,439 (+ 22.4%)
09/2016: Suicide Squad #2      --  98,533 (- 58.8%)
09/2016: Suicide Squad #3      --  90,885 (-  7.8%)
10/2016: Suicide Squad #4      --  76,324 (- 16.0%)
10/2016: Suicide Squad #5      --  69,819 (-  8.5%)
11/2016: Suicide Squad #6      --  61,973 (- 11.2%)
11/2016: Suicide Squad #7      --  59,452 (-  4.1%)
12/2016: Suicide Squad #8      --  59,967 (+  0.9%)
01/2017: Suicide Squad #9      --  54,010 (-  9.9%)
01/2017: Suicide Squad #10     --  53,649 (-  0.7%)
02/2017: Suicide Squad #11     --  48,723 (-  9.2%)
02/2017: Suicide Squad #12     --  46,860 (-  3.8%)
03/2017: Suicide Squad #13     --  45,064 (-  3.8%)
03/2017: Suicide Squad #14     --  43,388 (-  3.7%)
04/2017: Suicide Squad #15     --  40,940 (-  5.6%)
04/2017: Suicide Squad #16     --  41,929 (+  2.4%)
05/2017: Suicide Squad #17     --  38,719 (-  7.7%)
05/2017: Suicide Squad #18     --  38,401 (-  0.8%)
06/2017: Suicide Squad #19     --  37,642 (-  2.0%)
06/2017: Suicide Squad #20     --  37,532 (-  0.3%)
07/2017: Suicide Squad #21     --  36,077 (-  3.9%)
07/2017: Suicide Squad #22     --  35,719 (-  1.0%)
6 months: - 33.3%
1 year  : + 42.7%
2 years : +  0.7%
5 years : + 20.4%
While it's not setting the charts on fire, these are historically pretty good sales figures for a Suicide Squad comic. The previous series (New Suicide Squad) ended at issue #22 with 10K fewer copies.
07/2007: JL of America #11  -- 122,823  
07/2013: JL of America #6   --  86,192 
07/2015: JL of America #2   --  70,979  [72,335]
07/2016: --
08/2016: JL of America #9   --  44,700 (-  1.8%)
09/2016: --
10/2016: --
11/2016: JL of America #10  --  39,766 (- 11.0%)
12/2016: -- 
01/2017: Atom Rebirth #1    --  29,639 (- 25.5%)
01/2017: Vixen Rebirth #1   --  29,435 (-  0.7%)
01/2017: The Ray Rebirth #1 --  27,749 (-  5.7%)
01/2017: K Frost Rebirth #1 --  29,932 (+  7.9%)
02/2017: JLA Rebirth #1     --  80,737 (+ 59.0%)
02/2017: JL of America #1   -- 102,843 (+ 27.4%)
03/2017: JL of America #2   --  58,684 (- 42.9%)
03/2017: JL of America #3   --  53,354 (-  9.1%)
04/2017: JL of America #4   --  47,696 (- 10.6%)
04/2017: JL of America #5   --  45,697 (-  4.2%)
05/2017: JL of America #6   --  42,182 (-  7.7%)
05/2017: JL of America #7   --  40,970 (-  2.9%)
06/2017: JL of America #8   --  38,567 (-  5.3%)
06/2017: JL of America #9   --  37,567 (-  3.2%)
07/2017: JL of America #10  --  35,951 (-  4.3%)
07/2017: JL of America #11  --  35,164 (-  2.2%)
6 months: + 21.8%
1 year  :    n.a.
2 years : - 50.8%
10 years: - 71.0%
The previous (New 52) JLA series ended at issue #10 with sales of 39,766.
51 - SUPER SONS ($3.99)
02/2017: Super Sons #1  -- 99,380
03/2017: Super Sons #2  -- 51,723 (- 48.0%)
04/2017: Super Sons #3  -- 44,561 (- 13.8%)
05/2017: Super Sons #4  -- 39,412 (- 11.6%)
06/2017: Super Sons #5  -- 37,022 (-  6.1%)
07/2017: Super Sons #6  -- 35,461 (-  4.2%)
Following a predictable pattern.
52, 57 - NIGHTWING ($2.99/$3.99)
07/2007: Nightwing #134 --  30,228
07/2012: Nightwing #11  --  49,124
07/2013: Nightwing #22  --  42,073 
07/2014: Grayson #1     --  81,433  [90,388]
07/2015: Grayson #10    --  33,990  [34,882]
07/2016: Rebirth #1     -- 140,631 (+491.8%)
07/2016: Nightwing #1   -- 126,266 (- 10.2%)
08/2016: Nightwing #2   -- 102,444 (- 18.9%)
08/2016: Nightwing #3   --  89,711 (- 12.4%)
09/2016: Nightwing #4   --  70,652 (- 21.2%)
09/2016: Nightwing #5   --  76,932 (+  8.9%)
10/2016: Nightwing #6   --  69,246 (- 10.0%)
10/2016: Nightwing #7   --  58,402 (- 15.7%)
11/2016: Nightwing #8   --  56,091 (-  4.0%)
11/2016: Nightwing #9   --  52,984 (-  5.5%)
12/2016: Nightwing #10  --  49,436 (-  6.7%)
12/2016: Nightwing #11  --  47,781 (-  3.3%)
01/2017: Nightwing #12  --  46,057 (-  3.6%)
01/2017: Nightwing #13  --  44,462 (-  3.5%)
02/2017: Nightwing #14  --  42,656 (-  4.1%)
02/2017: Nightwing #15  --  41,423 (-  2.9%)
03/2017: Nightwing #16  --  40,289 (-  2.7%)
03/2017: Nightwing #17  --  39,467 (-  2.0%)
04/2017: Nightwing #18  --  38,858 (-  1.5%)
04/2017: Nightwing #19  --  38,230 (-  1.6%)
05/2017: Nightwing #20  --  37,646 (-  1.5%)
05/2017: Nightwing #21  --  37,309 (-  0.9%)
06/2017: Nightwing #22  --  36,343 (-  2.6%)
06/2017: Nightwing #23  --  36,055 (-  0.8%)
07/2017: Nightwing #24  --  35,370 (-  1.9%)
07/2017: Nightwing #25  --  34,587 (-  2.2%)
6 months: - 22.7%
1 year  : - 73.8%
2 years : +  0.3%
5 years : - 28.8%
10 years: + 15.7%
No noticeable sales effect from the over-sized and -priced 25th issue.
53 - TEEN TITANS ($3.99)
07/2007: Teen Titans #49 -- 59,258
07/2012: Teen Titans #11 -- 45,367
07/2013: Teen Titans #22 -- 33,062 
07/2014: Teen Titans #1  -- 52,358  [57,923]
07/2015: Teen Titans #10 -- 28,547  [28,963]
07/2016: Teen Titans #22 -- 19,005 (+  1.3%)
08/2016: Teen Titans #23 -- 19,118 (+  0.6%)
09/2016: Teen Titans #24 -- 19,540 (+  2.2%)
09/2016: Rebirth #1      -- 93,411 (+378.0%)
10/2016: Teen Titans #1  -- 71,459 (- 23.5%)
11/2016: Teen Titans #2  -- 52,877 (- 26.0%)
12/2016: Teen Titans #3  -- 44,116 (- 16.6%)
01/2017: Teen Titans #4  -- 41,304 (-  6.4%)
02/2017: Teen Titans #5  -- 39,028 (-  5.5%)
03/2017: Teen Titans #6  -- 37,572 (-  3.7%)
04/2017: Teen Titans #7  -- 36,056 (-  4.0%)
05/2017: Teen Titans #8  -- 43,385 (+ 20.3%)
06/2017: Teen Titans #9  -- 36,058 (- 16.9%)
07/2017: Teen Titans #10 -- 35,308 (-  2.1%)
6 months: - 14.5%
1 year  : + 85.8%
2 years : + 21.9%
5 years : - 22.2%
10 years: - 40.4%
Back to standard attrition.
07/2007: Green Lantern Corps #14  --  45,393  [61,493]
07/2012: Green Lantern Corps #11  --  42,996
07/2013: Green Lantern Corps #22  --  42,194 
07/2014: Green Lantern Corps #33  --  32,877  [33,160]
07/2015: --
07/2016: Rebirth #1               -- 125,362 (+579.1%)
07/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #1      -- 119,579 (-  4.6%)
08/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #2      --  85,769 (- 28.3%)
08/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #3      --  71,211 (- 17.0%)
09/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #4      --  60,297 (- 15.3%)
09/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #5      --  56,029 (-  7.1%)
10/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #6      --  49,988 (- 10.8%)
10/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #7      --  48,064 (-  3.8%)
11/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #8      --  45,194 (-  6.0%)
11/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #9      --  43,486 (-  3.8%)
12/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #10     --  41,234 (-  5.2%)
12/2016: Hal Jordan & GLC #11     --  40,111 (-  2.7%)
01/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #12     --  39,148 (-  2.4%)
01/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #13     --  38,053 (-  2.8%)
02/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #14     --  37,504 (-  1.4%)
02/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #15     --  36,331 (-  3.1%)
03/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #16     --  35,996 (-  0.9%)
03/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #17     --  35,205 (-  2.2%)
04/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #18     --  34,507 (-  2.0%)
04/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #19     --  34,140 (-  1.1%)
05/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #20     --  33,721 (-  1.2%)
05/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #21     --  33,259 (-  1.4%)
06/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #22     --  33,116 (-  0.4%)
06/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #23     --  32,517 (-  1.8%)
07/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #24     --  32,210 (-  0.9%)
07/2017: Hal Jordan & GLC #25     --  31,838 (-  1.2%)
6 months: - 17.0%
1 year  : - 73.9%
2 years :    n.a.
5 years : - 25.5%
10 years: - 47.9%
No noticeable sales effect from the over-sized and -priced 25th issue.
67 - TRINITY ($3.99)
09/2016: Trinity #1  -- 103,177 (+217.3%)
10/2016: Trinity #2  --  71,617 (- 30.6%)
11/2016: Trinity #3  --  58,253 (- 18.7%)
12/2016: Trinity #4  --  50,270 (- 13.7%)
01/2017: Trinity #5  --  46,204 (-  8.1%)
02/2017: Trinity #6  --  42,001 (-  9.1%)
03/2017: Trinity #7  --  39,380 (-  6.2%)
04/2017: Trinity #8  --  36,803 (-  6.5%)
05/2017: Trinity #9  --  34,317 (-  6.8%)
06/2017: Trinity #10 --  32,654 (-  4.8%)
07/2017: Trinity #11 --  31,274 (-  4.2%)
6 months: - 32.3%
68, 70 - GREEN LANTERNS ($2.99)
07/2007: Green Lantern #21  --  81,929  [93,052]
07/2012: Green Lantern #11  --  78,708
07/2013: Green Lantern #22  --  62,415 
07/2014: Green Lantern #33  --  47,279  [47,464]
07/2015: Green Lantern #42  --  39,290  [39,708]
07/2016: Green Lanterns #2  --  90,268 (- 16.2%)
07/2016: Green Lanterns #3  --  86,579 (-  4.1%)
08/2016: Green Lanterns #4  --  78,254 (-  9.6%)
08/2016: Green Lanterns #5  --  70,677 (-  9.7%)
09/2016: Green Lanterns #6  --  58,346 (- 17.4%)
09/2016: Green Lanterns #7  --  55,367 (-  5.1%)
10/2016: Green Lanterns #8  --  52,025 (-  6.0%)
10/2016: Green Lanterns #9  --  49,434 (-  5.0%)
11/2016: Green Lanterns #10 --  46,306 (-  6.3%)
11/2016: Green Lanterns #11 --  44,703 (-  3.5%)
12/2016: Green Lanterns #12 --  42,241 (-  5.5%)
12/2016: Green Lanterns #13 --  41,090 (-  2.7%)
01/2017: Green Lanterns #14 --  39,854 (-  3.0%)
01/2017: Green Lanterns #15 --  38,571 (-  3.2%)
02/2017: Green Lanterns #16 --  37,845 (-  1.9%)
02/2017: Green Lanterns #17 --  36,636 (-  3.2%)
03/2017: Green Lanterns #18 --  35,824 (-  2.2%)
03/2017: Green Lanterns #19 --  35,368 (-  1.3%)
04/2017: Green Lanterns #20 --  34,224 (-  3.2%)
04/2017: Green Lanterns #21 --  33,556 (-  2.0%)
05/2017: Green Lanterns #22 --  32,686 (-  2.6%)
05/2017: Green Lanterns #23 --  32,251 (-  1.3%)
06/2017: Green Lanterns #24 --  31,683 (-  1.8%)
06/2017: Green Lanterns #25 --  31,413 (-  0.9%)
07/2017: Green Lanterns #26 --  31,045 (-  1.2%)
07/2017: Green Lanterns #27 --  30,278 (-  2.5%)
