It seems that every comics blogger is required by law to go through
Previews and point out things of interest. I'll be dividing my comments into two parts: The Front (Dark Horse, DC, Image, Marvel) and The Middle (everybody else).
Dark Horse

It's nearly a guarantee that everything that Dark Horse publishes will end up collected as a trade. Thus, my typical response to anything in the Dark Horse section is to wait for the trade.
The good news: Paul Chadiwck has a new Concrete series:
The Human Dilema. The bad news? It's $3.50 per regular-sized B&W issue. Concrete is one of those that I normally
would buy in floppies, but the price point will direct me otherwise.
It looks like Dark Horse will be a home for at least some of the CrossGen refugees. This month sees the debut of
Samurai: Heaven and Earth by Ron Marz & Luke Ross, a title that looks like to walked straight out of a CrossGen pitch meeting. Ross's art look very pretty in the samples, and is almost indistinguishable from his early days on the Detroit-based JLA. There will also be a forthcoming series
The Dragon Prince by Marz & Jeff Johnson.
The first Mignola-Davis BPRD series,
Plague of Frogs, is collected. This is the first Hellboy-related series that really worked for me. Pick it up if you haven't read it already.
Are people really paying $3.50 an issue for a Grendel reprint comic?

The big news is that David Lapham's 12-issue run on
Detective Comics kicks off officially in #801. Alas, he's only writing, not drawing as well. Lapham is one of those who knows how to make decompression work, so hopefully the year-long story won't seem needlessly drawn-out.
Batgirl crossover continues. The latest issue of
Robin pissed me off so much that, combined with a needless crossover, this'll finally be the excuse I need to drop it.
Gotham Central features guest art by Jason Alexander, who should be a fine fill-in. Catwoman is rescued from the pages of her own book as well.
Scott Morse starts his fill-in stint on
Catwoman. Were he also handling the art I might stick around. As it is, I dunno.
Nighwing finally takes on the villainous Mary Sue is his 100th issue spectacular.
Superman apprently rediscovers the black suit he wore back in "Reign of the Supermen." Plus, he's all electric-y.
DC: The New Frontier gets the first of two trades. Darwyn Cooke is the man. But what's with this 'three extra pages originally seen in
Wizard' crap?
Deadshot is the latest in the trend of television staff writers slumming in comics.
Identity Crisis comes to an end. The cover by Michael Turner actually looks pretty cool, seeing as he wasn't required to draw any actual human bodies.
Alan Davis's disappointing
JLA: Another Nail gets a collection.
Waid & Kitson's
The Legion of Super-Heroes kicks off, with another reboot. It's technically only the 2nd wholesale continuity reboot of the title, it just seems like the 7th.
JSA finally follows up on the Per Degaton thread.

Grant Morrison's
JLA Classified #2 has Robo-JLA on the cover!
Plastic Man makes it to #13. Buy it, dammit!
The Batman Jam-Packed Action is a cinemanga version of the new (hugely disappointing)
The Batman cartoon.
Looney Tunes is on issue #121.
Scooby Doo is on issue #91.
Powerpuff Girls is on issue #57. Yeah, kids are obviously not buying comics...
Robo-Hunter: Verdus trade has Ian Gibson art.

Astro City gets a new maxi-series with
The Dark Age, looking at the 70's.
Batman/Danger Girl? Who asked for that?
The second
Global Frequency trade is out, just in time (probably) for the tv series.
Hellblazer gets an original hardcover. Boy, Dc is rally hoping that the
Contantine movie isn't a flop, aren't they?
The Amazing Joy Buzzards is in black & white & pink?

The cover to
Liberty Meadows #37 features Jen, Ralph & Leslie on a spaceship.
Flaming Carrot returns. To Image, no less. Seriously, did anybody think that back when Image was formed they'd be publishing stuff like Flaming Carrot?
Noble Causes, vol 3: Distant Relatives is colorized. Damn, I wish I'd aited for the trade.
Darkness/Superman? Who asked for that?
Ultimates 2 starts up, as does
Ultimate Secret. Repeat after me: Wait for the Trade. Wait for the Trade...
New Avengers has Amazing Bubble-Head Guy!
Wow, the cover to
Astonishing X-Men #5 was so good, they're using it to promote #8.
X-Men/Fantastic Four #1: "Can the X-Men and the Fantastic Four put their differences aside to stop a creeping menace from outer space that threatens out planet's very existance?" Gee, I wonder. I also wonder what makes this series worth $3.50 per?
Seven issues of
What If... at once? Are they on crack?

The cover of
Amazing Spider-Man #515 actually looks interesting.
Elektra: The Movie comes out. Does anyone actually buy movie adaptations any more?
The first six issues of
Astonishing X-Men get collected. This will sell in the bookstores like hotcakes.
New X-Men: Academy X is also collected. It won't.
All of Avengers Dissassembled get various collections. $78 to buy them all!
Nobody, and I mean nobody, asked for a
Maximum Carnage collection. Some things are just better left dead and buried.
Okay, that's all for the front. Part 2 tomorrow (probably).