Monday, January 28, 2013

Stats Week: 2012 - A Year of Reading Comics

It's Day 2 of our annual Stats Week here ay YACB!

Here's a chart showing how many comics I acquired each week, and how many I read each day of 2012:

My comics week starts on Thursday, as that's when the weekly DCBS shipment usually arrives. Each individual item counts as a comic, whether it be a 22 page floppy or a 600+ page graphic novel opus. The 'Roll' column represents the total delta from when I started keeping track (Feb 2009).

This year for the first time I counted digital comics in the count in addition to physical comics. As a result I both bought and read more comics this year than ever before. (I mostly blame comiXology's 99¢ sales...) I managed to read exactly one more comic this year than I acquired.

(Charts for 2009, 2010, 2011.)

Hey look, graphs!

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