6 months: - 21.8%
1 year  : - 65.3%
2 years : - 22.8%
5 years : - 61.0%
10 years: - 67.0%
Probably its last month above 30K.
74 - BATMAN/THE SHADOW ($3.99)
04/2017: Batman/Shadow #1 of 6 -- 55,920
05/2017: Batman/Shadow #2 of 6 -- 34,956 (- 37.5%)
06/2017: Batman/Shadow #3 of 6 -- 31,717 (-  9.3%)
07/2017: Batman/Shadow #4 of 6 -- 29,434 (-  7.2%)
77 - AQUAMAN ($3.99)
07/2007: Aquaman SoA #54 -- 14,963
07/2012: Aquaman #11     -- 57,675
07/2013: Aquaman #22     -- 45,653 
07/2014: Aquaman #33     -- 36,140  [36,581]
07/2015: Aquaman #42     -- 28,158  [28,479]
07/2016: Aquaman #2      -- 77,550 (- 16.9%)
07/2016: Aquaman #3      -- 75,196 (-  3.0%)
08/2016: Aquaman #4      -- 67,641 (- 10.0%)
08/2016: Aquaman #5      -- 60,422 (- 10.7%)
09/2016: Aquaman #6      -- 49,903 (- 17.4%)
09/2016: Aquaman #7      -- 47,005 (-  5.8%)
10/2016: Aquaman #8      -- 44,551 (-  5.2%)
10/2016: Aquaman #9      -- 42,695 (-  4.2%)
11/2016: Aquaman #10     -- 39,816 (-  6.7%)
11/2016: Aquaman #11     -- 38,109 (-  4.3%)
12/2016: Aquaman #12     -- 35,571 (-  6.7%)
12/2016: Aquaman #13     -- 34,619 (-  2.7%)
01/2017: Aquaman #14     -- 33,377 (-  3.6%)
01/2017: Aquaman #15     -- 32,424 (-  2.9%)
02/2017: Aquaman #16     -- 31,408 (-  3.1%)
02/2017: Aquaman #17     -- 30,584 (-  2.6%)
03/2017: Aquaman #18     -- 30,044 (-  1.8%)
03/2017: Aquaman #19     -- 29,279 (-  2.5%)
04/2017: Aquaman #20     -- 28,452 (-  2.8%)
04/2017: Aquaman #21     -- 27,837 (-  2.2%)
05/2017: Aquaman #22     -- 27,215 (-  2.2%)
05/2017: Aquaman #23     -- 26,841 (-  1.4%)
06/2017: Aquaman #24     -- 26,455 (-  1.4%)
06/2017: Aquaman #25     -- 27,793 (+  5.1%)
07/2017: Aquaman #26     -- 27,702 (-  0.3%)
6 months: - 15.8%
1 year  : - 63.7%
2 years : -  2.7%
5 years : - 52.0%
10 years: + 85.1%
The first monthly issue of Aquaman (at its new regular price) retains nearly all of the gain that the 25th issue picked up last month.
80, 83 - GREEN ARROW ($2.99)
07/2007: Green Arrow Y1 #1 -- 37,090
07/2012: Green Arrow #11   -- 24,646
07/2013: Green Arrow #22   -- 26,172 
07/2014: Green Arrow #33   -- 23,452 
07/2015: Green Arrow #42   -- 24,921
07/2016: Green Arrow #2    -- 80,134 (- 13.8%)
07/2016: Green Arrow #3    -- 80,150 (+  0.0%)
08/2016: Green Arrow #4    -- 74,335 (-  7.3%)
08/2016: Green Arrow #5    -- 69,530 (-  6.5%)
09/2016: Green Arrow #6    -- 55,330 (- 20.4%)
09/2016: Green Arrow #7    -- 52,794 (-  4.6%)
10/2016: Green Arrow #8    -- 49,904 (-  7.4%)
10/2016: Green Arrow #9    -- 46,606 (-  4.7%)
11/2016: Green Arrow #10   -- 43,355 (-  7.0%)
11/2016: Green Arrow #11   -- 41,576 (-  4.1%)
12/2016: Green Arrow #12   -- 38,515 (-  7.4%)
12/2016: Green Arrow #13   -- 37,365 (-  3.0%)
01/2017: Green Arrow #14   -- 35,733 (-  4.4%)
01/2017: Green Arrow #15   -- 34,590 (-  3.2%)
02/2017: Green Arrow #16   -- 33,371 (-  3.5%)
02/2017: Green Arrow #17   -- 32,392 (-  2.9%)
03/2017: Green Arrow #18   -- 31,838 (-  1.7%)
03/2017: Green Arrow #19   -- 30,984 (-  2.7%)
04/2017: Green Arrow #20   -- 30,216 (-  2.5%)
04/2017: Green Arrow #21   -- 29,993 (-  0.7%)
05/2017: Green Arrow #22   -- 28,931 (-  3.5%)
05/2017: Green Arrow #23   -- 28,291 (-  2.2%)
06/2017: Green Arrow #24   -- 27,737 (-  2.0%)
06/2017: Green Arrow #25   -- 27,388 (-  1.3%)
07/2017: Green Arrow #26   -- 27,285 (-  0.4%)
07/2017: Green Arrow #27   -- 26,715 (-  2.1%)
6 months: - 23.2%
1 year  : - 66.3%
2 years : +  8.3%
5 years : +  9.6%
10 years: - 27.2%
Green Arrow is going monthly starting in November, so that gives us a pretty good idea of where the dividing line stands. With DC's plans to launch a plethora of new titles coming out of the Dark Nights Metal event, expect to see several more titles go monthly in the months to come in order to make room on the schedule.
85 - RED HOOD & THE OUTLAWS ($3.99)
07/2012: Red Hood & Outlaws #11 -- 35,820
07/2013: Red Hood & Outlaws #22 -- 30,534 
07/2014: Red Hood & Outlaws #33 -- 20,669 
07/2015: Red Hood/Arsenal #2    -- 26,829
07/2016: Rebirth #1             -- 97,722 (+496.3%)
08/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #1  -- 92,234 (-  5.6%)
09/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #2  -- 54,937 (- 40.4%)
10/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #3  -- 41,971 (- 23.6%)
11/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #4  -- 36,740 (- 12.5%)
12/2016: Red Hood & Outlaws #5  -- 32,860 (- 10.6%)
01/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #6  -- 31,321 (-  4.7%)
02/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #7  -- 28,753 (-  8.2%)
03/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #8  -- 27,894 (-  3.0%)
04/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #9  -- 26,410 (-  5.3%)
05/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #10 -- 25,977 (-  1.6%)
06/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #11 -- 25,185 (-  3.0%)
07/2017: Red Hood & Outlaws #12 -- 26,251 (+  4.2%)
6 months: - 16.2%
1 year  : - 73.1%
2 years : -  2.2%
5 years : - 26.7%
I really have no idea why RD&tO jumped up this month. Yes, it's the start of a new storyline ("The Life of Bizzaro"), but it's by the same regular creative team. Maybe because it's a play on the "Death of Superman" (with an homage cover)?
91 - DEATHSTROKE ($3.99)
07/2012: Deathstroke #11 --  17,107 
07/2015: Deathstroke #8  --  33,648  [34,754]
07/2016: Deathstroke #20 --  20,562 (-  2.5%) 
08/2016: Rebirth #1      -- 109,250 (+431.3%)
08/2016: Deathstroke #1  --  91,962 (- 15.8%)
09/2016: Deathstroke #2  --  60,877 (- 33.8%)
09/2016: Deathstroke #3  --  54,908 (-  9.8%)
10/2016: Deathstroke #4  --  46,773 (- 14.8%)
10/2016: Deathstroke #5  --  43,058 (-  7.9%)
11/2016: Deathstroke #6  --  37,177 (- 13.7%)
11/2016: Deathstroke #7  --  35,782 (-  3.8%)
12/2016: Deathstroke #8  --  32,530 (-  9.1%)
12/2016: Deathstroke #9  --  31,519 (-  3.1%)
01/2017: Deathstroke #10 --  29,864 (-  5.3%)
01/2017: Deathstroke #11 --  28,625 (-  4.1%)
02/2017: Deathstroke #12 --  27,226 (-  4.9%)
02/2017: Deathstroke #13 --  26,328 (-  3.3%)
03/2017: Deathstroke #14 --  25,493 (-  3.2%)
03/2017: Deathstroke #15 --  24,746 (-  2.9%)
04/2017: Deathstroke #16 --  23,712 (-  4.2%)
04/2017: Deathstroke #17 --  23,449 (-  1.1%)
05/2017: Deathstroke #18 --  22,742 (-  3.0%)
05/2017: Deathstroke #19 --  34,772 (+ 52.9%)
06/2017: Deathstroke #20 --  24,743 (- 28.8%)
07/2017: Deathstroke #21 --  24,956 (+  0.9%)
6 months: - 14.7%
1 year  : + 21.4%
2 years : - 28.4%
5 years : + 45.9%
A tiny bump up this month, but that's always preferable to a standard attrition decrease. Maybe Deathstroke should have gone monthly sooner?
92 - BATWOMAN ($3.99)
07/2012: Batwoman #11  -- 38,980
07/2013: Batwoman #22  -- 27,400 
07/2014: Batwoman #33  -- 23,922 
02/2017: Rebirth #1    -- 57,915 (+318.9%)
03/2017: Batwoman #1   -- 60,334 (+  4.2%)
04/2017: Batwoman #2   -- 36,563 (- 39.4%)
05/2017: Batwoman #3   -- 29,664 (- 18.9%)
06/2017: Batwoman #4   -- 26,782 (-  9.7%)
07/2017: Batwoman #5   -- 24,843 (-  7.2%)
5 years : - 36.3%
97 - BATMAN BEYOND ($3.99)
07/2012: Unlimited #6      -- 22,555
07/2013: Unlimited #18     -- 15,275 
07/2014: Universe #12      -- 14,419 
07/2015: Batman Beyond #2  -- 35,000  [35,238]
07/2016: Batman Beyond #14 -- 18,001 (+ 38.2%)
08/2016: Batman Beyond #15 -- 17,882 (-  0.7%)
09/2016: Batman Beyond #16 -- 17,799 (-  0.5%)
09/2016: Rebirth #1        -- 74,722 (+319.8%)
10/2016: Batman Beyond #1  -- 66,591 (- 10.0%)
11/2016: Batman Beyond #2  -- 41,313 (- 38.0%)
12/2016: Batman Beyond #3  -- 32,916 (- 20.3%)
01/2017: Batman Beyond #4  -- 29,767 (-  9.6%)
02/2017: Batman Beyond #5  -- 27,495 (-  7.6%)
03/2017: Batman Beyond #6  -- 26,261 (-  4.5%)
04/2017: Batman Beyond #7  -- 24,789 (-  5.6%)
05/2017: Batman Beyond #8  -- 24,093 (-  2.8%)
06/2017: Batman Beyond #9  -- 23,370 (-  3.0%)
07/2017: Batman Beyond #10 -- 22,871 (-  2.1%)
6 months: - 23.2%
1 year  : + 27.1%
2 years : - 35.1%
5 years : +  1.4%
98 - THE WILD STORM ($3.99)
02/2017: The Wild Storm #1  -- 54,442
03/2017: The Wild Storm #2  -- 37,818 (- 30.5%)
04/2017: The Wild Storm #3  -- 30,595 (- 19.1%)
05/2017: The Wild Storm #4  -- 25,571 (- 16.4%)
06/2017: The Wild Storm #5  -- 24,206 (-  5.3%)
07/2017: The Wild Storm #6  -- 22,640 (-  6.5%)
End of the first story arc. It's pretty much on par with Doom Patrol at its sixth issue, and is quite a bit ahead of the other Young Animal titles and way above any recent Vertigo series (excepting Sandman, of course). But I fear that this is a weak position from which to be launching a revived WildStorm line.
101 - BATGIRL ($3.99)
07/2012: Batgirl #11  -- 45,004
07/2013: Batgirl #22  -- 39,218 
07/2014: Batgirl #33  -- 37,186  [37,506]
07/2015: Batgirl #42 --  33,168  [34,194]
07/2016: Batgirl #1  -- 105,795 (+299.3%)
08/2016: Batgirl #2  --  68,611 (- 35.1%)
09/2016: Batgirl #3  --  51,580 (- 24.8%)
10/2016: Batgirl #4  --  40,778 (- 20.9%)
11/2016: Batgirl #5  --  35,210 (- 13.7%)
12/2016: Batgirl #6  --  31,294 (- 11.1%)
01/2017: Batgirl #7  --  28,712 (-  8.3%)
02/2017: Batgirl #8  --  26,539 (-  7.6%)
03/2017: Batgirl #9  --  25,469 (-  4.0%)
04/2017: Batgirl #10 --  24,117 (-  5.3%)
05/2017: Batgirl #11 --  23,338 (-  3.2%)
06/2017: Batgirl #12 --  22,473 (-  3.7%)
07/2017: Batgirl #13 --  22,356 (-  0.5%)
6 months: - 22.1%
1 year  : - 78.9%
2 years : - 34.6%
5 years : - 50.3%
Issue #13 was a really good, stand-alone issue (with guest art by Iniki Miranda). Next time you are at your local comic shop you should see if they have any left.
105 - SUPERGIRL ($3.99)
07/2007: Supergirl #19 --  48,576 
07/2012: Supergirl #11 --  31,879
07/2013: Supergirl #22 --  25,514 
07/2014: Supergirl #33 --  22,802 
08/2016: Rebirth #1    -- 124,088 (+367.8%)
09/2016: Supergirl #1  --  99,272 (- 20.0%)
10/2016: Supergirl #2  --  50,261 (- 49.4%)
11/2016: Supergirl #3  --  37,316 (- 25.8%)
12/2016: Supergirl #4  --  31,040 (- 16.8%)
01/2017: Supergirl #5  --  29,030 (-  6.5%)
