Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop tomorrow:
The Pick of the Week is Larry Young's Proof of Concept from AiT/PlanetLAR, in which Larry 'pitches' a bunch of high concept comics concepts at you, the reader, with the aid of artists Kieron Dwyer, Damian Coucerio, Steven Sanders, Jeff Johns, Paul Tucker, John Flynn & John Heebink.
In other comics:
Abstract and Terry Moore's Strangers in Paradise #70, hits the stores, just in time for its special Christmas-themed cover.
Antarctic's Gold Digger #59 starts a new storyline.
DC has the second issue of Davad Lapham's Detective Comics arc (#802); the first issue of Breach (in today's current comics climate, I give it ten issues, max); the first issue of Scott McLoud's Superman: Strength (I'll be waiting for the trade); and new issues of Firestorm (#9), The Intimates (#3), and The Question (#3).
Image has the return of Flaming Carrot (#1), a new Noble Causes (#6), and a second Liberty Meadows trade collection.
Marvel has the first issue of Peter David's return to the Incredible Hulk (#77), and Ed Brubaker's second issue of Captain America (#2). They also have the second issue of New Avengers, but if you're interested in this you know that they're going to release it in a trade, where you'll be able to read a more-or-less complete story at once, with no ads, for less money.
It's a very light week (as the first week of the month typically is). So if you've got a little extra money in your pocket, why not try something by Will Eisner? There's no finer tribute to a creator than enjoying that person's work, and your local comic shop should have plenty of Eisner on their GN shelves to choose from. (And if your LCS doesn't carry any Eisner, you need to find a better comic shop.)
Eisner is always a good pick. I've been enjoying the hell out of The Spirit these past few weeks.
I disagree (slightly) about Breach; I give it 12 issues :)
From what DC has said about it, it sounds like there is a year-long introductory story arc planned for it. Now, DC may not have a great track record when it comes to the survival of new series, but they at least seem to give them a chance (moreso than Marvel) and generally give failing stories time to finish out story arcs. So unless it's an absolutely stunning failure (enough to get cancelled by issue 6 or so), I expect it to last through #12.
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