The Pick of the Week is Javier Grillo-Marxauch & Les McClaine's The Middle Man, vol. 1: The Trade Paperback Imperitive, collecting the loads-of-fun mini-series from Viper Comics. And if you like that, the first issue of volume two can be picked up at the same time for just 99 cents!
In other comics:
About comics bring a classic William Messner-Loebs story back into print with the Welcome to Heaven, Dr. Franklin one-shot.
Aeon have the fourth issue of Matt Howarth's Keif Llama: Xenotech.
Arcana finally release 100 Girls #7.
DC have a Showcase Presents The House of Mystery; the 200th issue of Batman: Legends of the Dark Knight; George Perez & Paul Levitz on the NYT-hyped JSA #82; the put-it-out-of-its-misery final issue of JLA (#125); and new issues of 100 Bullets (#69), Captain Atom: Armageddon (#5), DMZ (#4), Fables (#46), Jonah Hex (#4), Majestic (#14), and Earth-2 Superman (#226).
Evil Twin have the Action Philosophers World Domination Handbook.
IDW have the Spike: Old Wounds one-shot.
Image have the debut of Jimmie Robinson's new series, Bomb Queen, and a new issue of Invincible (#28).
Marvel have new issues of Black Widow 2 (#5), New Thunderbolts (#18), and Ultimate X-Men (#67), and an new Franklin Richards: Son of a Genius one-shot.
It's Viz'z turn to dump a bunch of manga on the market, including new volumes of Banana Fish (v. 12), Hikaru-no Go (v. 6), Maison Ikkoku (v. 15), and Nana (v. 2).
Enjoy your new comics!
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