02/2017: Supergirl #6  --  26,240 (-  9.6%)
03/2017: Supergirl #7  --  24,592 (-  6.3%)
04/2017: Supergirl #8  --  23,814 (-  3.2%)
05/2017: Supergirl #9  --  22,605 (-  5.1%)
06/2017: Supergirl #10 --  22,093 (-  2.3%)
07/2017: Supergirl #11 --  21,319 (-  3.5%)
6 months: - 26.6%
5 years : - 33.1%
10 years: - 56.1%
109 - BANE: CONQUEST ($3.99)
05/2017: Bane Conq #1 of 12 -- 41,709
06/2017: Bane Conq #2 of 12 -- 25,142 {- 39.7%)
07/2017: Bane Conq #3 of 12 -- 20,287 {- 19.3%)
07/2007: Birds of Prey #108 --  28,025
07/2012: Birds of Prey #11  --  27,389
07/2013: Birds of Prey #22  --  20,209 
07/2014: Birds of Prey #33  --  15,379
07/2016: Rebirth #1         -- 109,066 (+119.0%)
08/2016: Batgirl & BoP #1   --  83,481 (- 23.5%)
09/2016: Batgirl & BoP #2   --  54,083 (- 35.2%)
10/2016: Batgirl & BoP #3   --  40,041 (- 26.0%)
11/2016: Batgirl & BoP #4   --  33,138 (- 17.2%)
12/2016: Batgirl & BoP #5   --  28,846 (- 13.0%)
01/2017: Batgirl & BoP #6   --  26,618 (-  7.7%)
02/2017: Batgirl & BoP #7   --  24,466 (-  8.1%)
03/2017: Batgirl & BoP #8   --  22,941 (-  6.2%)
04/2017: Batgirl & BoP #9   --  21,535 (-  6.1%)
05/2017: Batgirl & BoP #10  --  20,818 (-  3.3%)
06/2017: Batgirl & BoP #11  --  19,912 (-  4.4%)
07/2017: Batgirl & BoP #12  --  19,297 (-  3.1%)
6 months: - 27.5%
1 year  : - 82.3%
5 years : - 29.5%
10 years: - 31.1%
That one-year percentage drop is the largest we've seen (so far) for any Rebirth title.
120 - DOOM PATROL (Young Animal) ($3.99)
09/2016: Doom Patrol #1  -- 83,848 (+801.7%)
10/2016: Doom Patrol #2  -- 41,642 (- 50.3%)
11/2016: Doom Patrol #3  -- 33,154 (- 20.4%)
12/2016: -- 
01/2017: Doom Patrol #4  -- 26,261 (- 20.8%)
02/2017: --
03/2017: Doom Patrol #5  -- 24,693 (-  6.0%)
04/2017: Doom Patrol #6  -- 21,954 (- 11.1%)
05/2017: --
06/2017: --
07/2017: Doom Patrol #7  -- 18,432 (- 16.0%)
6 months: - 29.8%
Returns from its two month hiatus down a good chunk. Scheduling issues like Doom Patrol has had can really kill momentum for a new title; and when its the flagship of a new line, can paint the whole line in a negative light (even if those other titles haven't had the same scheduling problems).
122 - THE HELLBLAZER ($3.99)
07/2007: Hellblazer #234    -- 13,112
07/2012: Hellblazer #293    --  9,247
07/2013: Constantine #5     -- 30,664  [35,027]
07/2014: Constantine #16    -- 16,235 
07/2015: The Hellblazer #2  -- 27,512
07/2016: Rebirth #1         -- 84,404 (+437.7%)
08/2016: The Hellblazer #1  -- 65,707 (- 22.2%)
09/2016: The Hellblazer #2  -- 44,824 (- 31.8%)
10/2016: The Hellblazer #3  -- 33,596 (- 25.0%)
11/2016: The Hellblazer #4  -- 28,882 (- 14.0%)
12/2016: The Hellblazer #5  -- 25,780 (- 10.7%)
01/2017: The Hellblazer #6  -- 23,349 (-  9.4%)
02/2017: The Hellblazer #7  -- 21,450 (-  8.1%)
03/2017: The Hellblazer #8  -- 20,510 (-  4.4%)
04/2017: The Hellblazer #9  -- 19,115 (-  6.8%)
05/2017: The Hellblazer #10 -- 18,370 (-  3.9%)
06/2017: The Hellblazer #11 -- 17,585 (-  4.3%)
07/2017: The Hellblazer #12 -- 17,111 (-  2.7%)
6 months: - 26.7%
1 year  : - 79.7%
2 years : - 37.8%
5 years : + 85.0%
10 years: + 30.5%
A bit below the first New 52 series one year in, and a bit above the second New 52 series one year in. This just seems to be the place that a (non mature readers) Hellblazer series wants to sell.
186 - BATMAN '66 MEETS THE LEGION OF SUPER-HEROES (Digital-First) ($3.99)
07/2014: Green Hornet #2 of 6 -- 25,392
07/2016: Avengers #1 of 6     -- 13,921 (+ 25.9%)
08/2016: Avengers #2 of 6     -- 11,079 (- 20.4%)
09/2016: Avengers #3 of 6     -- 10,082 (-  9.0%)
10/2016: Avengers #4 of 6     --  9,556 (-  5.2%)
11/2016: Avengers #5 of 6     --  9,223 (-  3.5%)
12/2016: Avengers #6 of 6     --  8,675 (-  5.9%)
01/2017: Wonder Woman #1 of 6 -- 23,687 (+173.0%)
02/2017: Wonder Woman #2 of 6 -- 14,484 (- 38.9%)
03/2017: Wonder Woman #3 of 6 -- 13,277 (-  8.3%)
04/2017: Wonder Woman #4 of 6 -- 12,537 (-  5.6%)
05/2017: Wonder Woman #5 of 6 -- 12,192 (-  2.8%)
06/2017: Wonder Woman #6 of 6 -- 11,887 (-  2.5%)
07/2017: Legion of SH #1 of 6 -- 15,319 (+ 28.9%)
6 months: + 37.0%
1 year  :    n.a.
Turns out I was wrong, there was another Batman '66 series on the schedule!
136 - SUPERWOMAN ($3.99)
08/2016: Superwoman #1  -- 101,289   
09/2016: Superwoman #2  --  55,480 (- 45.2%)   
10/2016: Superwoman #3  --  40,554 (- 26.9%)   
11/2016: Superwoman #4  --  30,070 (- 25.9%)   
12/2016: Superwoman #5  --  24,761 (- 17.7%)   
01/2017: Superwoman #6  --  23,065 (-  6.8%)   
02/2017: Superwoman #7  --  20,435 (- 11.4%)   
03/2017: Superwoman #8  --  18,857 (-  7.7%)   
04/2017: Superwoman #9  --  17,836 (-  5.4%)   
05/2017: Superwoman #10 --  17,068 (-  4.3%)   
06/2017: Superwoman #11 --  16,137 (-  5.5%)   
07/2017: Superwoman #12 --  15,209 (-  5.8%)   
6 months: - 34.1%
07/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #3  -- 29,494 (-  1.1%)
08/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #4  -- 28,148 (-  4.6%)
09/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #5  -- 26,170 (-  7.0%)
10/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #6  -- 23,781 (-  9.1%)
11/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #7  -- 21,983 (-  7.6%)
12/2016: Scooby Apocalypse #8  -- 20,126 (-  8.4%)
01/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #9  -- 19,208 (-  4.6%)
02/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #10 -- 17,993 (-  6.3%)
03/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #11 -- 17,281 (-  4.0%)
04/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #12 -- 16,492 (-  4.6%)
05/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #13 -- 16,016 (-  2.9%)
06/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #14 -- 15,500 (-  3.2%)
07/2017: Scooby Apocalypse #15 -- 14,931 (-  3.7%)
6 months: - 22.3%
1 year  : - 49.4%
148, 152 - INJUSTICE 2 (Digital-First) ($2.99)
07/2013: Injustice #7     -- 25,731 
07/2014: Injustice Y2 #7  -- 19,811 
07/2014: Injustice Y2 #8  -- 18,931 
07/2015: Injustice Y4 #5  -- 15,905 
07/2015: Injustice Y4 #6  -- 15,556 
07/2016: Injustice Y5 #13 -- 13,590 (+  2.0%)
07/2016: Injustice Y5 #14 -- 13,418 (-  1.3%)
08/2016: Injustice Y5 #15 -- 13,258 (-  1.2%)
08/2016: Injustice Y5 #16 -- 12,914 (-  2.6%)
09/2016: Injustice Y5 #17 -- 12,782 (-  1.0%)
09/2016: Injustice Y5 #18 -- 12,740 (-  0.3%)
10/2016: Injustice Y5 #19 -- 12,262 (-  3.8%)
10/2016: Injustice Y5 #20 -- 12,313 (+  0.4%)
11/2016: --
12/2016: Ground Zero #1   -- 17,513 (+ 42.2%)
12/2016: Ground Zero #2   -- 13,406 (- 23.5%)
01/2017: Ground Zero #3   -- 11,980 (- 10.6%)
01/2017: Ground Zero #4   -- 11,927 (-  0.4%)
02/2017: Ground Zero #5   -- 11,043 (-  7.4%)
02/2017: Ground Zero #6   -- 11,110 (+  0.6%)
03/2017: Ground Zero #7   -- 10,920 (-  1.7%)
03/2017: Ground Zero #8   -- 10,670 (-  2.3%)
04/2017: Ground Zero #9   -- 10,669 (-  0.0%)
04/2017: Ground Zero #10  -- 10,466 (-  1.9%)
05/2017: Ground Zero #11  -- 10,231 (-  2.2%)
05/2017: Ground Zero #12  -- 10,025 (-  2.0%)
05/2017: Injustice 2 #1   -- 24,325 (+142.6%)
05/2017: Injustice 2 #2   -- 13,557 (- 44.3%)
06/2017: Injustice 2 #3   -- 13,645 (+  0.6%)
06/2017: Injustice 2 #4   -- 13,342 (-  2.2%)
07/2017: Injustice 2 #5   -- 13,960 (+  4.6%)
07/2017: Injustice 2 #6   -- 13,372 (-  4.2%)
6 months: + 14.3%
1 year  : +  1.2%
2 years : - 13.1%
Stabilized pretty quickly.
157 - NEW SUPER-MAN ($3.99)
07/2016: New Super-Man #1  -- 129,452
08/2016: New Super-Man #2  --  79,774 (- 38.4%)
09/2016: New Super-Man #3  --  45,976 (- 42.4%)
10/2016: New Super-Man #4  --  31,689 (- 31.1%)
11/2016: New Super-Man #5  --  25,378 (- 19.9%)
12/2016: New Super-Man #6  --  21,000 (- 17.3%)
01/2017: New Super-Man #7  --  18,959 (-  9.7%)
02/2017: New Super-Man #8  --  16,962 (- 10.5%)
03/2017: New Super-Man #9  --  15,576 (-  8.2%)
04/2017: New Super-Man #10 --  14,748 (-  5.3%)
05/2017: New Super-Man #11 --  13,995 (-  5.1%)
06/2017: New Super-Man #12 --  13,610 (-  2.8%)
07/2017: New Super-Man #13 --  12,951 (-  4.8%)
6 months: - 31.7%
1 year  : - 90.0%
I spoke too soon; this is the worst one year percentage drop for a Rebirth title.
09/2006: American Way #8 of 8 --  7,938 (-  2.1%) 
07/2017: Those Above #1 of 6  -- 12,575 (+ 58.4%)   
The top-selling Vertigo comic for July. The previous American Way series (published under the WildStorm imprint) ran for eight issues in 2006, where it started at 15,211 copies and ended at 7,928 copies.
01/2017: Kamandi Challenge #1 of 12 -- 23,576
02/2017: Kamandi Challenge #2 of 12 -- 16,650 (- 29.4%)
03/2017: Kamandi Challenge #3 of 12 -- 15,446 (-  7.2%)
04/2017: Kamandi Challenge #4 of 12 -- 14,205 (-  8.0%)
05/2017: Kamandi Challenge #5 of 12 -- 13,504 (-  4.9%)
06/2017: Kamandi Challenge #6 of 12 -- 12,860 (-  4.8%)
07/2017: Kamandi Challenge #7 of 12 -- 12,451 (-  3.2%)
6 months: - 47.2%
Now at standard attrition levels.
165 - BLUE BEETLE ($3.99)
07/2007: Blue Beetle #17 -- 16,128
07/2012: Blue Beetle #11 -- 13,293
08/2016: Rebirth #1      -- 80,292 (+599.0%)   
09/2016: Blue Beetle #1  -- 57,454 (- 28.4%)   
10/2016: Blue Beetle #2  -- 36,799 (- 35.9%)   
11/2016: Blue Beetle #3  -- 25,300 (- 31.2%)   
12/2016: Blue Beetle #4  -- 20,811 (- 17.7%)   
01/2017: Blue Beetle #5  -- 18,104 (- 13.0%)   
02/2017: Blue Beetle #6  -- 15,906 (- 12.1%)   
03/2017: Blue Beetle #7  -- 14,690 (-  7.6%)   
04/2017: Blue Beetle #8  -- 13,406 (-  8.7%)   
05/2017: Blue Beetle #9  -- 12,939 (-  3.5%)   
06/2017: Blue Beetle #10 -- 12,399 (-  4.2%)   
07/2017: Blue Beetle #11 -- 12,075 (-  2.6%)   
6 months: - 33.3%
5 years : -  9.2%
10 years: - 25.1%
Bringing on a new creative team with issue #14.
166, 168 - DC COMICS BOMBSHELLS (Digital First) ($3.99)
07/2016: Bombshells #15 --  17,956 (-  2.9%)
08/2016: Bombshells #16 --  17,623 (-  1.9%)
09/2016: Bombshells #17 --  16,685 (-  5.3%)
10/2016: Bombshells #18 --  16,042 (-  3.9%)
11/2016: Bombshells #19 --  15,452 (-  3.7%)
12/2016: Bombshells #20 --  14,428 (-  6.6%)
01/2017: Bombshells #21 --  13,748 (-  4.7%)
