Friday, January 05, 2007

YAFQ: How Do You Read YACB?

The return of Yet Another Friday Question:

How do you read Yet Another Comics Blog? Do you have it bookmarked? Do you follow a link on your or someone else's blog? Do you use a feed reader?

I'm just curious...


Unknown said...

I read it via the RSS feed in Newsgator.

Brendan said...

I read the RSS feed using Bloglines. Rarely click through to the actual site, but will when I want to leave a comment or check out older posts.

Gordon D said...

I use an RSS feed using Google reader, but use that to click on the main site.

Brett said...

Bloglines for me as well. I click through to the site about half the time.

Unknown said...

RSS through Bloglines.

Sleestak said...

Bloglines, then click on in

Guy LeCharles Gonzalez said...

I follow along via Bloglines and your atom feed, but also track you in Google Reader for my Blogwatch page.

Stephen said...

Bookmarked. Surf over as it occurs to me.

From the other comments, though, it sounds like I'm old-fashioned.

ShellyS said...

I subscribe to your feed (and hundreds of others) through Bloglines. I click through to see graphics sometimes, and to leave comments. The only blogs I don't read via Bloglines are the LiveJournals on my LJ friends list. Why, yes, I am addicted to blogs. How did you guess? heh

Anonymous said...

I'm a bloglines subscriber as well though I preferred Kinja's interface.... only Kinja suddenly stopped noticing some blogs I followed which made the interface advantages irrelevant.

raistlinsghost said...

I read via Google Reader. If there's a good pic, I'll occasionally click over to the site.

Off topic: Great blog btw. Keep it up!

John said...

Bookmarked. I've never really cared for reading blogs via an aggregator.

Dave Carter said...

Thanks everyone. I'm a bit surprised that so many people are using feed readers, but that's how I read blogs too since the Comics Weblog Update-a-tron 3000 went kerbluey a few weeks ago.

Seth T. Hahne said...

I have it linked on my custom homepage. Which means I sail in when whimsy catches me rather than whenever a post is born - which is why I'm almost universally late in comment threads.

Anonymous said...

I have it bookmarked, read occasionally, haven't posted before.