1 (-). The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins
2 (N). Sabrina
3 (-1). Little Moments of Love
4 (-1). Persepolis: The Story of a Childhood
5 (N). Get It Together! With Sarah's Scribbles 2018-2019 16-Month Monthly/Weekly Planner Calendar
6 (N). Berserk Vol. 39
7 (N). Doomsday Clock (2017-) #6 (Kindle)
8 (-4). American Born Chinese
9 (-4). The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins (Kindle)
10 (+12). My Hero Academia, Vol. 14 *
11 (-). My Hero Academia, Vol. 1
12 (R). Monstress Volume 1: Awakening
13 (+8). Dark Nights: Metal: Deluxe Edition
14 (-5). Infinity Gauntlet
15 (+10). The Complete Persepolis
16 (+16). Understanding Comics: The Invisible Art
17 (N). Providence #1 (Kindle)
18 (-1). Dragon Ball Super, Vol. 3
19 (N). Warframe Volume 1 *
20 (-5). I'm NOT just a Scribble
21 (-7). March Book One
22 (N). Providence #2 (Kindle)
23 (R). Bloom County: Brand Spanking New Day
24 (N). Providence #5 (Kindle)
25 (-9). My Hero Academia, Vol. 13
26 (N). Providence #3 (Kindle)
27 (-). The Odd 1s Out: How to Be Cool… *
28 (-15). Me Without You
29 (+8). Saga Volume 9 *
30 (N). Providence #6 (Kindle)
31 (N). Providence #4 (Kindle)
32 (-14). Maus. I: A Survivor's Tale: My Father Bleeds History
33 (-13). My Hero Academia, Vol. 2
34 (+13). My Hero Academia, Vol. 3
35 (N). Providence #12 (Kindle)
36 (N). Providence #11 (Kindle)
37 (-9). Dark Nights: Metal: Dark Knights Rising
38 (N). Providence #7 (Kindle)
39 (N). Providence #9 (Kindle)
40 (N). Providence #8 (Kindle)
41 (N). Providence #10 (Kindle)
42 (-35). Night Night, Groot
43 (-20). Marvel Encyclopedia
44 (-13). The Complete Maus
45 (-16). Saga Volume 8
46 (-40). Batman: Year One
47 (-13). Am I There Yet?: The Loop-de-loop, Zigzagging Journey to Adulthood
48 (-13). The Essential Calvin and Hobbes
49 (-39). Saga Volume 1
50 (-10). Watchmen
Items with asterisks (*) are pre-order items.
Items with dollar signs ($) were part of a deeply discounted Kindle sale this week
N = New listing appearing on list for first time
R = Item returning to the list after having been off for 1 or more weeks
N = New listing appearing on list for first time
R = Item returning to the list after having been off for 1 or more weeks
- The Adventure Zone: Here There Be Gerblins stays in the top spot and is currently #20 on the overall Amazon books chart.
- Many debuts on the chart this week, including four in the top ten, led by Nick Drnaso's Sabrina, which this past week became the first ever graphic novel to make the Man Booker Long List. It is joined in the top ten by this year's Sarah Scribbles planner, the latest volume of Berserk, and a new Kindle issue of Doomsday Clock.
- Speaking of Kindle issues, Avatar Comics is having a 99¢ sale, leading to all twelve issues of Alan Moore and Jacen Burrows' Providence making the chart (there being no digital collected edition available).
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