02/2017: Bombshells #22 --  13,204 (-  4.0%)
03/2017: Bombshells #23 --  12,794 (-  3.1%)
03/2017: Bombshells #24 --  12,525 (-  2.1%)
04/2017: Bombshells #25 --  12,499 (-  0.2%)
05/2017: Bombshells #26 --  13,325 (+  6.6%)
05/2017: Bombshells #27 --  12,917 (-  3.1%)
06/2017: Bombshells #28 --  12,011 (-  7.0%)
06/2017: Bombshells #29 --  11,858 (-  1.3%)
07/2017: Bombshells #30 --  11,970 (+  0.9%)
07/2017: Bombshells #31 --  11,869 (-  0.8%)
6 months: - 13.3%
1 year  : - 33.6%
Finally stabilized, just in time for its relaunch in September.
183 - CYBORG ($3.99)
07/2015: Cyborg #1  -- 45,187  [47,357] 
07/2016: --
08/2016: --
09/2016: Rebirth #1 -- 70,586 (+468.7%)
09/2016: Cyborg #1  -- 61,908 (- 12.3%)
10/2016: Cyborg #2  -- 41,577 (- 32.8%)
10/2016: Cyborg #3  -- 35,756 (- 14.0%)
11/2016: Cyborg #4  -- 28,303 (- 20.8%)
11/2016: Cyborg #5  -- 25,772 (-  8.9%)
12/2016: Cyborg #6  -- 21,287 (- 17.4%)
12/2016: Cyborg #7  -- 19,788 (-  7.0%)
01/2017: Cyborg #8  -- 18,562 (-  6.2%)
02/2017: Cyborg #9  -- 16,274 (- 12.3%)
03/2017: Cyborg #10 -- 14,977 (-  8.0%)
04/2017: Cyborg #11 -- 13,677 (-  8.7%)
05/2017: Cyborg #12 -- 12,929 (-  5.5%)
06/2017: Cyborg #13 -- 12,076 (-  6.6%)
07/2017: Cyborg #14 -- 11,536 (-  4.5%)
6 months: - 37.9%
1 year  :    n.a.
2 years : - 75.6%
175 - BUG: THE ADVENTURES OF FORAGER (Young Animal) ($3.99)
05/2017: Bug #1 of 6 -- 18,252
06/2017: Bug #2 of 6 -- 11,881 (- 34.9%)
07/2017: Bug #3 of 6 -- 11,176 (-  5.9%)
That's actually a very good percentage for a third issue drop.
DC shipped a bunch of $1 DC Justice League Essential comics this month:
193 - Batman         9,911
210 - Flash          8,741
228 - Superman       7,764
241 - Justice League 7,200
268 - Aquaman        5,898
Nothing for Wonder Woman, presumably because that title just recently had a similar promotional comic for Wonder Woman Day.
(As is our usual practice, these promotional comics are not included in the statistics at the end of the column.)
216 - MOTHER PANIC (Young Animal) ($3.99)
11/2016: Mother Panic #1  -- 45,089
12/2016: Mother Panic #2  -- 20,506 (- 54.5%)
01/2017: --
02/2017: Mother Panic #3  -- 16,261 (- 20.7%)
03/2017: Mother Panic #4  -- 14,327 (- 11.9%)
03/2017: Mother Panic #5  -- 12,339 (- 13.9%)
04/2017: Mother Panic #6  -- 11,140 (-  9.7%)
05/2017: Mother Panic #7  -- 10,479 (-  5.9%)
06/2017: Mother Panic #8  --  9,728 (-  7.2%)
07/2017: Mother Panic #9  --  9,282 (-  4.6%)
6 months:    n.a.
How any comic drawn by John Paul Leon can possibly sell under 20K is beyond me. Seriously, go down to your local comic shop and tell the manager there that you want those issues of Mother Panic (#s 7-9) that JPL drew!
206 - CAVE CARSON HAS A CYBERNETIC EYE (Young Animal) ($3.99)
10/2016: Cave Carson #1  -- 38,724
11/2016: Cave Carson #2  -- 22,106 (- 42.9%)
12/2016: Cave Carson #3  -- 16,755 (- 24.2%)
01/2017: Cave Carson #4  -- 14,183 (- 15.4%)
02/2017: Cave Carson #5  -- 12,388 (- 12.7%)
03/2017: Cave Carson #6  -- 11,558 (-  6.7%)
04/2017: Cave Carson #7  -- 10,873 (-  5.9%)
05/2017: Cave Carson #8  -- 10,253 (-  5.7%)
06/2017: Cave Carson #9  --  9,578 (-  6.6%)
07/2017: Cave Carson #10 --  9,005 (-  6.0%)
6 months: - 36.5%
215 - SHADE, THE CHANGING GIRL (Young Animal) ($3.99)
10/2016: Shade #1  -- 35,289
11/2016: Shade #2  -- 21,479 (- 39.1%)
12/2016: Shade #3  -- 15,837 (- 26.3%)
01/2017: Shade #4  -- 13,536 (- 14.5%)
02/2017: Shade #5  -- 11,670 (- 13.8%)
03/2017: Shade #6  -- 10,612 (-  9.1%)
04/2017: Shade #7  --  9,827 (-  7.4%)
05/2017: Shade #8  --  9,350 (-  4.9%)
06/2017: Shade #9  --  8,839 (-  5.5%)
07/2017: Shade #10 --  8,468 (-  4.2%)
6 months: - 37.4%
07/2015: Gotham Academy #8   -- 22,359
07/2016: --
08/2016: --
09/2016: Second Semester #1  -- 21,765 (+ 75.4%)
10/2016: Second Semester #2  -- 13,856 (- 36.3%)
11/2016: Second Semester #3  -- 12,304 (- 11.2%)
12/2016: Second Semester #4  --  9,751 (- 20.7%)
01/2017: Second Semester #5  --  9,453 (-  3.1%)
02/2017: Second Semester #6  --  8,624 (-  8.8%)
03/2017: Second Semester #7  --  8,131 (-  5.7%)
04/2017: Second Semester #8  --  7,624 (-  6.2%)
05/2017: Second Semester #9  --  7,402 (-  2.9%)
06/2017: Second Semester #10 --  7,304 (-  1.3%)
07/2017: Second Semester #11 --  6,947 (-  4.9%)
6 months: - 26.5%
1 year  :    n.a.
2 years : - 68.9%
Penultimate issue. I feel that rant coming on...
264 - SCOOBY-DOO TEAM-UP (All-Ages) ($2.99)
07/2014: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #5  --  9,042 
07/2015: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #11 --  6,809 
07/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #17 --  7,892 (-  6.0%)
08/2016: -- 
09/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #18 --  7,913 (+  0.3%)
10/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #19 --  7,467 (-  5.6%)
11/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #20 --  7,708 (+  3.2%)
12/2016: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #21 -- 14,270 (+ 85.1%)
01/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #22 --  6,521 (- 54.3%)
02/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #23 --  5,959 (-  8.6%)
03/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #24 --  6,316 (+  6.0%)
04/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #25 --  6,940 (+  9.9%)
05/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #26 --  5,998 (- 13.6%)
06/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #27 --  6,281 (+  4.7%)
07/2017: Scooby-Doo Team-Up #28 --  6,028 (-  4.0%)
6 months: -  7.6%
1 Year  : - 23.6%
2 Years : - 11.5%
A western tale, teaming-up with Jonah Hex and other DC western characters.
07/2007: Fables #63    -- 25,603
07/2012: Fables #119   -- 17,110
07/2013: Fables #131   -- 15,109 
07/2014: Fables #142   -- 13,831
07/2015: Fables #150   -- 14,178 
09/2016: Everafter #1  -- 11,421 (- 19.4%)
10/2016: Everafter #2  --  8,414 (- 26.3%)
11/2016: Everafter #3  --  7,182 (- 14.6%)
12/2016: Everafter #4  --  6,192 (- 13.8%)
01/2017: Everafter #5  --  5,877 (-  5.1%)
02/2017: Everafter #6  --  5,399 (-  8.1%)
03/2017: Everafter #7  --  5,819 (+  7.8%)
04/2017: Everafter #8  --  5,067 (- 12.9%)
05/2017: Everafter #9  --  ????? (< 5,254)
06/2017: Everafter #10 --  ????? (< 4,739)
07/2017: Everafter #11 --  4,635
6 months: - 21.1%
2 years : - 67.3%
5 years : - 72.9%
10 years: - 81.9%
I was wrong; Everafter did make it back to the Top 300 chart again after all, mainly because sales were so soft in July that the floor of the Top 300 dropped enough for it to make it on.
+300 - SAVAGE THINGS (Vertigo) ($3.99)
03/2017: Savage Things #1 of 8 -- 10,568   
04/2017: Savage Things #2 of 8 --  6,507 (- 38.4%)   
05/2017: Savage Things #3 of 8 --  5,278 (- 18.9%)   
06/2017: Savage Things #4 of 8 --  4,739 (- 10.2%)   
07/2017: Savage Things #5 of 8 --  ????? (< 4,435)  
Slipped out of the Top 300, perhaps never to return.
+300 - SCOOBY-DOO, WHERE ARE YOU? (All-Ages) ($2.99)
07/2007: Scooby-Doo #122               -- 4,424
07/2012: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #23 -- 4,934
07/2013: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #35 -- ????? 
07/2014: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #47 -- ????? (< 6,594)
07/2015: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #59 -- ????? (< 5,446)  
07/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #71 -- 5,254    
08/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #72 -- ????? (< 5,497)   
09/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #73 -- 5,214    
10/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #74 -- 4,972 (-  4.6%)    
11/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #75 -- 4,920 (-  1.0%)    
12/2016: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #76 -- 4,805 (-  2.3%)    
01/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #77 -- 4,557 (-  5.2%)    
02/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #78 -- 4,362 (-  4.3%)    
03/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #79 -- ????? (< 4,812)    
04/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #78 -- 4,416     
05/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #79 -- ????? (< 5,254)    
06/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #80 -- ????? (< 4,739)    
07/2017: Scooby-Doo Where Are You? #81 -- ????? (< 4,435)    
6 months:   ????%
1 year  :   ????%
2 years :   ????%
5 years :   ????%
10 years:   ????%
Sales on Scooby-Doo have been fairly consistent for many years; it's just that its level is right around that of the Top 300 floor, so its appearance on the chart is much more contingent on how the sales of other books go that month.
+300 - LOONEY TUNES (All-Ages) ($2.99)
07/2007: Looney Tunes #152 -- 2,865
07/2012: --
07/2013: --
07/2014: -- 
07/2015: --
07/2016: --
08/2016: Looney Tunes #232 -- ????? (< 5,497)
09/2016: --
10/2016: Looney Tunes #233 -- ????? (< 4,931)
11/2016: --
12/2016: Looney Tunes #234 -- ????? (< 3,954)
01/2017: Looney Tunes #235 -- ????? (< 3,971)
02/2017: --
03/2017: Looney Tunes #236 -- ????? (< 4,812)
04/2017: --
05/2017: Looney Tunes #237 -- ????? (< 5,254)
06/2017: --
07/2017: Looney Tunes #238 -- ????? (< 4,435)
6 months:   ????%
1 year  :    n.a.
2 years :    n.a.
5 years :    n.a.
10 years:   ????%
Average Periodical Sales (not counting reprints, reorders shipping after the initial month of release, director's cuts, and magazines; based on first-month sales only.)
07/2007: 35,617
07/2012: 33,837
07/2013: 34,402 
07/2014: 32,760 **
07/2015: 27,005 **
07/2016: 63,656 (+ 30.5%) **
08/2016: 67,257 (+  5.7%) **
09/2016: 51,379 (- 23.6%) **
10/2016: 41,277 (- 19.7%) **
11/2016: 36,894 (- 10.6%) **
12/2016: 35,265 (-  4.4%) **
01/2017: 34,011 (-  3.6%) **
02/2017: 32,473 (-  4.5%) **
03/2017: 30,466 (-  6.2%) **
04/2017: 32,870 (+  7.9%) **
05/2017: 32,122 (-  2.3%) **
06/2017: 30,480 (-  5.1%) **
07/2017: 30,743 (+  0.9%) **
6 months: -  9.6%
1 year  : - 51.7%
2 years : + 13.8%
5 years : -  9.1%
10 years: - 13.7%

