by Greg Rucka, Darick Robertson & Tom Palmer
The "Last Rites" story, and Rucka's tenure on the title, come to a close. It's an obvious ending given the title of the arc, but it came from a different angle than one might expect. This story has had much more in common with an issue of Queen and Country than a typical Wovlerine story. Robertson and Palmer will be missed as well, as they are able to effectively render both the wild action and the more quiet moments.
Rating: 3 (of 5)
by Peter David, Pablo Raimondi & Drew Hennessy
Now this is how you do a first issue. I fondly remember Madrox, Rahne & guido from their days in David's X-Factor but couldn't really tell you anything about what they've been up to since then. Nor do I have much of a clue as to the whole Mutantown set-up. No matter, as David packs the issue with explanations but also gives us a lot of story and a bit of action to go with it. Madrox's powers make him much more effective as a private eye than as some sort of super-hero, and the uses that he makes out of his ability to split off and rejoin with duplicates makes total sense. Guido & Rahne seem well suited to their roles as Madrox's muscle and gal friday. Don't wait for the trade on this--it'll be worth getting each issue as it comes out.
Rating: 3.5 (of 5)
by Mark Waid, Mike Wieringo & Karl Kesel
Forget the 'Disassembled' on the cover--this really has nothing to do with Bendis's Avengers revamp. Instead, it's a prelude to the upcoming Galactus arc. Waid 'gets' the Fantastic Four in a way that few writers seem to; even in the face of overwhelming odds, they're seasoned adventurers and are confident in their ability to overcome the obstacles, a mind set that Waid uses to great effect. The art seems a bit off and not quite up to Wieringo's typical standards--I suspect in part due to the fact that drawing ugly alien creatures is not one of his strong points--and the colring seems off as well.
Rating: 3 (of 5)
by Brian Michael Bendis & Alex Maleev
"The Widow" comes to an end, and it has been most satisfying. Women tend to come into Matt Murdoch's life at just the wrong time, and Natasha's appearance definitely interferes with his attempts to reconcile with Milla. This drama combines wwell with the tidy little espionage plot, and at four issues doesn't feel drawn-out. Let's hope that Bendis and Maleev stay on Daredevil for a good long time.
Rating: 3.5 (of 5)
by Warren Ellis, Trevor Hairsine, Nelson DeCastro & Simon Coleby
I've decided that after this, I'm not buying any Ultimate Marvel miniseries in floppy form. Two issues into what is most likely "Ultimate Galactus" and it's been all set-up so far. This is obviously being written for the trade, so that's how it should be bought and read. It's good so far, but I really should have heeded my instincts and waited.
Rating: 3 (of 5)
I decided I was going to finish up Nightmare and go to the trades on all Ultimate stuff as well.
Especially since it looks like they're raising the prices on the minis up to $2.99 per, thus negating any sort of cost savings.
My response to "Ultimate Nightmare" was: I can't believe it took them 22 pages just to have the characters travel from one location to another.
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