Tuesday, May 10, 2005

New This Week: May 11, 2005

Based on the NCRL list for this week's comics shipping from Diamond, here are a few things to look for at the local comic shop tomorrow:

The Pick of the Week is Desolation Jones #1. It's Warren Ellis & J. H. Williams III doing weird scifi covert ops stuff, which has the potential to be much fun.

In other comics:

Alias finally see a bunch of their debut titles hit the stands, with the first issues of Deal with the Devil, Elsinore, and Killer Stunts Inc. just 75 cents.

Ape Entertainment's Pan Gea one-shot has a definite Vaughan Bode vibe going for it.

Arcana have the first 100 Girls collection.

Dark Horse have the second issue of P. Craig Russell's Conan & the Jewels of Gwahlur.

DC have the final issue of Adam Strange (#8), just in time for the debut of the Rann/Thanagar War. The also have the final issue of Green Lantern: Rebirth (#6); the debut of Gail Simone & John Byrne on Action Comics (#827); and new issues of Fables (#37), Gotham Central (#31), JSA (#73), Majestic (#5), and Wonder Woman (#216).

IDW have the fourth issue of Grimjack: Killer Instinct.

Lightspeed have a new issue of Carla Speed McNeil's Finder (#36).

Marvel have new issues of Astonishing X-Men (#10), Mary Jane: Homecoming (#3), The Punisher (#21), and Ultimate Spider-Man (#77).

Shanda Fantasy Arts have a new issue of Shanda the Panda (#43).

Viper have the second issue of Oddly Normal.

Plenty of good stuff this week, so there's absolutely no excuse for buying the Superman: The Wrath of Gog collection, seeing as it contains the worst Superman comic ever.


collectededitions said...

And yet ... I'm still buying Superman: Wrath of Gog. What can I say? I'm a Superman fan.

That said, however, I haven't read your review of the worst Superman comic ever yet, because I don't want to spoil the trade, but after I read the trade, I'll come back and let you know if I agreed.

You've got a great blog here!

collectededitions said...

So unfortunately Wrath of Gog didn't have Action Comics #821 in it--maybe that'll be in the next one--though my review of that trade is here. I've read worse Superman issues, though this is certainly not the best Superman trade I've ever seen; I'll have to see how the next trade stands up.