07/2007: 49,149 
07/2012: 38,502
07/2013: 36,524 
07/2014: 40,945  
07/2015: 32,688 
07/2016: 90,237 (+ 37.0%)
08/2016: 87,905 (-  2.6%)
09/2016: 64,037 (- 27.2%)
10/2016: 54,470 (- 14.9%)
11/2016: 45,659 (- 16.2%)
12/2016: 45,125 (-  1.2%)
01/2017: 40,979 (-  9.2%)
02/2017: 40,430 (-  1.3%)
03/2017: 39,458 (-  2.4%)
04/2017: 41,600 (+  5.4%)
05/2017: 39,993 (-  3.9%)
06/2017: 37,789 (-  5.5%)
07/2017: 37,764 (-  0.1%)
6 months: -  7.8%
1 year  : - 58.2%
2 years : + 15.5%
5 years : -  1.9%
10 years: - 23.2%

07/2007: 11,234 
02/2017: 54,442
03/2017: 37,818 (- 30.5%)
04/2017: 30,595 (- 19.1%)
05/2017: 25,571 (- 16.4%)
06/2017: 24,206 (-  5.3%)
07/2017: 22,640 (-  6.5%)
10 years: +101.5%

07/2007: 12,193
07/2012: 11,589
07/2013: 16,099 
07/2014: 15,803 ** 
07/2015: 15,251 **
07/2016:  6,328 (+  4.2%) **
08/2016:  5,639 (- 10.9%) **
09/2016: 16,825 (+198.4%) **
10/2016: 14,526 (- 13.7%) **
11/2016: 14,623 (+  0.7%) **
12/2016:  9,177 (- 37.2%) **
01/2017: 10,652 (+ 16.1%) **
02/2017:  8,434 (- 20.8%) **
03/2017: 10,102 (+ 19.8%) **
04/2017:  8,994 (- 11.0%) **
05/2017:  9,315 (+  3.6%) **
06/2017:  8,142 (- 12.6%) **
07/2017:  9,751 (+ 19.8%) **
6 months: -  8.5%
1 year  : + 54.1%
2 years : - 36.1%
5 years : - 15.9%
10 years: - 20.0%
Young Animal average (5 comics): 11,273; Vertigo average (3 comics): 7,215**
07/2007: 1,534,306
07/2012: 2,537,766
07/2013: 2,648,984
07/2014: 2,817,397 **
07/2015: 2,052,349 **  
07/2016: 4,010,332 (+ 22.7%) **  
08/2016: 4,977,036 (+ 24.1%) ** 
09/2016: 3,802,051 (- 23.6%) **  
10/2016: 3,508,534 (-  7.7%) **
11/2016: 3,025,276 (- 13.8%) **
12/2016: 2,926,973 (-  3.2%) **  
01/2017: 2,856,889 (-  2.4%) **  
02/2017: 2,662,746 (-  6.8%) **
03/2017: 2,711,448 (+  1.8%) **
04/2017: 2,465,239 (-  9.1%) **
05/2017: 2,569,767 (-  9.1%) **
06/2017: 2,529,852 (-  1.6%) **
07/2017: 2,121,295 (- 16.1%) **
6 months: - 25.7%
1 year  : - 47.1%
2 years : +  3.4%
5 years : - 16.4%
10 years: + 38.3%
Total sales are down 400K from last month, though the number of comics published is also down significantly (69 in July, compared to 83 in June) so the average sales per title is actually up a smidge.
6 month comparisons

