I'm now making a similar offer, but for the Comic Book Legal Defense Fund (CBLDF).
For the period between now and December 24, if 10 people make first time donations of $25 to the CBLDF, I will donate $250 to CBLDF.
(To donate, go to the CBLDF Website and click on the link across the top that says 'donations').
Just email me the confirmation email that you get from CBLDF when you make your donation. I'll post again once the goal has been met. (Please mention in your email if it's okay to identify you, or if you'd prefer to remain anonymous.)
(Of course, if you've previously donated to CBLDF I encourage you to do so again, but the purpose here is to drum up new support.)
From the CBLDF site: "The Comic Book Legal Defense Fund was founded in 1986 as a 501 (c) 3 non-profit organization dedicated to the preservation of First Amendment rights for members of the comics community."
We have our first new donor: David Welsh of Precocious Curmudgeon. Thanks David!
We need just nine more new donors by December 24th.
(Or, as they say on NPR: *You* and 8 more new donors!)
Our second first-time donor is Jeremy of The Pickytarian. Thanks!
We now need just *you* and seven more donors by December 24 to reach our goal.
Our third first-time donor is Gordon of Blog, THIS, Pal! Thanks Gordon!
We now need *you* and six other first-time donors between now and December 24th to reach our goal.
Our fourth first-timer is Marc, the Howling Curmudgeon. Thanks!
(Marc joined as a CBLDF member instead of a regular donation, which is fine too.)
We now need *you* and five other people to donate $25 to CBLDF by Friday December 24 to reach our goal.
Our fifth first-time doner is Guy from Comic Book Commentary. Thanks Guy!
We've now reached the halfway point in our unofficial pledge drive. We now need *you* and just four more first-time donors by December 24th to reach our goal.
We now have our Sixth first-time donor: Kevin of BeaucoupKevin fame. Thanks!
We're closing in on our goal, and need just *you* and three other first-tie donors by December 24th to reach 10 donor target.
Our seventh first-time donor is Will Pfeifer of X-Ray Spex (and writer of the forthcoming Blood of the Demon and the recently completed H-E-R-O) Thanks Will!
We now need just *you* and two other donors by December 24 to reach our goal.
Our eighth first-time donor is Steve Pheley of Gutterninja. Thanks Steve!
That means that we need two more first-time donors by December 24 to rech our goal. That's *you* and just one other donor. Bring a friend and we'll reach our goal!
Our ninth first-time donor is Michael of Riverside, CT. Thanks Michael!
We now need just one more new member to meet our goal. Will that person be you?
Our tenth first-time donor is Nevin Steindam from Ohio (land of much snow today!)
We've now achieved our goal of ten first-time donors to CBLDF. I'll be heading on over to the CBLDF Website to make my $250 donation as soon as I finish here.
In addition, Nevin, our tenth and final donor, has generously offered to match any more $25 donations between now and tomorrow, the 24th (up to a limit of 10). So if you still want to donate and would like your contribution matched, email your confirmation from CBLDF to me and I'll pass the info on to Nevin.
Thanks to everyone who donated, and also those of you who linked here to spread the word.
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