+ 37.0% - Batman 66 Meets...
+ 21.8% - Justice League of America
+ 14.5% - Injustice
-  0.1% - Batman
-  6.0% - Action Comics
-  9.3% - Flash
-  7.6% - Scooby-Doo Team-Up
- 12.7% - Superman
- 12.9% - Detective Comics
- 13.3% - DC Comics Bombshells
- 14.5% - Teen Titans
- 14.7% - Deathstroke
- 15.8% - Aquaman
- 16.2% - Red Hood & Outlaws
- 16.4% - Titans
- 16.5% - Harley Quinn
- 17.0% - Hal Jordan & GLC
- 17.7% - Wonder Woman
- 21.1% - Everafter
- 21.8% - Green Lanterns
- 22.1% - Batgirl
- 22.3% - Scooby Apocalypse
- 22.7% - Nightwing
- 23.2% - Green Arrow
- 23.2% - Batman Beyond
- 26.5% - Gotham Academy
- 26.6% - Supergirl
- 26.7% - The Hellblazer
- 27.1% - Justice League
- 27.5% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey
- 28.1% - All Star Batman
- 29.8% - Doom Patrol 
- 31.7% - New Super-Man
- 32.3% - Trinity
- 33.3% - Suicide Squad
- 33.3% - Blue Beetle
- 34.1% - Superwoman
- 36.5% - Cave Carson
- 37.4% - Shade, the Changing Girl
- 37.9% - Cyborg
- 47.2% - The Kamandi Challenge

1 year comparisons

+ 85.8% - Teen Titans
+ 42.7% - Suicide Squad (New Suicide Squad)
+ 27.1% - Batman Beyond
+ 21.4% - Deathstroke
+  1.2% - Injustice
- 14.6% - Harley Quinn
- 23.6% - Scooby-Doo Team-Up
- 33.6% - DC Comics Bombshells
- 45.0% - Batman
- 48.4% - Detective Comics
- 49.4% - Scooby Apocalypse
- 51.0% - Flash
- 52.7% - Action Comics
- 54.8% - Superman
- 60.8% - Wonder Woman
- 62.7% - Aquaman
- 65.1% - Titans
- 65.3% - Green Lanterns
- 66.3% - Green Arrow
- 72.1% - Red Hood & the Outlaws
- 73.8% - Nightwing
- 73.9% - Hal Jordan & GLC
- 75.9% - Justice League
- 78.9% - Batgirl
- 79.7% - The Hellblazer
- 82.3% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey
- 90.0% - New Super-Man

2 year comparisons

+ 44.4% - Flash
+ 21.9% - Teen Titans
+ 14.9% - Wonder Woman
+  8.3% - Green Arrow
+  7.6% - Action Comics
+  7.2% - Detective Comics
+  2.3% - Superman
+  0.7% - Suicide Squad
+  0.3% - Nightwing (Grayson)
-  2.2% - Red Hood & Outlaws (Red Hood/Arsenal)
-  2.7% - Aquaman
- 11.5% - Scooby-Doo Team-Up
- 11.8% - Batman
- 13.1% - Injustice
- 22.8% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern)
- 28.4% - Deathstroke
- 34.6% - Batgirl
- 35.1% - Batman Beyond
- 35.6% - Harley Quinn
- 37.8% - The Hellblazer (Constantine the Hellblazer)
- 38.1% - Justice League
- 50.8% - Justice League of America
- 67.3% - Everafter (Fables)
- 68.9% - Gotham Academy
- 75.6% - Cyborg 

5 year comparisons

+ 85.0% - Hellblazer
+ 45.9% - Deathstroke
+ 20.4% - Suicide Squad
+  9.6% - Green Arrow
+  1.4% - Batman Beyond
+  0.6% - Flash
-  6.5% - Wonder Woman
-  9.2% - Blue Beetle
- 11.6% - Superman
- 17.7% - Batman
- 22.2% - Teen Titans
- 25.5% - Hal Jordan & GLC (GLC)
- 26.7% - Red Hood & Outlaws
- 28.8% - Nightwing
- 29.5% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey)
- 31.4% - Detective Comics
- 33.1% - Supergirl
- 36.3% - Batwoman
- 45.7% - Action Comics
- 50.3% - Batgirl
- 52.0% - Aquaman
- 58.0% - Justice League
- 61.0% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern)
- 72.9% - Everafter (Fables)

10 year comparisons

+ 85.1% - Aquaman
+ 30.5% - Hellblazer
+ 25.0% - Batman
+ 15.7% - Nightwing
+  2.4% - Detective Comics
-  4.9% - Superman
- 19.4% - Wonder Woman
- 25.1% - Blue Beetle
- 27.2% - Green Arrow
- 29.5% - Hal Jordan & GLC (GLC)
- 31.1% - Batgirl & Birds of Prey (Birds of Prey)
- 31.6% - Flash
- 34.8% - Action Comics
- 40.4% - Teen Titans
- 42.8% - All Star Batman
- 56.1% - Supergirl
- 67.0% - Green Lanterns (Green Lantern)
- 71.0% - Justice League of America
- 81.9% - Everafter (Fables)
Sales Indices
The Sales Index number is the ratio of that comic's sales to the average sales of all comics in that category.
DCU: Average: 37,764. Median: 35,164. No.: 51. Total: 1,925,981

3.4 - Dark Days The Casting
2.8 - Batman (26)
2.7 - Batman (27)
1.6 - All Star Batman
1.5 - Detective Comics (960)
1.4 - Detective Comics (961)
1.4 - Flash (26)
1.4 - Flash (27)
1.4 - Justice League (24)
1.4 - Justice League (25)
1.3 - Superman (26)
1.3 - Superman (27)
1.1 - Wonder Woman (26)
1.1 - Wonder Woman (27)
1.1 - Action Comics (983)
1.1 - Action Comics (984)
1.0 - Harley Quinn (23)
1.0 - Titans
1.0 - Harley Quinn (24)
1.0 - Suicide Squad (21)
1.0 - Justice League of America (10)
0.9 - Suicide Squad (22)
0.9 - Super Sons
0.9 - Nightwing (24)
0.9 - Teen Titans
0.9 - Justice League of America (11)
0.9 - Nightwing (25)
0.9 - Hal Jordan & the GLC (24)
0.8 - Hal Jordan & the GLC (25)
0.8 - Trinity
0.8 - Green Lanterns (26)
0.8 - Green Lanterns (27)
0.8 - Batman/The Shadow
0.7 - Aquaman
0.7 - Green Arrow (26)
0.7 - Green Arrow (27)
0.7 - Red Hood & Outlaws
0.7 - Deathstroke
0.7 - Batwoman
0.6 - Batman Beyond
0.6 - Batgirl
0.6 - Supergirl
0.5 - Bane Conquest
0.5 - Batgirl & Birds of Prey
0.5 - The Hellblazer
0.4 - Superwoman
0.3 - New Super-Man
0.3 - Kamandi Challenge
0.3 - Blue Beetle
0.3 - Cyborg
0.2 - Gotham Academy 2nd Semester

WILDSTORM: Average: 22,640. Median: 22,640. No.: 1. Total: 22,640

1.0 - The Wild Storm

Vertigo & Young Animal: Average: 9,751**. Median: 9,144**. No.: 8. Total: 78,007**

1.9 - Doom Patrol
1.3 - American Way
1.1 - Bug
1.0 - Mother Panic
0.9 - Cave Carson
0.9 - Shade the Changing Girl
0.5 - Everafter
0.5 - Savage Things **

Digital First & Other: Average: 10,519**. Median: 11,970**. No.: 9. Total: 94,667

1.5 - Batman '66 Meets the Legion
1.4 - Scooby Apocalypse
1.3 - Injustice 2 (5)
1.3 - Injustice 2 (6)
1.1 - DC Comics Bombshells (30)
1.1 - DC Comics Bombshells (31)
0.6 - Scooby-Doo Team-Up
0.4 - Scooby-Doo Where Are You? **
0.3 - Looney Tunes **
The Fine Print (Disclaimers, et cetera)

The numbers above are estimates for comic-book sales in the North American direct market, as calculated by according to the chart and index information provided by Diamond Comic Distributors.'s estimates are somewhat lower than the actual numbers, but they are consistent from month to month, so the trends they show are fairly accurate. Since it's a "month-to-month" column, the comments, unless otherwise noted, are on the most recent month.

Bear in mind that the figures measure sales of physical comics to retailers, not customers. Also, these numbers do not include sales to bookstores, newsstands, other mass-market retail chains or the United Kingdom. Re-orders are included, so long as they either reached stores in a book's initial calendar month of release or were strong enough to make the chart again in a subsequent month; or they show up in the year-end Top 1000. Keep in mind that sales for some titles may include incentives to acquire variants and not every unit sold is necessarily even intended to be sold to a customer.

If additional copies of an issue did appear on the chart after a book's initial calendar month of release, you can see the total number of copies sold in brackets behind those issues (e.g. "[36,599]"). Likewise, any lower numbers due to returns or other factors returns will also be reflected in the brackets. Should more than one issue have shipped in a month which is relevant for one of the long-term comparisons, the average between them will be used. Titles which are returnable have their numbers artificially adjusted down by Diamond. To make up for that this column increases the reported numbers for those titles by 10%. Which is likely also wrong, but it's a different and likely less wrong kind of wrong, and experience has shown that this leads to sales figures which are more consistent.

Titles released under the All-Ages line and magazines, such as Mad, mostly sell through channels other than the direct market, so direct-market sales don't tell us much about their performance. For most Vertigo titles, collection sales tend to be a significant factor, so the numbers for those books should be taken with a grain of salt as well.

Please keep in mind that raw sales numbers do not tell us about how profitable a book is for a publisher or for the creators.

Above all, do not allow sales numbers to dictate your purchasing and enjoyment of a particular comic. If you enjoy reading a comic series then go right on buying and reading that comic, no matter what the sales figures say.

** Two asterisks after a given month in the average charts mean that one or more periodical release did not make the Top 300 chart in that month. In those cases, it's assumed that said releases sold as many units as the No. 300 comic on the chart for that month for the purposes of the chart, although its actual sales are likely to be less than that.

Opinions expressed in this column are mine alone, and do not necessarily reflect those of my employer, The International Organisation of Book Towns, or my former neighbor's dog Miles.

The author of this column does weekly snapshots of Amazon comic sales charts at and tweets about comics and related subjects on Twitter at @davereadscomics (PM me there is you need to contact me). As always, we welcome your comments and corrections below. Please try to keep things civilized.

Monday, August 28, 2017

DC Rebirth Collection Sales - July 2017

Here are the trade paperback collection sales for DC Rebirth trades via Diamond-North America, cumulative through July 2017.

Batman vol. 1
Flash vol. 1
Superman vol. 1
Justice League vol. 1
Green Arrow vol. 1
Nightwing vol. 1
Aquaman vol. 1

Green Lanterns vol. 1

Detective Comics vol. 1

Wonder Woman vol. 1

Action Comics vol. 1


Hal Jordan & GLC vol. 1

Harley Quinn vol. 1

Suicide Squad vol. 1


Titans vol. 1

Deathstroke vol. 1

Batgirl vol. 1


Hellblazer vol. 1


Cyborg vol. 1


Batman vol. 2

Superman vol. 2

Justice League vol. 2


Red Hood & Outlaws vol. 1

Batgirl & Birds/Prey vol. 1


Green Arrow vol. 2


Action Comics vol. 2


Aquaman vol. 2


Green Lanterns vol. 2


Wonder Woman vol. 2

Flash vol. 2

Detective Comics vol. 2

Supergirl vol. 1


Hal Jordan & GLC vol. 2


Superwoman vol. 1


Blue Beetle vol. 1


Teen Titans vol. 1

Harley Quinn vol. 2

Nightwing vol. 2

Suicide Squad vol. 2


Batman Beyond vol. 1


Action Comics vol. 3


JLA Road to Rebirth


New Super-Man vol. 1


Flash vol. 3

Justice League vol. 3

Deathstroke vol. 2



Because this chart is getting hard to parse, here are the same books, arranged by total sales:

Batman vol. 1
Flash vol. 1
Wonder Woman vol. 1
Superman vol. 1
Detective Comics vol. 1
Batman vol. 2
Justice League vol. 1
Nightwing vol. 1
Green Arrow vol. 1
Wonder Woman vol. 2
Harley Quinn vol. 1
Titans vol. 1
Suicide Squad vol. 1
Aquaman vol. 1
Flash vol. 2
Hal Jordan & GLC vol. 1
Superman vol. 2
Action Comics vol. 1
Deathstroke vol. 1
Detective Comics vol. 2
Green Lanterns vol. 1
Red Hood & Outlaws vol. 1
Teen Titans vol. 1
Harley Quinn vol. 2
Justice League vol. 2
Flash vol. 3
Nightwing vol. 2
Batgirl vol. 1
Suicide Squad vol. 2
Justice League vol. 3
Supergirl vol. 1
Batgirl & Birds/Prey vol. 1
Batman Beyond vol. 1
Green Arrow vol. 2
Action Comics vol. 2
Aquaman vol. 2
Action Comics vol. 3
Hal Jordan & GLC vol. 2
Hellblazer vol. 1
Green Lanterns vol. 2
Deathstroke vol. 2
Superwoman vol. 1
JLA Road to Rebirth
New Super-Man vol. 1
Cyborg vol. 1
Blue Beetle vol. 1


Here are the hardcover Rebirth collection sales:

Batman Night of Monster Men


All Star Batman vol. 1


Justice League vs Suicide Squad

Trinity vol. 1


Action Comics Deluxe vol. 1


Flash Deluxe vol. 1


Justice League Deluxe vol. 1



And as a bonus, here are the Young Animal collection sales:

Doom Patrol vol. 1

Cave Carson vol. 1


Mother Panic vol. 1


Shade vol. 1


These sales represent only those sales reported through Diamond-North America accounts. They do not include sales through book stores, foreign sales, book clubs, or to most libraries.

Note that for those trades with no listed sales in July (Batman BeyondBlue BeetleNew Super-Man, etc.) that just means that they didn't make the Top 300 in collection sales for the month; they may have had sales that were below the Top 300 threshold (323).

The Flash, vol. 3: Rogues Reloaded
